Mori Kogoro waited until the police officer Megure led the team, and after explaining to the police officer, he took the rest of the people down the mountain.

The old monk had confessed his crimes a long time ago, and his fingerprints were all over the corpse and the canvas. Once Mori Kogoro found out where the corpse was hidden, he had no chance to refute it.

Everyone got into the car on the mountainside and drove towards home.

Today was supposed to be a good trip, but met with a murder case, which is really disappointing, and everyone is quite disappointed!

In the evening, after Mori Kogoro sent everyone back home, he drove to Yukiko's house.

He was about to give the Fountain of Youth to Yukiko and Fei Yingli, but he called Yukiko.

"What? You're not at home now, why did you go to Hokkaido?"

"What's wrong with me in Hokkaido? I'm also a big star. I took a filming job here in Hokkaido. I'm shooting an advertisement here in the past two days. I'll be back soon. Don't worry. Well, not going abroad!"

At this moment, Yukiko was on the phone at a scenic spot in Hokkaido, with the staff of the film crew beside her.

"That's such a pity, I have something good to give you this time! It seems that the gift can only be given after you come back!"

"You bastard, what gift are you going to give me again!" You Xizi put on a smile on her face, and her hands kept turning the gold medal for avoiding death hanging on her chest.

"I'll find out when you come back, I guarantee you'll be satisfied, but you're not at home, is Eri at home?" Mori Kogoro was driving the car with a smile on his face.

"I don't know about this. She is a workaholic, and she leaves early and returns late these days, but according to my judgment, she should still be in the office!"

"You bastard, I left just to take advantage of your wishes, so you and Yingli can live your two-person world." You Xizi couldn't help feeling jealous.

Mori Kogoro repeatedly comforted him, and then he calmed down. He hung up the phone, turned around, and drove in the direction of Fei Yingli's office.

Fei Yingli's office is on the National Building in Mihua City. Mori Kogoro has been here many times before, and they always come here to pick up Fei Yingli, but since they separated, this is the first time he has come here.

The elevator came to the 30th floor. There was still light in the law office, and it seemed that there were still people working inside.

Kogoro Mori pushed open the glass door outside and entered the office. The spacious office was empty and there was no one in sight. It seemed that they were all off work.

At this moment, a girl in a green shirt and white dress stood up when she heard the voice.

She has long straight brown hair and a good face. She looks about twenty-four or five years old. She is the secretary at the door of Feiyingli's office - Midori Kuriyama.

He said he was a secretary, but he was actually Fei Yingli's apprentice, a trainee lawyer.

Mori Kogoro is also very familiar with it, and he can also see Kuriyama Green when he meets Fei Eri many times.

Seeing Kogoro Mori, Kuriyama Midori said in surprise: "Mr. Mori, why did you appear here? Oh! I see, you must be reunited with the teacher."

"I'll just say it! The teacher has become a lot more beautiful these days, so it's nourished by love!" Chestnut Green couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Mori Kogoro smiled gently: "Xiaolu, haven't you gone back yet?"

Li Shanlu shook his head distressedly, and said, "The teacher hasn't left yet, so I don't have the nerve to leave. The teacher and I are the only ones working overtime in the office. We won't be able to leave with the teacher until after nine o'clock in the evening!"

Kuriyama Midori couldn't help stretching her waist when she said this, showing a beautiful figure.

Mori Kogoro said with a smile: "Then I'm the master this time, you go back first, your teacher will leave it to me, and I will send her back!"

Kuriyama Midori immediately replied: "Then how can I do it! Huh!" Her big eyes couldn't help but glanced at Mori Kogoro, and quickly realized: "It seems that it is not impossible, but well, the world between these two is very Precious, tsk tsk!"

The corners of Li Shanlu's lips were slightly raised, and she rubbed her fingers together, looking like she wanted to benefit.

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "How about I try to tell Eri that I will try to arrange some cases for you in the future?"

"Deal, Maori detective, you are too righteous, the teacher will leave it to you to take care of, then I will take a step forward." While speaking, Li Shanlu picked up her coat and bag, and she stepped on her high heels with a smile on her face. Edge went out.

Seeing the writhing waist disappear before his eyes, Mori Kogoro shook his head, turned around and came to the door of Feieri's office, he turned the doorknob and entered the office without knocking.

This office is extremely spacious, with striped carpets, clean and elegant. In addition to the desk placed by the circular glass window, there is a black sofa on the floor, and there is a rest room next to it. The undefeated queen of the legal world is naturally worthy of this treatment.

The cabinet is full of files, and there are countless documents scattered on the desk. The coffee has long been drunk, and there is a white board standing beside it, on which are written some key points and difficulties of the case.

However, Kogoro Mori did not see Hieiri when he entered the office. It seemed that he was resting, so Kogoro Mori pushed aside the small room where he was resting.

After Mori Kogoro pushed the door open, he saw Fei Eri lying on the bed.

Fei Yingli was lying on the bed without even covering her quilt, her purple suit jacket was taken off and thrown aside, inside was a light blue shirt, the shirt was raised high, and underneath was a purple suit skirt that wrapped her buttocks , with flesh-colored stockings, as for the pair of black high-heeled shoes, they were scattered beside the bed.

Mori Kogoro walked in quietly, he closed the door gently and came to the bed, looked at Emri who was on the bed, he didn't let down his hair while sleeping, so he could only look at his delicate little face sideways.

Looking at Feiyingli's delicate face and hearing the familiar breathing sound, Mori Kogoro became stunned for a moment, his eyes were full of tenderness, just looking at Feiyingli quietly like this, he was very satisfied in his heart.

But soon, Kogoro Mouri, who came back to his senses, was attracted by the whiteness of the skirt, and saw a bottomless gully in the stretched skirt that couldn't bear the width.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help swallowing, but he slowly stretched out his right hand, but his eyes were fixed on Fei Yingli's small face, for fear that she would wake up.

Just one touch, one touch, Eri shouldn't wake up so soon.

Finally, Mori Kogoro's right hand felt soft.

At this moment, Fei Yingli let out a gasp, turned around slightly, and Mori Kogoro withdrew his right hand in fear in an instant.

He fixed his eyes on Fei Yingli, and seeing that she hadn't woken up, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon Kogoro Moori's courage came up again, he licked his slightly dry lips, and reached out with his big hand again.

Chapter 0113 Office Play

[Roar... Ha...

Roar... Ha...

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