Chapter 0006 Drunken Maori

Kogoro Moori drove very smoothly. In the car, Xiaolan stared closely at the tough side face, but soon she couldn't hold it anymore, and then she lowered her head little by little, and began to doze off.

After a whole afternoon of actual combat training, although her physical strength had recovered, her mind was exhausted and she couldn't help but want to sleep.

Kogoro Mori looked at Xiaolan who was dozing off, and couldn't help but feel distressed.

This is never the case when I train with Xiaolan, and I never exceed Xiaolan's limit every time I train.

But because of this, the training effect is not as effective as the training with Sumi Tsukamoto this time.

Seeing the little head nodding around with nowhere to lean on, Mori Kogoro freed his left hand to gently support Xiaolan's little head, allowing him to fall asleep peacefully.

He can drive the car very smoothly with only his right hand!

Soon, the car drove back home, Kogoro Mori stopped the car, and looked at Xiaolan's slightly red face.

Mori Kogoro woke her up softly: "Xiao Lan, I'm home, it's time to wake up!"

At this time, Xiaolan opened her sleepy eyes and woke up.

It was past six o'clock, and Huiyuan sent a text message saying that he was having dinner at Dr. Ali's house and would not be back until later.

Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan went up to the third floor, and Xiaolan was about to go to the kitchen to make dinner, but was stopped by Mori Kogoro.

"Xiaolan, you look so tired, let me make dinner!"

Xiaolan looked at Mori Kogoro, nodded, turned and entered the room.

Mori Kogoro came to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Speaking of which, he was about to become a cook these days, cooking all day long.

Because Conan was forced to be locked up in the confinement room of the Metropolitan Police Department, and Haibara didn't have to come back to eat, so he only needed to make dinner for two people.

Soon Mori Kogoro prepared the dinner and came to Xiaolan's room.

He knocked lightly on the door, but there was no response from inside.

He turned the doorknob, pushed open the door, and saw that Xiaolan had not changed her school uniform, she was lying on the bed and had already fallen asleep, she was really tired!

Mori Kogoro slowly approached the edge of the bed, looking at the sleeping little angel with a smile on his face.

Curved eyelashes, fair little face, pink lips, and the air she exhales is somewhat fragrant.

It's just that I didn't even take off my shoes, just lying on the bed and sleeping like this, how bad it is!

Mori Kogoro went to the back and helped her take off her black shoes, along with her black knee socks.

Xiaolan's fair calves and delicate feet were revealed, her toes curled up, very cute.

Mori Kogoro couldn't bear to disturb her sweet dreams, so he sat on the edge of the bed and watched over her quietly.

His big hands gently fiddled with Xiaolan's drooping hair, and Kogoro Mori was also full of thoughts for a while.

In the past few days, after Yingli returned to China, he could clearly see Xiaolan's changes.

Seeing Xiaolan's dejection made him feel distressed.

But Mori Kogoro felt that he had no position to say anything, although he would also feel uncomfortable and panicked, but!But! ! !

Maybe this is the right choice!

This is the real right thing!

It's good to slowly change back to the previous appearance like this!isn't it?

Mori Kogoro said to himself in his heart.

But when he looked at Xiaolan's pretty face, the words he said to himself dissipated inexplicably.

By coincidence, Mori Kogoro's big hand gently stroked Xiaolan's smooth face again, and the delicate touch flowed through his fingertips.

Mori Kogoro looked at Xiaolan a little strangely at this moment, with a wry smile on his face, and said softly: "Xiaolan, no matter what, Dad will always love you!"

Soon, he withdrew his hand, helped Xiaolan cover the quilt lightly, then turned and walked out of the room.

Xiaolan didn't open her eyes this time, she was really tired and fell asleep, and she didn't hear what Kogoro Mouri said.


At around nine o'clock in the evening, Huiyuan took the key and opened the door on the third floor, and was surprised by the smell of alcohol.

Soon, she saw wine bottles scattered all over the living room, and Mori Kogoro was drinking alone.

Normally, Mori Kogoro, whose physique is far beyond ordinary people, would not be drunk.

But this time he drank wine from a different time and space that was redeemed in the point mall, so he was drunk!

Haibara opened the door and saw this situation and couldn't help being very surprised. Ever since she lived in Kogoro Mori's house, she had never seen Kogoro Mori drinking, let alone getting drunk like this.

She thought Kogoro Mori didn't drink, but she didn't expect to see this scene today!

When Kogoro Moori saw Huiyuan coming in, he couldn't help but said, "Xiao Ai, are you back?" There was a bit of a tongue in his voice!

Huiyuan frowned, and said, "Uncle Maori, what's going on, you drank so much wine today?"

Mori Kogoro smiled, drunkenness appeared on his face, he hiccupped, and then said: "Alcohol is a good thing, and it's more comfortable when you're drunk, and you won't think about so many things!"

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