Mori Kogoro said warmly: "I have to send someone to the port later, Eri, take a good rest, I'll be back after I'm done today!"

After hearing this, Fei Yingli didn't react at all, she seemed to be still asleep, but her hands that were tightly clasped were easily loosened, and Mori Kogoro got up soon.

Mori Kogoro tucked in the quilt, then stepped forward and kissed Eri on the face, and left the room with the clothes.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Fei Yingli on the bed opened her eyes. She looked tired, and she didn't dare to lie down, she continued to sleep on her stomach.


At around [-] o'clock in the morning, at the corner of the toilet at the Shinkansen station, Toyama and Ye Zheng hugged Mori Kogoro, and kept beating his firm chest with both hands: "Bad uncle, smelly uncle, last night you If you didn't come back, where did you go fooling around!"

"I finally came to Tokyo, and you didn't accompany me for the last night!"

Of course you can't tell the truth at this time, Kogoro Maori said: "Xiaoheye, I'm sorry, I had a case that made a critical progress last night, so I can't come back, but Uncle Maori promises that he will be there in a while." Osaka is looking for you, when the time comes, I can accompany you as you want me to do!"

Yuan Shan and Ye raised their sad little faces, and their big amber eyes were full of tenderness: "Really? Don't lie to me?"

Mori Kogoro scratched Yuanshan Heye's Xiaoqiong's nose: "I will not lie to my Xiaoheye if I lie to anyone. Go back and take good care of yourself. Don't make me worry!"

"Okay! I know! Bad uncle!"

Mori Kogoro patted Heye's soft waist, and said, "We should go out, otherwise everyone will be suspicious."

At this moment, Toyama and Ye raised their heads, raised their mouths slightly, and made a gesture of asking for a kiss. Mori Kogoro smiled, and kissed Heye's small mouth.

After a long time, the two separated, and then they returned to the waiting hall one after the other.

The broadcast sounded soon, and the train purchased by Yuan Shan and Ye was about to leave soon. Everyone looked at He Ye who checked in and waved goodbye to him.

Xiao Lan said loudly: "He Ye, I'm still waiting to go to Osaka to find you!"

"Xiaolan, come here, I'll take you to eat delicious food!" He Ye in the distance also responded loudly.

Hattori Heiji's complexion was quite bad, and he was in a very depressed mood. Just now Toyama and Ye said goodbye to everyone, but they just ignored themselves.

After sending off Toyama and Ye, Kogoro Mori drove the rest of the people to the location of the detective Koshien activity, to gather at the port first.

Jiaziyuan, as the name suggests, is the place where Jiazi, the first place is determined. This detective Jiaziyuan is naturally to determine the first high school student detective.

As the car sped along the road, Hattori Heiji's face gradually became a little excited, and Conan in his arms also had a look of anticipation in his eyes.

They are all young and frivolous masters, and they are highly praised high school detectives. Naturally, they want to be the most outstanding among all high school detectives. This time is a great opportunity!

Huiyuan, who was in the back seat, looked sideways at Xiao Lantuo's small face, and Xiao Lan looked at the passing scenery outside, with a hint of depression on her small face.

Chapter 0119

Huiyuan has felt that something is wrong with Xiaolan since the morning, she seems to be no longer as lively as before.

However, Kogoro Mori, who was in the driver's seat, didn't seem to notice.

It took almost four hours before the car arrived at the port, and saw a middle-aged bald man wearing a green Nikmai TV work uniform waiting there.

The middle-aged bald man was holding a sign in his hand that said Detective Koshien. Standing in the sun, his head was so hot that he was sweating. He was standing next to a large cruise ship.

As soon as he saw Hattori Heiji, he came up to meet him, and couldn't help saying: "Hattori, you are too slow, please be punctual, everyone else has already boarded."

Xiaolan said, "Then Kudo Shinichi has arrived too!"

Xiaolan originally thought that she would meet her old classmate Kudo Shinichi this time, so she followed her here.

The Nikkei TV director named Hiroo Tsuchio said, "No, that kid has been unable to be contacted, so I didn't invite him."

Hattori Heiji touched Conan's head: "That's for sure, he must be afraid of my name, Hattori Heiji, so he didn't dare to appear!"

Conan's small face twitched when he heard this, and he stepped on Hattori Heiji's foot, and Hattori Heiji immediately hugged his feet and jumped wildly in pain.

Mori Kogoro was looking at the fat middle-aged director named Hiroo Tsuchio.

Hiroo Tsuchio obviously recognized Kogoro Mori, he couldn't help feeling dizzy, sweating on his forehead, and said to Kogoro Mori with a dry smile: "I didn't expect Detective Mori to be related to Hattori in Kansai, it's really surprising. ,Ha ha ha ha!"

Mori Kogoro knew the identity of this guy when he saw the scar between his fingers, but he didn't reveal it, and said, "Director Tsutsuo, can we go up to the uninhabited island together?"

Hachio Hiroo shook his head: "There is no other residence on the island other than the only house used for the show, Maori Detective, you can stay in this hotel next to the port, and pick them up after the filming ends tomorrow morning."

Hachio Hiroo took out the hotel business card and handed it to Mori Kogoro, and Hattori Heiji said, "Then can I take this kid with me? This kid is my assistant!"

Tsuchio Hiroo smiled and nodded: "Yes, you can let him share a room with you, let's go, we should set off!"

The middle-aged fat director led Hattori Heiji and Conan across the huge cruise ship and onto a small speedboat. The fat director, Conan, and Hattori Heiji boarded the boat in turn.

And on this speedboat, Mori Kogoro saw a girl dressed as a tomboy at a glance. She was wearing army green pants, a gray coat over a black shirt, her short hair was suppressed by headphones, and her delicate face was covered with Sunglasses cover most of it.

She was leaning against the door of the cabin basking in the sun, as if she had been chewing gum in her mouth.

This person should be Koshimizu Nanatsuki, she is indeed a very beautiful girl, but the chest is a pity, it is too small, so she can easily disguise as a boy by dressing like this.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked over the sunglasses to observe the crowd carefully, and when she saw Mori Kogoro, she couldn't help but her pupils constricted.

Mori Kogoro seemed to notice her gaze and grinned at her, Koshimizu Nanatsuki hurried into the cabin in panic.

"Take care of Conan, Hattori!" Xiaolan ordered from the bank.

The two people on the boat waved goodbye to Mao Li and his party, and soon the speedboat drove out and went away in one direction.

Mori Kogoro flicked the business card away, then took Huiyuan with one hand and Xiaolan with the other, and said, "Let's go, let's find a hotel to stay in!"

Xiaolan couldn't help being surprised: "Dad, why did you throw away the hotel business card prepared by Nikmai TV?"

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