He sent the Russian blue cat to Fujimine Juli, entrusted the cat to Yukiko, and drove back to the office.

The office was empty, and Mori Kogoro moved all the letters from the inbox to the office.

There was a hill of envelopes on the desk, and he began to open them one by one.

Most of them were sent by fans with great powers, and a few were very boring commissions. However, soon, Kogoro Mori saw an interesting letter!

The name of the sender is Teiji Moritani.

Mori Kogoro opened the letter, which read: "I am Teiji Moritani, I am very sorry, I took the liberty to write this letter to you this time, I have seen your performance on TV, I think you He is the greatest detective in Tokyo.

So I really want to meet with you and have a good chat.If you have free time, please come to my humble house next Tuesday at [-]:[-] pm. At that time, I will hold an afternoon tea party at home and wait for your honorable visit! "

The letter also included invitations and a road map.

Kogoro Mori naturally knew who this guy was, Teiji Moriya, a first-class neon architect.

Interesting, it seems that I really have to meet him.

At this moment, the door of the office opened, and Xiao Lan, who was wearing a high school uniform, walked in from the outside, looking youthful!

When Xiaolan saw Mori Kogoro, surprise flashed in her eyes, and she couldn't help saying, "Dad, you're home!"

Chapter 0002 and Xiaolan go to the Martial Arts Field

When Kogoro Moori saw his daughter coming back, he also had a smile on his face. He stepped forward and said, "Why did you leave school so early today? It's only noon."

Xiaolan said, "Dad, have you forgotten? I'm going to participate in the karate competition next week, so I asked for leave with my teacher this week and concentrate on training in the afternoon. I have to go to the martial arts hall later!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro nodded, touched Xiaolan's little head, and said, "Xiaolan, I'm sorry, too many things happened this week, and Dad didn't train well with you, let's go , let's go to the karate gym for training now!"

Xiaolan sensed Kogoro Mori's warm hand, and a look of enjoyment first appeared on her face, but soon she seemed to wake up, and took a step back to avoid Kogoro Mori's big hand.

"Father, you can do your work. I have already asked my senior sister Sumei to help me train. She was the champion of the last karate competition. Senior sister Sumei is very good at karate!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro smiled gently, and continued to speak: "I have read all the letters, anyway, Dad just has nothing to do today, so I will accompany you to the karate dojo, I want to see, your number How powerful is Mei-senpai, is she even more powerful than her father, making Xiaolan abandon her father!"

"Father!" Xiaolan couldn't help but annoyed.

Mori Kogoro took Xiaolan's little hand directly, and led her downstairs: "Let's go, Dad just wants to exercise his muscles!"

Xiaolan felt the big warm hand in her hand, blinked her big eyes, then didn't say anything, obediently followed Mori Kogoro down the stairs and got into the car.

The car soon drove towards the Maori Martial Arts Dojo.

Mori Kogoro parked the car at the gate of the Budojo, and got out of the car with Xiaolan.

He put his arms around Xiaolan's shoulders, Xiaolan hesitated for a while, but still broke away gently.

Mori Kogoro didn't care either, and the two walked into the martial arts hall just like that.

Soon, both of them changed into karate uniforms in the locker room of the Budojo.

Because it is a private martial arts field, this karate uniform has been prepared a lot before.

Xiaolan walked onto the white martial arts arena with bare feet, but she looked very heroic.

The father and daughter stood together in incomparable harmony.

Xiaolan looked at the masculine father in front of her, pursed her lips, and said, "Dad, you didn't come back last night, are you with your mother?"

Hearing this question, Mori Kogoro couldn't help being stunned for a moment, hesitant for some reason, and answered after a while: "Yes, I was with your mother last night!"

There was a hint of loneliness in Xiaolan's eyes, but she quickly put on a smile: "Dad, are you going to get back together with Mom?"

Mori Kogoro laughed: "Let's not care about adults' business!"

Xiaolan murmured softly when she heard this, "I'm not a child!"

Mori Kogoro didn't want to continue talking with Xiaolan, so he changed the subject: "Xiaolan, didn't Conan and Hattori Heiji come back last night?"

"Dad, how do you know?"

Mori Kogoro said: "Officer Megure told me that a high school student detective died in this uninhabited island incident, and the murder happened on an uninhabited island without surveillance."

"So the police are worried that some of these highly intelligent high school student detectives will collude to confess, so the testimony of several people alone will not be able to completely remove the suspicion for a while."

"That is to say, from the point of view of Officer Megure and the others, everyone on the island is suspected and needs to be investigated, but Hattori Heiji took Conan back to the uninhabited island yesterday, and was discovered by the police. All of a sudden, the suspicion became very high!"

"Officer Megure called me last night and said that Conan and Hattori Heiji will be locked up in the Metropolitan Police Department for [-] hours before they can come out again!"

Xiaolan couldn't help asking in surprise: "Father, Conan is only seven years old, should he be controlled too?"

Conan of course not!

Police officer Megure called Kogoro Mori last night just to ask him to pick up Conan.

But when Mori Kogoro heard that Hattori Heiji and Conan were going to be imprisoned, he didn't hesitate to push the boat forward and add fuel to the flames, saying that he had no time to pick him up and let Conan calm down in the Metropolitan Police Department!

Therefore, at this moment, Conan and Hattori Heiji, two high school detectives are sitting in the prison for the first time in their lives in the Metropolitan Police Department!

Mori Kogoro smiled, and lied without hesitation: "Perhaps this child is acting too much like an adult in front of us, so he is also suspected, so he must obediently stay in the police station and accept the investigation!"

Xiaolan soon believed it, and immediately looked worried: "Ah! That's it, Conan is so pitiful!"


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