After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro took another sip of the wine in his hand and made a satisfied sound.

Huiyuan immediately stepped forward, stepped on the sofa, and snatched the wine bottle with one hand: "Uncle Maoli, you drank too much, let's go here today!"

Mori Kogoro murmured dissatisfied immediately, but he didn't lose his temper when he saw that it was the cute Haibara who came.

Haibara took Moori Kogoro's big hand, trying to pull it up on the sofa, and said, "Uncle Mouri, you're drunk, it's already late, it's time to go back to your room to rest!"

How could she pull Kogoro Mori? Kogoro Mori sensed the small force coming from his hand, and couldn't help laughing.

As soon as the big hand exerted strength, it pulled Huiyuan's whole body back.

Mori Kogoro hugged Haibara, stroked her soft body with his big fiery hands, and said, "Xiao Ai, uncle is not drunk, uncle can drink three more bottles!"

"Xiao Ai, do you want to drink too?" Mori Kogoro picked up the wine bottle that had just been put down, and fed Hui Yuan a mouthful. The wine was so strong that Hui Yuan's face immediately turned red.

Seeing that little Lolita's face suddenly turned from white to red, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but find it very funny, so he laughed.

Huiyuan snatched the bottle back and said, "Yes, yes, Uncle Mao Li, you are not drunk, you are not drunk."

Then Huiyuan thought about it, and said coquettishly: "But uncle, I'm sleepy, I want to go back to sleep, can uncle carry me in?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro, who was very drunk, immediately stood up holding Haibara, and walked into her room.

He put the little loli on the bed, and then wanted to go out.

Huiyuan's loli voice came out: "Uncle Mao Li, I'm afraid of sleeping alone, can uncle sleep with me?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro turned around and saw the little loli on the bed.

Huiyuan was wearing a red dress today, with knee-high white socks on her two calves, sitting on the bed with her knees apart, her delicate face looked pretty.

Mori Kogoro's eyes instantly ignited flames, it's not just talking about drunkenness.

Chapter 0007 On the extensibility of human muscles! ! ! 1

Mori Kogoro showed a smile on his face. He looked at the delicate little loli, then climbed onto the bed, and gently hugged the little loli into his arms.

Even when he was drunk, Mori Kogoro knew that he was extremely powerful and could easily injure Haibara with a single blow, so his movements were very gentle.

Little Lolita was like a little doll, she was pulled over as soon as she picked it up, she was very submissive in her arms, Hui Yuan's body was still very soft.

Mori Kogoro's fiery breath, wrapped in the smell of alcohol, hit Huiyuan's small face.

Huiyuan's small face was flushed from drinking, and when she smelled the familiar masculine breath, mist gradually appeared in her eyes, like a clear lake.

Kogoro Mouri's face was full of drunkenness, and he teased and said, "Xiao Ai, do you want to sleep with uncle again?"

He lightly rubbed his cheek against Hui Yuan's small face, and said, "Xiao Ai, is that why you like Uncle so much?"

Huiyuan felt the hard stubble stuck on his face, and felt itchy inexplicably.

When she heard this question, she turned her head to the side, staring at Kogoro Mouri with light blue eyes, and then hugged Kogoro Mouri with her two hands.

The cute loli voice came out, very firm: "I like it very much, the kind I like very much!"

Hearing this satisfactory answer, even the drunk Mori Kogoro still had a smile on his face.

Mori Kogoro's fiery big hands wandered over Huiyuan's body, and then he turned his face sideways, and kissed Huiyuan's cute little face with one breath.

The kiss went all the way, and soon it reached Huiyuan's small mouth.

Huiyuan's ears also turned red, and although there was a smell of alcohol, it was not unbearable, and the little Lolita responded quickly.

After a long time, Mori Kogoro raised his head.

He looked at the little Lolita in his arms, his eyes were red at this moment, and his whole body was even hotter.

Mori Kogoro was holding the little figure in his arms, and his big hands were stroking Huiyuan's smooth, flat, soft belly.

And Huiyuan's body trembled slightly.

Mori Kogoro gently bit Huihara's small ear, and spoke in a breathy voice: "Xiao Ai, uncle likes you too, loves you so much!"

"However, today uncle wants to play a new game with Xiao Ai."

"New game?" Haibara bit his finger and looked at Mouri Kogoro, his face blushed with blood!

"Uncle knows that Xiao Ai likes scientific research the most. It just so happens that Uncle has a subject that I don't know very well, so I want to ask Xiao Ai for advice!"

Hearing the inexplicable scientific research topic, Huiyuan was a little confused and surprised.

The drunken Moori Kogoro had a weird smile on his face, stroked Huiyuan's small head with his big hand, and said.

"It is said that human muscles have strong adaptability, strong ductility and elasticity, but uncle is a little unbelievable. It just so happens that Xiao Ai is here today. If this is the case, please cooperate with uncle and try it out!"

Huiyuan was still very confused when he heard this, and didn't know how to cooperate.

But soon, when she saw Kogoro Mori's actions, she immediately reacted and understood what Kogoro Mori meant.

Haibara's pupils kept shrinking!

This is to!It can't be like this!How can such a thing be done!It will break, it will die!

At this moment, Huiyuan was terrified, and quickly said: "Uncle Mao Li, stop for a while, why don't you wait for me for a while!"

Haibara looked at the red-eyed Kogoro Mori with a strange expression, and only now became terrified.

She suddenly remembered the temporary antidote she had researched, and thought about taking the antidote at worst, and satisfying Kogoro Mori after recovering.

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