Izumo Shrine is famous for its ability to seek marriage, so Xiaolan and Heye led the way to lead everyone into this shrine.

Neon shrines believe in Shinto, while temples believe in Buddhism, the two are completely different.

There will be witches like Koizumi Hongzi in the shrine, but there are only monks in the temple, and what is even more annoying is that monks can also marry wives and have children.

So Mori Kogoro prefers shrines to temples.

Mori Kogoro followed Xiaolan and Kazuha, washing their hands, clapping their hands, saluting, and then making a wish.

At this time, Mori Kogoro suddenly remembered the two frozen treasure chests that had completed the freezing task, and he happened to make a wish in the shrine.

He couldn't help but whispered: Ouhuang is possessed, let me get something useful from this frozen treasure chest!

Mori Kogoro only hopes that skills or items from other worlds can be found in the treasure chest.

Because of all the skills that ordinary people can learn in the real world, Mori Kogoro can easily learn them with his full intelligence of 49 points.

If you dislike the long time it takes to learn skills, it is not expensive to exchange points from the system mall.

And among the many skills obtained by Mori Kogoro in the lottery, the most useful ones are the abilities from other worlds, such as healing skills and gun fighting skills.

That's why Mori Kogoro hopes to get items from other worlds from the treasure chest.

But other than that, what Mori Kogoro hopes most is to be able to get the Crystal Palace that often appears in the novels from the treasure chest, bind the girls to the Crystal Palace, the favorability will not decrease, and each of them will become acceptable to other women The presence.

If this kind of item can really be issued, Mori Kogoro will not have to be afraid of any Shura field.

After making a wish for a long time, Mori Kogoro's consciousness came to the system space, and the two frozen treasure chests were shining brightly.

With a second thought, Kogoro Mori opened the two treasure boxes, and the treasure boxes immediately emitted a bright light.

A golden light shot into Kogoro Mori's mind, intertwined together, and Kogoro Mori mastered a skill in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a silver light fell into Kogoro Mori's system space, slowly converging into a well.

After Mori Kogoro finished accepting the information, he couldn't help grinning, this skill was so powerful that it was terrifying.

The two golden words: [Hegemony] are enough to explain everything.

Overlord Body (Rough Proficiency Level): A layer of golden light will appear on your body surface. During this period, you will be immune to any damage you receive. The maintenance time is one minute, and the cooling time is [-] hours.

Mori Kogoro did not expect that he would open an invincible skill from the treasure chest. Although it only lasted for a minute, with continuous practice, the maintenance time will definitely increase.

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro Mori looked at the well water that appeared in the system space, his eyes filled with surprise.

[Mysterious Well]: This well can only produce spring water of youth. Drinking this water can restore youth and prolong life.

[Try hard to find the real name of this well, then the mysterious well will reveal its true power! 】

Kogoro Mori knew that he had made a lot of money when he saw the four words [Spring of Immortality]. In the system mall, Spring of Immortality was a more powerful existence than the water of life that had been exchanged before.

Chapter 0109 The Disappearing Woman

A bottle of Water of Life only needs [-] points, but a bottle of Fountain of Youth needs [-] points, which is the price of a damage reduction necklace!

Moreover, the water of life can only restore the youth of three years ago, and it can only maintain the youth of three years, and it cannot be used in combination.

In other words, after the [-]-year-old Fei Yingli and Yukiko used the eau-de-vie, at most they could only recover to their [-]-year-old bodies.

If you want to continue to live, you need to drink the water of life after three years, which will undoubtedly add an expense.

And now that the mysterious well is opened in the frozen treasure chest, not to mention that it has not yet revealed its true power, just this spring of immortality that is continuously produced is already considered invaluable.

Maori Kogoro couldn't help but said to Little V: "Little V, how about selling the Fountain of Youth I produced to you with a [-]% discount on each bottle?"

Little V didn't answer at all, it didn't want to pay any attention to this brazen host.

Things developed from the system want to be sold back to the system, where in the world is there such a good thing.

He didn't hear Xiao V's answer, and Mori Kogoro didn't feel discouraged. At this moment, he was thinking of feeding Yukiko and Eri to drink the spring water of immortality, the skin would definitely become firmer, and then he began to hehe.

Oops, I can't think about it anymore, my nosebleeds are about to come out any more!


At this moment, Huiyuan was pulling the hem of Mori Kogoro's clothes. He had been standing there for a long time, and the people lining up behind him began to complain.

Mori Kogoro opened his eyes, and after realizing it, he hurriedly pulled Haibara away, while apologizing to everyone in a low voice.

Ran and Kazuha disappeared, and Mori Kogoro asked Haibara about the whereabouts of the two of them.

Hui Yuan said, "The two of them ran to the backyard to present the god's lottery."

Mori Kogoro realized that this divine lottery should be said to be a bamboo tube with a wish to pray, and then insert the flowers of the season, and then send them to the gathering point for the gods to approve.

The gods and gods of neon are also similar to those of China.

Mori Kogoro didn't care about this, he picked up Huiyuan and walked outside.

Soon they saw Hattori Heiji and Conan waiting boredly at the door. They felt bored not long after they entered the shrine, and then waited outside.

After waiting for a long time, Xiao Lan and He Ye reappeared, and the two women came out with smiles on their faces. It seems that the result of the magic lottery is good!

A group of people started shopping again, time passed slowly, and soon it was past three o'clock in the afternoon.


Mori Kogoro and his party passed the shrine again, planning to take a rest in place.

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