The figures of the two kept changing, like two butterflies, and their soft shouts echoed in the martial arts arena.

Kogoro Mori looked at the scene in front of him and was extremely surprised!

You must know that Xiaolan has practiced channeling before, and judging from the situation in this game, Sumi Tsukamoto is suppressing Xiaolan to fight, it is unbelievable!

Judging from the experience of Mori Kogoro martial arts master, Tsukamoto Suumi's karate should have reached the peak of the consummation level, and he is only a step away from entering the master level, just suppressing Xiaolan.

And its strength is also slightly better than Xiaolan's. With the addition of the two, Xiaolan naturally fell into a decline.

However, Xiaolan's toughness is excellent, she and Mori Kogoro have practiced against each other for a long time, so she can barely hold on.

During this period, Xiaolan's understanding of various techniques became more and more profound, and she continued to improve herself.

About a quarter of an hour later, the two women were covered in sweat, and their white martial arts uniforms were soaked with sweat.

Sumi Tsukamoto hit more and more vigorously, and finally kicked Xiaolan to the ground with three consecutive spin kicks.

Mori Kogoro immediately ran forward and put his big hands on Xiaolan's body. Fortunately, Xiaolan was not injured.

Sumi Tsukamoto's grasp of power is extremely delicate, and the three spin kicks only knocked Xiaolan down, and did not hurt her.

"Takamoto-san, take a rest, I'll prepare water for you next to you!"

Tsukamoto Sumi nodded and walked aside.

Maori Kogoro helped Xiaolan up, stretched out his hand, wiped off the sweat from Xiaolan's cheeks, and asked in a gentle voice: "Xiaolan, have you practiced the guidance technique that Dad taught you? Why can't you be as strong as me?" Your senior?"

Xiaolan said, "Dad, I have been meditating all the time, but after the little clay figurine disappeared, I haven't made any progress!"

"Dad, could it be that I'm too stupid?"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking Little V: "Little V, what's going on, is the cultivation auxiliary substitute I exchanged for [-] points a counterfeit and shoddy product? Why didn't it work all of a sudden?"

Xiao V's angry female voice came out: "The items exchanged in the system mall are all genuine products, and there is no deception. The host please find the reason by yourself!"

Mori Kogoro picked up the energy of the channeling technique in his hand, and the energy slowly penetrated into Xiaolan's body, and he immediately noticed that there were many distortions in Xiaolan's astrology map.

Because in order to avoid embarrassment, when Mori Kogoro exchanged the practice auxiliary double, he did not restore it to the size of Xiaolan's body one by one, but just helped construct the astrology chart with the palm-sized double.

He thought he was extremely accurate, but when the final astrology map was restored to Xiaolan, there were many distortions, but Mori Kogoro didn't notice it.

Cultivation auxiliary doubles and shadow clones are generally able to operate and practice on their own.

Because it is a prop, even if there are many distortions in the astrology chart, it can continue to practice and synchronize to the binder.

Therefore, when it was there, Xiaolan's channeling skills also improved.

The double has a time limit, and it will dissipate automatically when the time limit expires. At this time, Xiaolan needs to meditate on her own and guide the energy of the universe.

But as soon as Xiaolan guides the cosmic energy to run along the star map, her body automatically repels it!

In fact, if she is determined to meditate and work hard, although she will be stunned, she will be successful.

But Xiaolan didn't do this, so the practice of guiding skills fell into a bottleneck for a while.

Xiaolan thought she was too poor in aptitude, so she didn't dare to tell her father that she could only work harder in karate practice.

Mori Kogoro found out the state of Xiaolan's body, and then withdrew the energy of the channeling technique.

So it seems that this distorted astrological chart needs to be smashed first, and then reshaped. Kogoro Mori is thinking about the solution with his chin resting on his jaw.

At this moment, Sumi Tsukamoto, who had rested, invited to fight: "Mr. Mori, I heard from Xiaolan that you are also a karate master. I like fighting against masters the most. Why don't we have a sparring match!"

Chapter 0004 Sumi Tsukamoto's Challenge

She has changed the name of Mori Kogoro, and Sumi Tsukamoto's heart is not that big.

Just now Kogoro Moori's gaze made her feel uncomfortable, and now she wants to use the name of a discussion to make Kogoro Moori suffer.

Mori Kogoro came back to his senses, waved his hands repeatedly and refused: "Takamoto-san, you are a girl and I am a man. Our strengths are not in the same order. Don't hurt you then!"

Sumi Tsukamoto sneered and said, "There are so many men in the karate club of Teidan High School, but I am the minister and chief commander. I am the strongest in the club, and everyone loses to me."

"Mr. Maori, don't say that our strength is not at the same level, come on, let me experience your brilliant trick!"

Kogoro Moori still shook his head, and said, "You have already fought Xiaolan just now, it would be unfair for me to fight you again, let's forget it!"

Hearing this, Sumi Tsukamoto couldn't help but glanced at Mori Kogoro, then shook his head and said, "Mr. Mori, you must have seen my strength and then got scared!"

Having said that, Tsukamoto Sumi actually laughed.

Hearing such words, Mori Kogoro couldn't help frowning: This girl is very tough, it seems that she really needs to be taught a lesson.

Xiaolan at the side couldn't help frowning when she heard this, and scolded: "Senior Shumei, how can you talk like this, my father didn't fight you because he was afraid of hurting you!"

Kogoro Maoli stopped Xiaolan with one hand, and said with a gentle smile: "Xiaolan, it's okay, since your senior sister wants to compete with me, then dad can play with her, you go down and rest first!"

Hearing what her father said, Xiaolan retreated obediently to the outside of the arena.

Sumi Tsukamoto couldn't help being slightly moved when he saw Kogoro Mori smiling so gently.

But after thinking about it, how strong is such a gentle person in martial arts!

But soon, Tsukamoto Sumi no longer thought so.

I saw Mori Kogoro walking slowly towards Tsukamoto Suumi, with every step, his aura rose to a level, his eyes were awe-inspiring, his aura was deep, and the demeanor of a martial arts master was undoubtedly evident at this moment.

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