Mori Kogoro looked at the phone with a white horse, looked at the photo on it, frowned and said, "Listening to what you said, there are many doubts about the death of Junya Tokitsu, but the problem is that I wasn't there at the time." , The scene of the crime has been covered by the sea, and the corpse is also on the bottom of the sea, so I'm afraid I can't deduce the truth from a few photos!"

"Let's call the police first, and let the police go to the island after the tide ebbs. After all, this place is too remote!"

Hearing what Mori Kogoro said, everyone sighed. Even the big detective Mori said that there was no other way, so it might really turn into a mystery!

On the other hand, Nanatsuki Koshimizu held her chin and looked at the sea in thought. She kept turning a card in her hand, which she found when she was about to throw the broken screw in her pocket into the sea.

This card reads: "Miss Koshimizu, if you still want to see me again, please follow the moonlight to 2-chome 21, Kubado City on the next full moon, and look forward to seeing you next time."

A smile appeared on Yue Shui Nanatsuki's face, it seemed that the days to come would not be too lonely.

Anyway, I have recovered my life, so it might be interesting to meet V!

Hattori Heiji quickly reported the case, and then explained everything to Police Officer Megure.

Soon, the speedboat docked, and the ambulance on the shore was already waiting, as well as police officers Takagi and Chiba in the police car.

Mr. Kotani and Mr. Tsuchio quickly boarded the ambulance and headed towards the hospital.

The rest of the people on the uninhabited island, Conan, Hattori Heiji, Hakuba Detective, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki were invited to the Metropolitan Police Department for questioning and investigation.

After the police cars and ambulances left, Mori Kogoro drove Xiaolan and Haibara out of the port and headed home!

Xiaolan on the side hugged Hui Yuan, and couldn't help asking: "Father, do you care about this case?"

"It's not that I don't care, it's just that the scene of this case is gone, and the body is still soaking in the water. We can only wait for the information provided by the police to find out what happened. Now, let's go home first!"


In the afternoon, the car finally returned home. As soon as Hui Yuan, who was tired from the boat, entered the room, closed the door, and lay down on the bed. This guy, he would never sit if he could lie down, and he would never sit if he could sit. Standing like a little lazy woman.

And Xiaolan started to clean up the third floor, but she didn't wear the clothes specially used for housework like before.

On the contrary, she dressed as usual, and she still cleaned the chandelier, the TV cabinet, and the floor in the same way, looking very virtuous.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's cell phone rang suddenly, it was Yukiko's call, and he walked out with the cell phone.

Xiaolan, who was squatting on the ground, saw this scene and pursed her lips. It should be her mother's phone call. That's great, mother is finally going home!

Although she thought so, the expression on Xiaolan's face did not show any joy, on the contrary, there seemed to be a little more loneliness on her face!

Mori Kogoro came to the stairwell, and heard Yukiko crying sadly from the phone.

"Xiao Goro, save me!"

what! ! !

Mori Kogoro's head exploded in an instant, and he asked repeatedly, "Where are you?"

"Xiao Goro, come and save me quickly, the bodyguards at home have been put down, he said that if you don't arrive within three minutes, you will tear up your ticket, and you will kill me and Eri!" Kiko cried on the phone very tragic...

Then a thick male voice appeared: "Detective Maori, do you think it will be okay if you hide them here? You are so naive, these two are rare beauties, if you don't come, I will enjoy it first! "

The phone was hung up all of a sudden, Kogoro Mori panicked instantly, his speed exploded, he jumped directly down the stairs, and then quickly got into the car and drove in the direction of Fujimine Residence.

Suddenly, Mori Kogoro remembered the nano-camera he had placed on Eri and Yukiko, and quickly called V to play the surveillance video.

Immediately, the Lexus braked to the side of the road, Kogoro Mori twitched his cheeks, and shouted angrily, "Yukiko, wait for me!"

The car started again!

In Fujimine's villa, Yukiko was fiddling with the black-tech voice changer that Mori Kogoro had given her before, sticking it to her throat.

Then she bared her teeth and clawed at Fei Yingli, who was wearing a suspender nightgown, and a thick male voice came out of her mouth: "Big beauty, are you excited to see me? Come and serve me!"

A lecherous smile appeared on her face, she grabbed Fei Yingli's chest, and said, "What a pair of big babies, no wonder people are so obsessed with it!"

Seeing that her best friend was still so naughty, Fei Yingli grabbed her wrist, showed her judo skills, buckled her hard, and pressed her on the sofa!

Yukiko who was on the sofa yelled in pain: "It hurts! Eri, just bully me, and Kogoro will come to save me later, and I will make you proud!"

These words are extremely disgusting when uttered by a male voice.

Fei Yingli couldn't take it anymore, she tore off the voice changer attached to her throat, and said, "Cut, save you, why didn't you say that he came back to save me?"

Yuxiko at the bottom said repeatedly: "Xiao Wulang's favorite person is me, and he voted for me when Miss Didan was elected twenty years ago!"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli frowned, and scolded: "Nonsense, he clearly said he voted for me!"

You Xizi retorted: "He said he voted for me!"

The two looked at each other, and countless flames burst out of their eyes.

Mori Kogoro, who was watching the surveillance video, broke out in cold sweat when he saw this scene: "Damn it, it's over!"

Chapter 0132 Yukiko's Prank 2

Regarding the vote for Ms. Tedan’s election twenty years ago, neither of them actually voted. They had the same number of votes in the election, and the most important vote was in the hands of Kogoro Mori.

Kogoro Mori kept this ticket under his locker.

However, he said the same thing to the two of them, whoever he asked, he said who he voted for. Unexpectedly, the two women would never forget this matter, and now they are talking about it.

In the middle of Fujimine House, Fei Yingli stood up, with a young figure full of charm, with a slight smile on her face, she said: "Yukiko, how can an aunt like you be favored by Kogoro, the ticket must be You don’t even know that you voted for me, but the scientific research company Kogoro mentioned had a new product, and immediately used it on me!”

Hearing Fei Yingli's words, You Xizi's forehead was continuously bulging. Today was really irritating. As soon as I got home, I saw Fei Yingli, who was more than ten years younger, with a youthful appearance.

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