The bald and fat director quickly opened the door, but saw that there was no one outside. He couldn't help being puzzled. Just as he was about to leave, he was hit on the head by a stick, which instantly caused blunt trauma, oozing blood, and passed out. land!

Koshimizu Nanatsuki hurriedly pulled him into the room, the handkerchief stained the blood on his forehead, then wiped it on the outside doorknob, and then locked the door from the inside.

Immediately afterwards, she took out the rope and tied Director Hammertail to the ground. After everything was arranged, she took down the entire window.

That's right, the window here was designed by her before, and it was obviously locked from the outside, but in fact, the screws used to connect the window had already been disconnected.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki coated the perimeter of the entire window with glue, climbed out first, and then reinstalled the entire window. In this way, a secret room murder method appeared...

However, just as Koshimizu Nanatsuki left with a happy face, he didn't know that all of this was seen by a black figure, and this figure was Mori Kogoro who had just landed on the island.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki re-entered the room from the entrance. She took off her shoes and picked them up. She wore black socks underneath and walked on the floor without making any noise. Soon, she returned to her room.

She looked at the lavender beside her, and quickly clenched her fists: "Mei Xiang, soon I will find your murderer."

Immediately afterwards, Koshimizu Nanatsuki began to take off her clothes. She will change into Koshien clothes next, and go to the restaurant together later.

Mori Kogoro behind the curtain saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki taking off her clothes slowly, and couldn't help feeling: This girl looks very delicate, her natural yellow hair adds a bit of fragility and prettyness, and her figure is quite exquisite. Unfortunately!

To A, sorry!

Just before Koshimizu Nanatsuki was about to strip naked, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said, the voice-changing skill was displayed, and a voice that was so weird that humans couldn't speak at all appeared: "Ahem! Although this lady you I have a pretty good figure, but I still feel a little embarrassed to strip naked in front of me when we meet for the first time!"

Hearing this, Koshimizu Nanatsuki's green eyes kept shrinking, she quickly put her clothes in front of her opponent A, and whispered: "Who? Who's there?"

At this time, the curtain was lifted, and a man in a black leather jacket, a black windbreaker, and a black hat came out from behind.

The weirdest thing is that he wears a weird smiley mask on his face. It is Mori Kogoro.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki is the purpose of his trip, a high school student female detective who escaped into the dark to avenge her friend, Mouri Kogoro wants to recruit her into his own forces.

After experiencing the kidnapping of Eri and Xiaoran last time, Mori Kogoro used the resources of the Banner Foundation and the Suzuki Foundation to form his own dark force.

Chapter 0122 Second Identity

And Yueshui Nanatsuki was the think tank candidate he had chosen to join his own forces from the very beginning.

Mori Kogoro spoke, and the weird tone came out again: "I have to say that I really saw a good show just now, I didn't expect this lady to be so agile, so strong, and such a fat guy could be dragged by you." Move, that secret room technique is quite good, but in fact, it can be improved a little bit more."

The index finger and thumb of the black glove squeezed.

"Who are you? Why are you wearing this mask?" Hearing that her tactics were seen through, Nanatsuki Koshimizu couldn't help being a little panicked. Her original plan was to use this secret room technique to kill people, but she didn't kill her before she did it. Seen through by an inexplicable mysterious figure.

"Who am I, that's a good question, a humble old juggler, appearing in the place of the victim of a miserable fate. This mask, once a vain exterior, represents the cheer of the survivor. Now hollow , lonely, but in the face of the stimulation of past pain, it has revived again, and it is determined to eradicate those evil poisonous insects that have attracted corruption."

"The law is not without flaws. To curb those violent, malicious, and greedy endless destruction of human nature, the only verdict for them is revenge. Justice and faith are not useless, and their value will eventually be revealed together with the value of truth."

"Miss, you can call me V, or another name, Playwright!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki heard what the weird man in front of him said, and felt that every sentence spoke from his own heart.

The high school student detective who forced his good friend to death was a vicious and cunning person. He framed his good friend as a murderer just for the sake of his reputation as a high school student detective. Shengsheng put on the title of committing suicide in fear of crime.

Because the police did not disclose the name of the high school student detective in the incident at that time, Koshimizu Nanatsuki specially designed this Koshien competition to find out the high school student with a strange accent who killed his friend a year ago. detective.

Only then will the invitation letter be sent to:

Shi Jinjun who likes to call himself my humble one;

Hattori Heiji with a strong Osaka accent;

And Baima Tan, who studied in the UK and couldn't pronounce Japanese very clearly; these three people.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki heard his self-proclaimed name, V, Vengeance, Avenger, and she could smell the Avenger's scent on the man in front of her, and she couldn't help but relax slightly.

The man in black leather in front of him seemed to have a unique charm. Although he was wearing a mask, he felt very trustworthy.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki continued to speak, "Then what does the other name, Joming Master, mean?"

Mori Kogoro smiled, and the weird tone came out again: "I bloom in the midst of killing, like a flower in the dawn. Death is the most important moment in a person's life. The dead should be like shooting stars. Murder is a It’s an art that needs to bloom flawlessly every time.”

"The person who is the sworn enemy of a famous detective is someone like me, dramatist!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki could only feel trembling all over. What the person in front of him said was true. The only eyes that could be seen on the whole face contained a disregard for life. It was a man who played with life in applause and pursued the art of murder. characters.

But hearing such words, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who had long been determined to kill and take revenge, felt extremely moved. She looked at Mori Kogoro with inexplicably more reverence.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked doubtfully, "Then why did you appear on this uninhabited island?"

"Because I learned that a female detective is determined to plan a murder and revenge murder case. I thought it was very interesting, so I came to have a look. Maybe you are the one I'm looking for!"

"How did you know this, I never disclosed it to anyone?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't help but exclaimed.

Mori Kogoro smiled, and the weird voice came from under the mask again: "I have my own way, and I also know that you are for your maid who committed suicide due to framing in the lavender incident that happened in Shikoku a year ago." Your friend came here for revenge. At the beginning, the eldest lady in Lavender Villa committed suicide, but she was said to be a murder by a passing high school student detective. She also suspected your friend who was working in the villa, and finally forced your friend to commit suicide. "

Hearing this, Koshimizu Nanatsuki's expression became completely unbelievable.

How could this matter not be known by the person involved, the person in front of him is so weird that he actually investigated everything before.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Miss, just do what you want, do it according to your own plan, let me see your skills, and see how wonderful it will be to become a murderer from a famous detective Performance!"

Mori Kogoro's words contained an extremely tyrannical and bewitching meaning.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki has been completely sure that the person in front of him is not here to stop his revenge, on the contrary, he is a member of the Avengers.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki made a judgment on the person in front of him: this is an extreme criminal, no, a very charming extreme criminal.

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