Mori Kogoro smiled: "This kind of hotel arranged by others may not be very good. I finally came out to live for Xiaolan and Xiaoai. Of course, I have to live in a better hotel. I have already booked a hotel nearby. The five-star Bohua Hotel."

Mori Kogoro recognized that the fat director was pretending, so he was naturally too lazy to go to the hotel he mentioned, so he entrusted his secretary in the banner consortium to book the hotel for him.

"Ah! Dad, you're wasting money again." Although Xiaolan said this, the corners of her lips were still slightly raised, but the smile disappeared soon. She broke away from Maoli Kogoro's hand and came to the side of Huiyuan , took Hui Yuan with one hand.

The three of them went to the Bohua Hotel like this, and Kogoro Mori didn't seem to care about this detail!

Soon the three of them came to Bohua Hotel. Kogoro Mori checked in under the admiring eyes of the receptionist. He took the key and took the two of them to the 25th floor by elevator.

After opening the door of the hotel room, Xiaolan and Huiyuan couldn't help being amazed. This presidential suite is really luxurious. Speaking of which, this is the first time for the two of them to stay in such a high-end suite.

There are two bedrooms, each with a bathroom, an entertainment lounge, a living room, and a miniature golf field on the balcony, with an excellent view and a view of the entire port.

The decoration inside is extremely luxurious, extravagant to the extreme, and all the items are extremely exquisite in workmanship, and you feel very comfortable as soon as you enter.

"Father, you are too much of a waste of money!" The housekeeper Xiaolan immediately felt sorry for the money.

Mori Kogoro hurriedly said, "It doesn't cost much, this is Fuli, whose father is the consultant of the consortium, Xiaolan, don't worry!"

Only then did Xiao Lan show a smile, and dragged Hui Yuan to wander around the presidential suite.


At the moment, there are four people sitting in the cabin of the speedboat, Hattori Heiji and Conan on one side, Nanatsuki Koshimizu just now on the other, and a long-haired man who has been looking at the game console.

And the bald and fat director Hiroo Tsuchio stood between the people on both sides, and he opened his mouth to read the rules of the Koshien competition: "...When you arrive on the island, don't leave your room before dinner. Something will happen after dinner. Don't be careless. Please." You must remember that once you land on the island, it means that the Koshien competition has begun.”

"Okay!" "Got it!"

Hattori Heiji frowned and said, "I thought there would be many people participating in this competition, but I didn't expect there were only four of them!"

Conan couldn't help but whispered: "Why did you call me, why did you ask me to come to such a boring game!"

Hattori Heiji bowed his head and said: "Anyway, Kudo can't participate, so it's the same if you are allowed to participate. You are the one who can compete with me. Otherwise, it would be so boring for me to win alone!"

"Yes!" Conan reluctantly agreed.

Then Conan and Hattori Heiji saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki and the long-haired man teasing the guy who claimed to be the director of Nikkei TV station with some professional TV language, and a smile appeared on the faces of the two.

Hattori Heiji said: "I didn't expect these two people to have two tricks!"

The number of high school student detectives who came to participate in the competition this time is small, but each of them can be regarded as an elite.

A smile appeared on Conan's face: Interesting, it seems that this competition will be very interesting!

Chapter 0120 Four Detectives

At the entrance of the presidential suite, Huiyuan stopped Mori Kogoro: "Uncle Mori, where do you want to go? You didn't come home all night last night, where did you go?"

"I went to investigate the case. Police officer Mu Mu came across a tricky case and asked me to take a look at it. I didn't expect it to take a whole night. Fortunately, I can get back in the morning, otherwise there is no way to send them !” Mori Kogoro pretended to be tired and yawned.

"In that case, Uncle Maori, you must have not slept well last night, why not take a rest in the suite, why go out?"

Mori Kogoro said with a dry smile: "Xiao Ai, uncle doesn't feel tired, he is still able to hold on, he just wants to go for a walk around, it's only afternoon, it's not good to stay in this room all day."

Haibara took Mori Kogoro's big hand and said, "Then let's go with my uncle, anyway, I want to visit the places near this port!"

After saying that, Haibara pulled Mori Kogoro out, Mori Kogoro froze, originally he was planning to follow Hattori Heiji and the others to the island, but it seemed that he had to postpone it.

But since we are going shopping, we can't leave our precious daughter in the hotel.

Mori Kogoro asked Xiaolan to go out together, but Xiaolan replied: "No, Dad, you and Huiyuan go, I didn't sleep well last night, I want to rest here."

In the end, Mori Kogoro and Haibara walked out of the hotel together.

Due to the many ships calling at Tokyo Port, it has gradually developed, and the surrounding area is quite prosperous. Because there are ships from various countries calling here, you can also see many unique delicacies here.

Kogoro Mori walked in the crowd with Haibara in his arms. Haibara held a fried rice cake in his hand. She held a bamboo stick to feed Kogoro Mori a mouthful from time to time.

Seeing Huiyuan's happy face, Mori Kogoro felt relieved, put aside the Koshien competition, and concentrated on accompanying Huiyuan.


At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the people on the speedboat finally landed on the uninhabited island.

On the island, there was an old man with gray hair in a white vest waiting for everyone.

As soon as he saw everyone coming ashore, he hurriedly greeted them: "Welcome everyone, I am Kotani Renzo who is in charge of settling you up and taking care of your daily life on the island. Please take care of me, everyone, follow me to the hotel!"

Hattori Heiji turned his head to look at the bald and fat director, and said, "Director Tsuchio, since the eastern representative of the high school student detectives is not here, then I have something to ask."

Hattori Heiji is trying to get Conan to replace the Eastern representative in the competition.

At this moment, Jiagu Liansan, who was leading the way, stopped, turned around and said, "Speaking of the eastern representative, he arrived early in the morning, and you will see it later."

The expressions of Conan and Hattori Heiji changed instantly.

A group of people followed Kotani Renzo to the only building on the island, which was a hotel exuding the scent of lavender.

They soon met the first eastern representative, Tan Baima.

A group of people gathered on the first floor of the hotel, and the bald and fat director said, "Now the high school detectives from the southeast and northwest are all here, please introduce yourself!"

The long-haired man frowned and said, "Is this the beginning? Is there no camera crew?"

Hattori Heiji said: "It's strange, why are there only a few of us on the island, and the other staff of Nikmai TV?"

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