Fei Yingli sneered, "Thank you so much!"

boom! ! !

The door was closed instantly and locked from the inside.

Mori Kogoro knocked on the door repeatedly and said, "Eri, open the door and let me in. I'll just sleep on the ground, and I won't mess around!"

"Don't worry about it, Detective Mori, you can find a room to rest!" With a smile on her face, Fei Yingli shook her head and walked to the bed.

Mori Kogoro who was outside could only sigh in disappointment, turned around and walked to Yukiko's room next door.


Half an hour passed quickly, and in this dark villa, the door of Yukiko's room was opened again.

Mori Kogoro came out of the room furtively. He came to Feiyingli's room with light steps, looked at the door, and said with a disdainful smile: "How can a mere door stop me? Little V, exchange it for the lockpicking skill for me."

The little V in the system space was extremely speechless, the host who spends the whole day doing nothing but thinking about these things is really unlucky.

Little V said feebly: "Two thousand and two hundred points have been consumed, and the unlocking skill has been exchanged successfully."

Kogoro Mori put his big hand on the doorknob, and when he turned it, the door opened!

The door that had just been locked was not locked at the moment.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said, "Little V, can the skills I just exchanged be refunded?"

"Once it is exchanged, it will not be returned or exchanged!" It's too shameless, this kind of host is really too shameless, Xiao V has nothing to say at all.

Chapter 0118 and Eri alone 4

"If you don't change it, don't change it. Why are you angry? You are just a system, and you are still angry. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Little V was speechless!

"Speaking of which, little V, has your artificial intelligence evolved again? Why do you feel that your mood has fluctuated a lot recently?"

Little V pretended to be an ostrich when he heard this, and didn't answer any more!

Mori Kogoro, who wasted points in vain, is still in a very happy mood: The door was clearly locked just now, and now it has been reopened, Eri, Eri, you are so naughty, but this, I like it!

Kogoro Moori pushed open the door lightly, feeling a bit like stealing incense and jade!

In the room, a woman was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. Her breathing, heartbeat, and pulse sound all changed after Mori Kogoro came in.

Mori Kogoro instantly determined that Hiei was pretending to be asleep. He came to the bed, quickly kicked off his shoes, climbed onto the bed lightly, and lifted the quilt.

Looking at this Concubine Yingli who was pretending to be asleep, she was already like this, and she was deceiving herself and others not to get back together with her, so why bother!

However, this appearance of Fei Yingli gave Mori Kogoro an unspeakable unique excitement!

Mori Kogoro leaned down, and gently kissed Fei Eri's forehead, all the way to his lips!

How deep is the love, how deep is the kiss!

Mori Kogoro kissed until the end when the servant was gasping for breath before barely stopping.

Mori Kogoro's head gently approached Fei Eri's ear, a malicious smile appeared on his face, and he said in a low voice: "You chose this yourself, Eri!"

After finishing speaking, he took out the rope he had prepared and tied Fei Yingli's arms.

Fei Yingli, who was tied up on the bed, couldn't help panicking, which had never happened before.

When she was with Mori Kogoro before, Fei Eri was extremely conservative in bed matters, except for routine movements, she did nothing else.

Seeing this situation, she was naturally worried, so she couldn't help opening her eyes slightly, and the pupils immediately contracted.

Immediately afterwards, tears of humiliation filled Fei Yingli's eyes: You bastard, how dare you treat me like this!

This night is destined to be beautiful and long.

(A lot of words are omitted here!)


Time flew by like running water, and it was early morning again, and Hideri fell asleep on Mori Kogoro's chest, and there seemed to be tears in the corners of her eyes.

Mori Kogoro woke up from his sweet dream, felt the soft body touching Dao in his hand, looked down and saw that Eri was sleeping soundly, he couldn't help laughing, the dream he had while sleeping turned out to be real.

Mori Kogoro dreamed that he was with Fei Eri, but he didn't expect it to be the same in reality. Looking at Fei Eri who was still asleep, Mori Kogoro felt extremely proud.

Last night, Mori Kogoro made Fei Yingli really lose his skills. Fei Yingli, who had been pretending to be a wooden man, finally scolded: "Moori Kogoro, you bloody bastard!"

An asshole is an asshole, Kogoro Mori's motto has always been to make progress, and Kogoro Mori, who has fulfilled his long-cherished wish, feels that it doesn't matter if he gets scolded.

As soon as his hand brushed Fei Yingli's body, he felt the person in his arms twitch unconsciously.

Only then did Mori Kogoro remember that he had worked too hard last night, fell asleep in the early morning, and forgot to perform the healing technique on Feiyingli.

He quickly put his hands on Feieiri's body, and used the healing technique. A warm current flowed through Feieri's body, as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring. Only then did Feieri's expression relax in Mori Kogoro's arms. .

Then Mori Kogoro wanted to gently push Fei Eri's body up, but the beauty in his arms hugged him tightly.

He could only start with the pair of bare hands that were holding him tightly, and began to break apart the ten fingers that were tightly clasped together.

But soon he felt Fei Yingli's soft body tremble, and he must have woken up.

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