Ask if this mountain is the highest in the world

Or another height is higher than the sky

In the world there is a mountain higher than this mountain

Always hello in my heart

a mountain is higher than a mountain


Inexplicably, this song sounded in Mori Kogoro's heart. It is true that a mountain is higher than another mountain, and this mountain is always the best!

Although he was in control of the general situation, Mori Kogoro didn't dare to make any fuss. He fixed his eyes on Fei Yingli's pretty sleeping face, and carefully observed any changes in expression.

Concubine Yingli closed her imposing Danfeng eyes, at this moment she is like a Sleeping Beauty, making people pitiful and lovable.

Just as people's greed will continue to grow, Mori Kogoro's courage will also continue to grow, gradually turning into a bear-hearted leopard.

At some point, Mori Kogoro was already lying on his side on the bed, he looked at Fei Eri underneath, and saw her lips.

Kiss, get up after a kiss, it shouldn't be discovered!

Even though he really wanted to kiss him, Mori Kogoro still hesitated, he hesitated for a while.

This is my wife, so what does it matter if I kiss you!

Mori Kogoro made up his mind and kissed Fei Eri's pink lips, and immediately felt the whole body of the person under him tremble.

Oops, she woke up!This is really bad!

Mori Kogoro's pupils kept shrinking. Even though he was constantly attacking at the moment, he was actually panicked like an old dog. It was really embarrassing for someone to find out that he was secretly kissing Eri.

However, what is surprising is that the breathing, pulse, and heartbeat of Mingming Concubine Eri are telling Mori Kogoro that she has woken up, but she just didn't open her eyes, and she didn't respond like a log.

She is pretending to sleep! ! !

The corners of Mori Kogoro's lips curled up slightly when he came to the conclusion, since Fei Eri has obediently become an ostrich, how could Mori Kogoro let go of this opportunity.

(A lot of text is omitted here.)


In Kogoro Mori's third-floor home, in the kitchen, Xiaolan and Heye are cooking dinner.

Xiaolan couldn't help being surprised and said: "What, Heye, you are going back to Osaka tomorrow, why do you go back so soon, isn't tomorrow Saturday? You don't have to go to class, why don't you stay in Tokyo?"

"Besides, Hattori Heiji is going to participate in the Detective Koshien competition tomorrow. You can wait until he finishes participating and then go back together. If you go back, you will be taken care of!"

Yuan Shan and Ye shook their heads and said, "Xiao Lan, the Shinkansen is very convenient, and the car ride is also very simple, and I have nothing to do with Hattori, so don't bring me and him together in the future! "

"Hey, Xiaolan, I actually want to stay with you too, but just now I answered my mother's call, she said she was sick and still missed me, I was really worried, so I made a reservation for tomorrow The ticket to go back!"

"So that's how it is. There's nothing I can do about it." Xiaolan looked quite depressed when her good friend was about to leave.

Yuan Shan and Ye said: "It's okay, I've had a lot of fun in Tokyo these few days, and I'll invite you and Uncle Maori to Osaka after a while, and then we can get together again!"

"Go to Osaka and I'll treat you to the delicious food there. Osaka has a lot of delicious food."

"Really? It's a deal!"

"Never break your word!"

The little fingers of the two hooked together, and then they laughed at the same time.

However, seeing that the dinner was ready and Mori Kogoro hadn't come back yet, Yuan Shan and Ye couldn't help asking, "Where's Uncle Mao Li? Is he coming back for dinner tonight?"

Xiaolan looked at the time and saw that it was almost seven o'clock, so she quickly called Kogoro Mouri, but she didn't get through after many calls.

Xiaolan could only sigh and said: "It seems that Dad has something to do tonight, so he probably won't come back for dinner. Let's go, He Ye, let's call other people up for dinner!"

Yuan Shan and Ye couldn't help asking: "Then will he come back to sleep tonight?"

Xiao Lan shook her head: "I don't know about this either, hey, He Ye, why do you care so much about my father?"

He Ye Qian said with a smile: "No, I'm just asking casually!"


Outside the office, the glass door opened, and a beautiful girl walked in. It was Kuriyama Green, who accidentally dropped her mobile phone on her desk, and she walked up to pick up her mobile phone after getting off the parking lot .

After picking up the mobile phone on the table, she was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly she seemed to hear something in the office.

Chestnut Green stopped involuntarily, and soon she knocked on the door lightly, but there was no answer.

Kuriyama Green turned the door open and saw that there was no one in the office.

But the voice just heard suddenly became louder, as if it came from the teacher's lounge.

She slowly approached the door of the lounge, her voice getting louder and louder.

Chestnut Green reacted immediately, her little face blushed immediately, and immediately walked away with her mobile phone!


In the office on the second floor, Hattori Heiji was sitting on Mori Kogoro's office chair, and he was constantly flipping through the case books on the table, trying to see what information there was.But soon, Hattori Heiji frowned.

"Kudou, Uncle Mori, why didn't he record anything? I was still thinking to see if there were any particularly serious case records, but I can't seem to find them!"

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