The bald and fat director said: "According to the plan, the filming crew and guests will arrive tomorrow morning. I want you to come here first. The main reason is to let you familiarize yourself with the venue first."

"Really." Koshimizu Nanatsuki took off the earphones, turned to look at the rest of the people, and said: "Xiaosheng's name is Koshimizu Nanatsuki, born in Fukuoka, he can be regarded as a representative of the southern region, and he only solved about 100 cases. I’m just a novice, so please be merciful!”

The long-haired man on the side said: "I am Junya Tokitsu. Although he was born in Tokyo, he grew up in Hokkaido. He is naturally a representative of the north. He has solved more than 300 cases and was arrested or prosecuted." There are about 250 prisoners, but there are also cases of prisoners fleeing before arrest or committing suicide in fear of crime.”

Hattori Heiji said: "I'm Hattori Heiji, and I'm a well-known detective in Kansai. As for the cases solved, alas, I have solved more than a thousand cases, I can't remember that many! Ha ha ha ha!"

Yue Shui Qigui couldn't help being surprised and said: "More than a thousand games, it's amazing!"

Conan shook his head. He just felt that it was extremely naive for these people to show off how many cases they had solved. It was like telling someone that I got 70 points in the test this time, and the other immediately said that they got 80 points in the test. It was extremely boring.

The white horse detective at the side heard Hattori Heiji finished speaking, and couldn't help but said: "So you are Hattori Heiji. My father once mentioned you and said that you are a good detective."

"How did your father know about me?" Hattori Heiji looked at the suit and leather shoes aside, and the pretentious Hakuba Tan felt displeased.

"That's because my father is the chief of police in Tokyo, and you happen to have the father of the head of the police in Osaka Prefecture. Speaking of which, the two of us are quite alike!" White Horse Tan smiled, looking at Hattori Heiji's eyes with a smile on his face. Inexplicably.

Because they are all young people, it is inevitable that they want to compare themselves. Shi Jin Junzai, who has long hair, asked, "May I ask the number of cases you have solved?"

Baima opened his mouth and said: "A rough calculation, there are probably more than [-] pieces!"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help laughing: "What, it's only half of me!"

Detective Baima explained: "This is just a case that happened to Neon. I spent most of my time studying in the UK, and I only went back to Neon once in a while. My nanny took care of so many cases for me just by herself."

Only then did Yue Shui Qigui speak: "So that's the case, that's also very powerful."

She then turned her head to look at Hattori Heiji, and said, "May I ask, do you have any relationship with Detective Mori? I saw that Detective Mori sent you here when I boarded the boat today!"

A light flashed in the eyes of Detective Baima beside him, and Junzai Shizuya even opened his mouth and said, "Is that the most powerful detective of our neon, Kogoro Mori? No wonder he can solve so many cases. It turned out that he met the great detective Mori Man, tsk tsk!"

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji had countless crows fly over his forehead, and the more than a thousand cases he solved were all completed in Osaka, and had nothing to do with Kogoro Mori.

Moreover, in the cases I encountered in Tokyo, my own reasoning was all wrong, so how could I have received any help!

He said again and again: "Because my father and Detective Maori are old friends, so I stayed at his house when I came to Tokyo. All the cases I solved in Osaka had nothing to do with Detective Maori. ,Have."

Hearing what Hattori Heiji said, Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Tokitsu Junya couldn't help laughing.

Conan had dealt with this white horse detective before, and he happened to have doubts in his heart, so he turned his head to look at Baima Tan and said, "Brother Baima, you have lived in the rotten country for so long, so you must know Sherlock Holmes from the rotten country. How do you think Uncle Maury compares to Holmes?"

Chapter 0121 First Meeting with the Female Detective

The white horse touched Conan's head, frowned, and said involuntarily, "Son, I'm afraid I can't give you an answer. Although I know both of them, I have never met them before. , It’s hard to judge whether it’s superior or inferior.”

"However, according to the reasoning of the case I know, the two are probably on equal footing. To be exact, I'm afraid they will have to compare each other to find out!"

Conan never expected that Detective Baima had such a high opinion of Mori Kogoro, that he could be compared with his idol.

Detective Baima had met Conan in the case when he was still Kudo Shinichi, and he was a high school student detective who was not inferior to him at all.

The middle-aged good-for-nothing uncle I always thought of was so highly rated in the eyes of others.

So is that decadent look a fake?Conan rested his chin and began to think.

The bald and fat director Hiroo Tsuchio said, "Okay, everyone can go back to their rooms to rest. Mr. Kotani is preparing dinner now. Let's go out to the restaurant to gather together after dinner."

"However, in order to pre-check the costumes for tomorrow's recording, please wear the 'Detective Koshien costume' I mentioned on the phone at dinner."


In the game hall near the port, Mori Kogoro hugged Little Lolita, and the two were playing simulated racing.

As Kogoro Mori made all kinds of thrilling drifting movements on the model car, his body was tilted with the swing of the model car, and Huiyuan, who had always been aloof, yelled like a little girl.

It was another full-score pass, and Haibara blushed with excitement. Kogoro Mori couldn't help but smile with satisfaction when he saw such a happy Haibara, but he didn't dare to go too far in this crowded game hall. gesture of intimacy.

What happened to Tang Zexuesui last time had a little impact on him.

Soon, the two walked out of the game hall, Huiyuan held a stick of ice cream in his hand and kept licking it.

The little tongue falters, and the ice cream in its mouth goes in and out from time to time, with a satisfied smile on its face. This scene has a feeling of deja vu.

The two were walking back to the hotel, Hui Yuan said, "Uncle Mao Li, if you have something to do, go and do it first!"

"Xiao Ai, how did you know that something happened to me?"

Haibara glanced at Mori Kogoro: "I just saw you check the time several times, and I knew you had something to do!"

As expected, Haibara's powers of observation were astonishing.

Mori Kogoro smiled, and said: "Xiao Ai, the director who just took Hattori and Conan to the uninhabited island is not the director of Nikmai TV. I think the detective Koshien this time is a fraud, so I thought Going to have a look."

Huiyuan showed a worried look on his face: "Will it be dangerous, Uncle Maoli, why don't you go, just call the police and let the police go!"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Fool, nothing happened, and the police will not be dispatched. Besides, this is just my speculation. Don't worry, in this world, there are no people who can hurt your Uncle Maori. Birth, I'll just go and have a look, nothing will happen."

Hearing this, Haibara nodded in agreement.

After Mori Kogoro said goodbye to Haibara, he came to the pier, where he had already prepared a speedboat with full power.

After Mori Kogoro got on the boat, the tracker in his mind revealed the route, and soon he headed towards an uninhabited island.


At four o'clock in the evening, Koshimizu Nanatsuki walked out of the room alone, while everyone else was resting in the room.

She came to the door of the bald and fat director, knocked on the door, and then hid.

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