What's even more exasperating is that this woman is still walking around in such a thin nightgown, just to show off her delicate skin and delicate face?

At this moment, Fei Yingli is still called "Auntie", and the two of them look like it at the moment, it is not too much for Yingli to call herself "Auntie".

You Xizi couldn't help but retorted: "You are the aunt! You may not know that before Kogoro went to find you, he called me specifically and said that he wanted to give me a surprise, a gift. I think that The gift is the new product you mentioned that rejuvenates youth!"

"It's a pity that I happened to be away from Tokyo and went to Hokkaido to shoot commercials, so I let you go first."

Hearing this, Fei Yingli seemed to be choked up for a moment and was speechless.

At this moment, the sound of vehicles drifting into the yard came from outside, and the fight between the two women stopped instantly. Both of them looked at the door with concern, waiting for Kogoro Mori to come in.

But Mori Kogoro outside did not follow the usual path. He stared with all his might, grabbed the balcony on the second floor, flung himself up with all his strength, and then Mori Kogoro entered the second floor of the villa from the balcony, and walked along the Go up the stairs to the living room on the first floor.

His footsteps were as nimble as a cat's, without making a single sound, he soon came behind Feiyingli and Yuxizi.

Looking at the two girls, Mori Kogoro mobilized his acting skills, his expression was ready first, okay, let's start.

Kogoro Mouri immediately shouted: "Youxizi, what are you playing with? I'm so mad at you, I thought you were really arrested, I almost died of anxiety!"

Both Fei Yingli and Yukiko turned around in shock, seeing Mori Kogoro's anxious look, they were shocked for a moment, and then felt sweet in their hearts.

Mori Kogoro continued to perform, his face became more and more gloomy, and he said angrily: "You know, in order to get here within three minutes, the newly replaced Lexus wiped seven cars, ran through four red lights, and was chased by the traffic police all the way to come here , I didn’t expect it to be your prank!”

When Yukiko saw this appearance of Mori Kogoro, her expression became a little scared: "Kogoro, don't be like this, you scared me!"

Mori Kogoro then shouted: "Is it fun? Is the choice fun? Last time those terrorists captured Xiaolan and Eri, I was worried and scared once. This time you will make me worry and scared again!"

"Don't you know how important you are to me? You are more important than my life!"

Hearing Mouri Kogoro's roar, Yukiko's expression became a little aggrieved: "Don't be like this, Kogoro, I know I was wrong!"

Fei Yingli was also shocked by the majestic Kogoro Mori, and she didn't respond at all. As for the matter in her mind that she wanted to ask Kogoro Mori to vote, it had already disappeared without a trace.

Mouri Kogoro immediately said: "You Xizi, just wait, I must teach you a good lesson today." Moori Kogoro immediately stepped forward, grabbed Xizi's neck, and pulled her into the room.

Fei Yingli hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, and kept patting Mori Kogoro's arm: "Kogoro, what are you doing, Yukiko is just joking, as for being so angry? Let her go!"

Mori Kogoro frowned, and said, "I haven't said you yet, Eri, why didn't you remind me when she called just now, I'll teach you a lesson later!"

At this moment, Mori Kogoro can be said to be domineering, but in fact he was flustered like a dog. Fortunately, Fei Eri didn't react too much when he heard this.

Finally, Mori Kogoro successfully pulled Yukiko into the room!


When Yukiko entered the room and was thrown onto the bed, the grievance and fear on her face disappeared, leaving Kogoro Mori in a daze.

Yukiko smiled and said, "Xiao Goro, your acting skills are a bit exaggerated, you didn't even think about your lines, and when you scolded me, you couldn't help but glance at Eri, you obviously didn't have the confidence! Tsk tsk tsk, but it's also It’s remarkable, but it’s still okay to trick that idiot Eri!”

The angry expression on Mouri Kogoro's face froze. Indeed, he forgot that the international movie star Fujimine Yukiko was actually a master of acting, and his trivial trick really couldn't fool her eyesight.

But it wouldn't be shameful to ask her to stop as soon as she said it.

Mori Kogoro said softly: "I'm still angry, can you save me some face?"

You Xizi snorted, and said, "I've already fooled Eri for you, and even cooperated with you when I entered the room. It's a beautiful idea!"

Mori Kogoro continued softly: "It seems that the surprise I carefully prepared, the spring of youth that can restore youth, may not be so easy to give away!"

Hearing this, Yukiko's eyes lit up immediately, her expression changed, her little face was full of flattery, she knelt on the bed, hugged Kogoro Mori, and said, "Husband, how do you want others to cooperate with you! Just say it!"

Yukiko pretended to be a little girl with a coquettish voice, which had an outstanding effect on Kogoro Mori, and Kogoro Mori soon followed him on the bed, and the two rolled into a ball. Do.

Soon, Fei Yingli outside the room heard spanking coming from inside the room, followed by Yukiko's screams.

"I know I was wrong, Kogoro!"

"I won't dare again next time!"

"Leave me alone!"


Fei Yingli, who was standing outside the room, couldn't help feeling anxious. She was about to break in and knocked on the door from time to time, but the two people inside didn't respond.

In fact, the room is a harmonious scene.

You Xizi lay comfortably on the bed, and screamed a few times casually, which made Fei Yingli outside the door extremely anxious.

At this moment, Yuxiko was taking off her clothes and enjoying the SPY of the Fountain of Youth. She looked relieved and satisfied.

And Mori Kogoro's hands were covered with the fountain of youth, and he was wiping Yukiko's body!

Chapter 0133 Three people in the villa 1

Mori Kogoro only felt that his hands were full of slippery touch, watching the body of Yukiko under him gradually transforming, the skin became younger and smoother.

In the end, Yuxiko's body returned to its peak state at the age of twenty, full of collagen, flawless, like a jade beauty.

If it wasn't for Consort Eri who kept knocking on the door outside, it would be impossible for Kogoro Mori to hold back at this moment.

Mori Kogoro patted Yukiko's buttocks with one hand, and she immediately let out a delicate exclamation.

She came to her senses, and then Yukiko's screams continued to spread from the room.

"Xiao Wulang, stop beating me, I know I was wrong!"

"I will never dare again next time, will you forgive me?"

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