Seeing such a character, Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt that all the prisoners he met before were weak!

"Okay, miss, this is the end of the chat, maybe you should get on with your clothes, and give me a little reminder."

"What?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked curiously.

"Drinking papaya juice and milk may improve your situation."

Hearing this, Yue Shui Nanatsuki's forehead bulged, and he added one more point to the judgment of the person in front of him, vile criminal!

"Listen, someone is about to knock on the door, so I'll go first!"

Just when Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned his gaze from the door, he couldn't help being startled, his mouth opened slightly, his pupils kept shrinking, and there was no one in the room.

The only window was locked, and the man named V who had just chatted with him for so long disappeared into the room like a puff of smoke!

How is this going?Is there a secret door, or is it magic?Koshimizu Nanatsuki threw the clothes on her chest on the bed, naked and began to search for the secret door in the room.

However, Mori Kogoro on the side laughed secretly when he saw this scene. He just used a rudimentary psychedelic talisman to perform a dramatic transformation in front of Koshimizu Nanatsuki.

Immediately afterwards, there was a real knock on the door, and Kotani Lienzo's voice came from outside the door: "Dinner is ready, is there anyone in the room?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, "Yes, but I'm changing clothes, please wait a moment!"

Chapter 0123

Hearing that someone was looking for her from outside, Koshimizu Nanatsuki had no choice but to give up the search and began to wear Koshien's special clothes, which were the school uniforms worn by high school students at graduation ceremonies.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who put on this outfit, was full of girlishness, and looked very young and beautiful. After opening the door, Hattori Heiji and Conan were stunned.

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but said, "What a cute girl!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at everyone with a smile on his face: "I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. Our school uniform is too troublesome to wear, and there are many rules. Hair cannot be dyed, socks must be over knees, and shawls must be too long. It has to be tied left and right!"

At this moment, Nanatsuki Koshimizu began to perform. With her young appearance, she has no sense of disobedience in pretending to be a high school student who is already twenty years old and has already graduated from high school.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't tell others about the mysterious person who just appeared in her room, and confessing that there was such a person on the island would only vainly break her revenge plan.

Although people knew about his plan, that mysterious, weird, powerful and evil guy didn't seem like a good person, and he would never interfere with his plan.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki made a judgment confidently, and started to act according to the plan.

A group of people followed Jia Gu Lian San to the restaurant soon, and the table was full of delicious food.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki saw the steaming delicious food, and made a little girl gesture: "Wow, it's amazing, Mr. Kotani, did you make all of this?"

Jia Gu Lian San smiled: "There is still a soup in the middle of stewing, and I can try it later."

At this moment, Tan Baima looked around and frowned, "Where is Director Mutsuo?"

Kotani Renzo said, "Director Tsuchio, I knocked on his door just now, but there was no answer from inside, and I don't know where he is!"

Detective Baima hurriedly said, "Mr. Kotani, please take us to Director Mutsuo's room!"

The whole group didn't eat any food, and soon came to Director Mutsuo's door.

Hattori Heiji stepped forward and knocked on the door, shouting loudly: "Director Tsukao! Director Mukao!"

But there was no answer from inside.

Hattori Heiji didn't care about being rude, and started to twist the doorknob, and soon he raised his hand, the palm was stained with blood.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, Baima poked his mouth and said, "There should be a window at the back of this room, I'll go there first to make sure."

The long-haired Junya Tokitsu also rushed out after Tan Tan, but soon they heard the sound of knocking on the door, and when they turned around, it was Heiji Hattori who was knocking on the door.

The two couldn't help being stunned, and soon, Hattori Heiji knocked open the locked door, and saw the bald and fat director Hiroo Tsuchio lying on the floor.

He was tied to the ground by Gokadai, and Hattori Heiji and Conan hurried forward to confirm the life and death of Hiroo Tsuchio, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they felt the pulse.

He quickly untied Hiroo Tsutsuo, while Tan Hakuba, Junya Tokitsu, and Nanatsuki Koshimizu of the other three were constantly investigating the scene.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki said: "This door is locked, after breaking open, the latch is still inside!"

Detective Baima looked at the only window and said, "The only window is also locked, that is to say, this is a secret room for crime!"

But Junya Shizumi stared at the window, looking thoughtful, he didn't realize that he was also being stared at by Nanatsuki Koshimizu.

At this moment, Lianzo Kotani said, "Detective Koshien's first battle, please all the detectives participating in the competition to decipher the secret room crime, and those who solve it will sum up their reasoning and report to me quickly." , if the reasoning agrees with the truth, then this person will advance to the second battle, and he will be allowed to leave the island afterwards!"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but smile: "So the game has already started."

Baima Tan also smiled: "It seems that there must be a hidden camera here!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki hugged her chest and said, "Really, I thought that exposing the fake director's identity would be the first battle."

"What kind of fake director? I'm the real director of Nikmai TV. How could it be a fake!" Tsutsuo Hiroo's head was dripping with sweat.

Hattori Heiji looked at him jokingly: "What are you pretending? Just now on the speedboat, these two used the working language of the TV station to test you, but you didn't react at all. You are not from the TV station at all!"

Conan on the side said, "And one more thing, Uncle, the Nikai TV uniform you are wearing is also fake, and the direction of the swirl on it is reversed."

Hearing this, Mitsuo Hirosheng had no way to refute, he couldn't help touching the blood scab on his head, and said: "Really, why is it different from what you said, it's not about using anesthetics, how about using a stick, no way , I'll ask him for medical expenses when it's over!"

But all the detectives present had extremely high IQs, and they quickly realized that Maowei was ordered by someone.

At this moment, Junya Toki, the long-haired man, said, "I'm sorry everyone, but I'm afraid I have to go first."

"I already fully understand the technique of this secret room, do you want to show it to you?"

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