At this moment, in the confinement room of the Metropolitan Police Department, Conan was looking at Hattori Heiji with dead fish eyes.

"Pingji, this time you got tricked so badly, I told you to be careful, why did you get caught!"

Hattori Heiji also had a stinky face: "How did I know that you big fat guy in Tokyo would be so rigid. I'm a high school detective in Kansai, and you treat me like a prisoner."


At this time, police officer Megure led Hakuba Tan and Koshimizu Nanatsuki to walk over from the side, and just heard Hattori Heiji say that he is the big fat Megure, and his face suddenly became very gloomy!

Hattori Heiji's face became very embarrassed, and he was at a loss as he rubbed his head.

Detective Baima didn't do as much death as Hattori Heiji and the others, so naturally there was no need for confinement.

After police officer Megure brought Hakuba Tan and Koshimizu Nanatsuki to him, he turned and left, and before leaving, he glanced at Hattori Heiji with his small eyes.

Tan Baima comforted him and said, "Don't worry, Hattori-san, after the police finish questioning Mr. Kotani and Mr. Tsuchio, you will be cleared of suspicion soon, but, little brother, why didn't your family come to pick you up? "

Baima was very surprised to see that Conan was also here.

Conan's cheek twitched, he was also very desperate!After waiting and waiting, I still can't wait for someone to pick me up.

Conan thought that Uncle Maori and Sister Xiaolan had forgotten him!

Detective Baima then said: "However, this case may only come to an end, because the house collapsed, everything at the scene of the crime and the corpse were destroyed, and the evidence should have disappeared, and the investigation has reached a bottleneck."

"Although there are photos I took, the police should convict him of suicide in the end!" Bai Ma Tan sighed.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki's face was calm, but he was relieved in his heart.

The three high school student detectives present all looked frustrated.


In the martial arts arena, Xiaolan is constantly warming up, stretching her body in the middle of the field, while Mori Kogoro sits cross-legged and watches.

At this moment, a clear female voice came from the gate of the Martial Arts Field.

"Wow, Xiaolan, I really don't see it. You even have a private martial arts gym at home. No wonder your karate is so good!"

Chapter 0003 Sumi Tsukamoto

Mori Kogoro immediately saw a handsome girl in a high school uniform walking in. She was carrying a schoolbag in her hand and hung it on her shoulder.

This girl has neat short blue hair, sharp but not glaring eyebrows, matched with those purple eyes full of fighting spirit, making people dare not underestimate her at first glance.

With a tall nose bridge and a delicate little face, she is extremely beautiful. She is an extremely confident girl. She should be the Tsukamoto-senpai that Xiaolan was talking about!

Xiaolan immediately stopped her warm-up and said, "Senior Tsukamoto, you're here!"

"That's right! Are you starting to warm up now? Who is this?" She looked at Kogoro Mori, but she didn't recognize him.

Xiaolan introduced: "This is my father Mori Kogoro, a famous detective. My father is also very good at karate!"

Tsukamoto Sumi frowned, as if she had heard the name before, but she really didn't pay attention to those things about detective reasoning.

Sumi Tsukamoto greeted Mori Kogoro out of politeness: "Hello, Uncle Mori!"

Mori Kogoro nodded to him, and said, "I'll leave Xiaolan to you later, Tsukamoto-san!"

Tsukamoto Sumi threw the schoolbag casually, just on the boundary line of the Budojo, and her power control was extremely precise.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly.

Immediately afterwards, she and Xiaolan went to the dressing room at the back to change into martial arts uniforms.

Soon the two came out of the locker room, both wearing white martial arts uniforms.

Mori Kogoro looked over in surprise. He was wearing a conservative high school uniform just now, so he couldn't tell at all.

Sumi Tsukamoto, who had put on a karate uniform, also had a pair of big breasts, which was not much worse than that of Xiaolan.

Wouldn't it be a burden to have such a pair of big breasts for practicing karate?

Mori Kogoro was engrossed in thinking about this question for a moment, without looking away.

Girls are very sensitive to this kind of gaze, Sumi Tsukamoto was keenly aware of Kogoro Mori's gaze, and couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied with Kogoro Mori when they met for the first time.

Soon, the two women stood still in the martial arts arena.

Mori Kogoro said from the side: "Xiao Lan, come on!"

The two women stood on both sides, then saluted and bowed to each other, setting up a posture.

The aura of the two women continued to rise, and Xiaolan's face became more and more serious.

And Tsukamoto Sumi had a smile on her face, and the fighting spirit in her eyes kept rising.

At the same time, both bodies moved and rushed towards each other.

To the surprise of Mori Kogoro, Tsukamoto Sumi's speed was not inferior to that of Xiao Ran who had practiced channeling, but slightly better.

She was the first to attack, and hit Xiaolan's face with a fist.

Xiaolan immediately raised her hands, blocked the punch with a cross block, took advantage of this opportunity to kick out her thigh instantly, and pulled towards Tsukamoto Sumi's crotch.

But he was blocked by his raised knee!

In the first round, the two were tied, and then the two began to fight.

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