Thinking of this, Hui Yuan hurriedly struggled to get up, wanting to get the antidote under the cabinet of the desk.

However, this short distance is like a natural moat.

Before Huiyuan could climb out of the bed, that little foot in white knee socks was grabbed by Mori Kogoro's big hand, and her tiny body was instantly pulled back!

Kogoro Maoli, who was drunk and mentally disturbed, had a strange light on his face, gasped heavily, and said, "Xiao Ai is not good, she said she likes uncle, but she doesn't cooperate with uncle, and wants to run away. It seems that uncle is going to take coercion. Measures have been taken!"

...[-] words are omitted here...


That night, Xiao Lan, who was too tired from training, did not sleep well.

In her sleep, she seemed to hear faint screams and the cry of a little girl.

Xiaolan's brows couldn't help but frowned, she didn't sleep well.

It's just that she was not woken up and slept until the next morning.

The next morning, the light of the morning sun shone on Xiaolan's angelic face, she felt the light, and she woke up.

Xiaolan opened her eyes, got up and stretched, only to realize that she had slept for a long time, hadn't eaten dinner last night, and hadn't taken a bath.

Seeing the shoes and knee socks being taken off, Xiaolan's eyes moved.

Then she put on her slippers, opened the door and walked out.

Soon, Xiaolan saw wine bottles around the sofa in the living room, and couldn't help frowning.

Didn't dad quit drinking?Why are you drinking again?

She turned her head to look at Kogoro Mori's room, there was no one in it, so she must have gone out!

Xiao Lan shook her little head, and then began to pack the wine bottles without any packaging.

There are seventeen bottles in total, how can you drink so much!

Xiaolan pouted involuntarily, thinking about talking about her father when she saw her later.

After clearing away the wine bottles in the living room, Xiaolan went to the kitchen and started preparing for today's breakfast.

But soon she found that there were dishes still warm in the incubator on the dining table, including rice balls, grilled fish, and vegetable soup.

There was also a note written in the incubator: "Xiao Lan, remember to eat when you wake up!"

Seeing this note, Xiao Lan immediately had a sweet smile on her face.

She couldn't help taking off the note and putting it in her hand, and she suddenly became in a good mood.

Since there is something to eat, there is no need to make breakfast. Xiaolan walked to Huiyuan's room, and was about to open the door to ask Huiyuan to get up for breakfast.

She put her hand on the doorknob and was about to open the door, but saw the clock on the wall showing that it was half past six.

Don't call her so early, Hui Yuan should still be sleeping in!

Xiaolan took her hand away from the doorknob, turned around and went to her room. She didn't take a shower last night, and now she wants to take her clothes to take a shower.

Fortunately, Xiaolan didn't open the door, otherwise, she would definitely see a scene that completely broke her three views.

Xiaolan, who took a change of clothes, quickly walked to the bathroom, and then began to take a bath. In the bathroom, a brisk and melodious singing came out.


At this time, Mori Kogoro also woke up from his sleep. After opening his eyes, he saw the little loli beside him.

Mori Kogoro's pupils constricted one after another. At first he thought it was a dream, but he didn't expect it to be real, and he actually did such a thing!

There are still tears on the little loli's face, which makes people feel distressed.

Chapter 0008 On the extensibility of human muscles! ! ! 2

As expected, the experiment was successful. The muscles are not only stretchable, elastic, but also viscous.

Viscosity represents the internal resistance caused by the friction of various tissues inside the muscle during muscle activity, which is affected by temperature.

Simply put, friction generates heat, and as muscle temperature rises, viscosity decreases, increasing stretch and elasticity.

Therefore, although the process was long and somewhat arduous, the experiment was successful in the end.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being amazed, he himself didn't expect to be able to succeed at all, if it wasn't for being drunk and unable to control himself this time, Mori Kogoro would never have thought that he would be able to perform such an operation!

It's just a pain in the ass for Hui Yuan, who stayed up all night and worked hard on the experiment.

Kogoro Mori's big hand rested lightly on Haibara's body, and her body still twitched unconsciously in her sleep.

Holding Haibara with his big hand, Mori Kogoro immediately sensed that Haibara's condition was a minor injury.

It was only then that Kogoro Moori remembered that he hadn't used the healing technique last night.

Recalling what he did last night, even though he was drunk, his movements were still very gentle, so that no further injuries were caused.

As soon as the memory of last night was recalled, Mori Kogoro showed an ecstasy expression on his face, it was really wonderful.

He immediately withdrew his mind, and cast the healing technique on Huiyuan.

A susu numb energy wandered in Huiyuan's body, repairing all the injured places.

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