Today, I finally met someone more powerful than myself. At this moment, Tsukamoto Sumi didn't care about Mori Kogoro's rude eyes and impolite hands, and the address suddenly changed back to Mori Uncle!

Seeing Sumi Tsukamoto's eyes full of admiration, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but be surprised: This woman has become so docile after being beaten up, this guy shouldn't have any special attributes!

But Kogoro Mori couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard Sumi Tsukamoto's words: I didn't expect such a beautiful girl to be a fighting madman. It's really rare for girls to be so aggressive.

But this kind of personality is also quite good, straight to the point, clean and tidy, provocative if you don't accept it, and conceited when you lose!

Hearing Sumi Tsukamoto's constant humming from lying on the ground, Kogoro Mori stepped forward and said, "Next time, don't sneak up on me from behind, or it will be hard for you!"

"Hi!" Tsukamoto Sumi nodded.

Mori Kogoro squatted down and said, "It's my fault for not being serious, let me see your injury!"

Seeing that her father was going to treat her senior sister, Xiaolan stepped aside.

Mori Kogoro put his big hand on Tsukamoto Sumi's soft back, and his big hand walked along the spine to the tailbone, almost touching her buttocks.

Sensing the fiery big hands on his back constantly moving around, Tsukamoto Sumi, who had never encountered such a situation, immediately blushed, and began to twist her body uneasily.

The over-the-shoulder throw performed by Mori Kogoro was so strong that Tsukamoto's spine was dislocated in some places. No wonder Tsukamoto couldn't get up when he was lying on the ground.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said: "Be patient, you will recover soon."

The big hand clasped the misplaced place, with two fingers exerting force, with a snap, the bone was pulled back.

The healing technique was cast instantly, and a warm current flowed on Sumi Tsukamoto's back, Sumi Tsukamoto felt like she was soaking in a hot spring!

Soon, Sumi Tsukamoto fully recovered under the effect of the healing technique.

Mori Kogoro withdrew his hand and said, "Stand up and try?"

Tsukamoto Sumi got up nimbly, twisted her body, and there was no problem at all.

She couldn't help but exclaimed: "Uncle Mao Li, your technique is too powerful, it's all recovered in one fell swoop, I feel that I'm in a very good state now!"

Sumi Tsukamoto looked at Mori Kogoro with more admiration in his eyes, and soon turned into eagerness: "How about, Uncle Mori, let's compete again?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but give her another look, this little girl really didn't remember the pain: "Forget it, I invite you here today to help Xiaolan practice in combat!"

"Xiao Lan has almost recovered, you can start the next training!"

Hearing this, Tsukamoto Sumi nodded and followed Xiaolan to the martial arts field.

The two started fighting again, while Mori Kogoro kept pointing the two of them underneath.


The training lasted until the evening, and the two women were lying on the ground, their white martial arts uniforms already soaked in sweat.

Tsukamoto Sumi said with a smile: "It's so comfortable, Xiaolan, you are the only one in the whole school who can fight with me for such a long time. I haven't sweated so much for a long time."

Xiaolan on the side laughed dryly. The whole afternoon of actual combat training was naturally unavoidable. She was covered in bruises all over her body at the moment, but she also gained a lot.

Sumi Tsukamoto pulled Xiaolan over, and the two girls went to the shower room behind.

In addition to the locker room in this martial arts field, there are naturally showers, which are compartments one by one.

The two women took off their martial arts uniforms and entered the cubicle naked. Both of them had very domineering figures, but after the training, the two women had some bruises on their bodies, which ruined the beauty.

Turn on the switch, the hot water from the shower head sprinkles on the two plump bodies, and the dense mist keeps rising.

Tsukamoto Sumi couldn't help but said: "Xiaolan, your father is really good. I didn't hit him once when I fought with him before. What's going on? This is the first time I have encountered such a situation!"

Xiaolan was washing her hair with shampoo, lowered her head, and said vaguely: "Dad once told me that compared with his karate, I was only a little bit worse. what."

"However, my father once said that the little difference can only be realized in a life-and-death struggle, so if you and your father fight like this, it should be that little difference!"

Hearing this, Tsukamoto Sumi murmured: "You can only comprehend it in a life-and-death struggle, no wonder it's so powerful!"

Xiaolan then said: "Even if you realize it, senior sister, you still can't beat my father. My father has even more powerful stunts that he hasn't shown before!"

Xiaolan said this with a proud tone.

Tsukamoto Sumi hurriedly asked, "Xiao Ran, what kind of stunt is it?"

"Then I can't tell you, this is my Maori family's unique skill, and I haven't even learned it yet!" Xiaolan was talking about the half-step collapse fist that Mori Kogoro showed last time!

A look of disappointment appeared on Sumi Tsukamoto's face when she heard this. She looked inexplicable, and she didn't know what she was thinking!

Xiaolan turned off the faucet, picked up the towel hanging on the side, wiped her body carefully, wiped off the water droplets on it, and then put on the school uniform again.

Tsukamoto Sumi on the side quickly finished washing, and the two changed into school uniforms and came out of the shower room.

Mori Kogoro, who was waiting in the martial arts field, had already changed back to his original clothes.

Mori Kogoro said, "I would like to thank Sumei for training with Xiaolan all afternoon today."

Tsukamoto Sumi shook her head, tossed her hair, and said heartily, "Uncle Mori, you're welcome. If you really want to thank me, you can just spar with me twice more next time!"

The girl is still thinking about it!

After Sumi Tsukamoto finished speaking, he picked up his schoolbag, said goodbye to the two, and walked out of the martial arts field.

Mori Kogoro came to Xiaolan's side, put his big hands on Xiaolan's shoulders, and performed the healing technique again. Susu's numb energy reverberated on Xiaolan's body, and all the bruises were quickly eliminated.

Sensing the familiar movement of her body, Xiaolan stared closely at Kogoro Mori with her big eyes, wondering what she was thinking!

After the treatment, Mori Kogoro took Xiaolan out of the martial arts hall, closed the gate of the martial arts hall from the outside, and then got into the car and drove towards home.

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