Huiyuan's frown that had been furrowed all the time, his curled up body finally stretched out.

Seeing Haibara like this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but feel guilty and let him endure the pain all night.

It's all because of alcohol, and this time I really went too far.

Mori Kogoro stroked Huiyuan's small face with his big hand, and gently wiped away the tear stains on Xiaomeng's face, his face was full of pity!

Haibara, who was sleeping, felt the big fiery hands on his face, frowned, and woke up.

Seeing Mori Kogoro with light blue eyes, there was a hint of fear.

Her body was trembling, she kept stepping back, and said, "Uncle Mao Li, don't do this!"

Mori Kogoro looked stunned, Xiao Ai was actually afraid of herself!

Only then did Huiyuan wake up, the Mori Kogoro in front of him had returned to normal, and was no longer the dreadful guy who was drunk last night.

Then she approached Mori Kogoro aggrievedly, Xiaofen hugged Mori Kogoro, buried her little head in his chest, and cried out with a loud cry, tears fell out instantly.

"Big villain, Uncle Mao Li, you are a big villain, it hurts me to death, it hurts so much that I almost die!"

Haibara's small hand kept patting on Kogoro Mouri's chest.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but hugged Huiyuan tightly with pity, rubbed his chin against her little head, and apologized: "Xiao Ai, I'm sorry, uncle was drunk last night, that's why he did such an exaggerated thing to you!"

Haibara in his arms opened his small mouth, and bit his white teeth fiercely on Kogoro Mouri's chest muscles, and then he let go of the teeth marks on the top.

"Let me ask you, does it hurt?" the cute Loli voice asked in a crying voice.

Mori Kogoro was a little stunned, it didn't hurt at all!

"Does it hurt?" Xiao Ai looked up at Kogoro Mouri!

He reacted immediately, pretended to be in pain, and said, "It hurts so much!"

"It hurt a hundred times, a thousand times more than this last night. It hurts so much that I'm about to die, you big bastard!"

Haibara was crying in Kogoro Mori's arms while punching and kicking him!

And Mori Kogoro silently endured the force like a massage!

Soon Huiyuan stopped punching and kicking, but his small face showed a worried look, a little worried that he had broken Uncle Maoli.

When Kogoro Moori saw Huibara's appearance, he couldn't help pitying him even more, and hugged him tightly: "As long as Xiao Ai doesn't get angry, it doesn't matter how you beat uncle!"

Huiyuan sobbed, and the loli voice was heartbreaking: "Uncle Maori, you were so scary last night, you really scared me, no matter what I call you, you don't care about me!"

Mori Kogoro lowered his head, kissed Huiyuan's forehead, and said guiltily, "Uncle promised Xiao Ai that in the future, uncle won't drink alcohol and won't force Xiao Ai like this again. Xiao Ai, can you forgive Uncle again?" ?”

"Really?" Hui Yuan's eyes were filled with tears, and he looked as pitiful as he could be.

"I will never break my promise to Xiao Ai! From now on, uncle will not drink at all!" Mori Kogoro Shin wiped away her tears again.

Huiyuan sniffed, and a crying loli voice appeared: "Then I will forcefully forgive you one more time!"

Mori Kogoro hugged Haibara tightly, stroking her back gently with his big hand, and the two hugged each other.

Gradually, Haibara's emotions finally stabilized, and he stopped crying.

Only then did she realize that her body was abnormal, she didn't feel any pain at all, she seemed to have fully recovered, and she couldn't help twisting her waist.

Mori Kogoro said gently: "Xiao Ai, Uncle has performed a healing technique, and it's all gone!"

Only then did Huiyuan's small face relax.

To the surprise of Mori Kogoro, after this battle, Haibara's favorability rose instead of falling, from 96 to 98.

You must know that it is extremely difficult to increase the favorability after reaching the [-]s, but this girl actually increased by two points!

Sure enough, the magic weapon still has magical effects!

The two were tender for a moment, and Mori Kogoro said: "Xiao Ai, uncle will help you ask for leave today, don't go to school, have a good rest!"

"Okay, it's time for us to get up, otherwise it will be a disaster if your sister Xiaolan finds out. Remember, don't tell your sister Xiaolan!"

"Yeah!" Hui Yuan nodded meekly.

Mori Kogoro stood up holding Huiyuan, and Little Loli leaned into his arms again.

The big eyes that were reddish from crying looked at Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro quickly understood what she meant, and brought clothes for him to wear.

After the battle last night, this little loli has become even clingier to Kogoro Mori, to the point of being inseparable.

Mori Kogoro put on his clothes, then took off the sheets on the bed, packed them in a bag, then walked out of the room with Hui Yuan in his arms, and walked to the bathroom.

Xiaolan, who was sitting on the sofa, saw the two coming out of the same room again, so she couldn't help but said, "Dad, did you sleep with Hui Yuan again last night? I thought you woke up and went out."

Mori Kogoro smiled gently: "Yes, Xiao Ai said last night that she was afraid of sleeping alone, so I will accompany her. Alright, we are going to brush our teeth!"

Xiaolan wanted to ask about drinking, but Kogoro Mouri had already entered the bathroom quickly!

Moori Kogoro, who was holding the sheet in his hand, naturally did not dare to delay, and after entering the bathroom, he closed the door of the bathroom.

He threw the quilt into the washing machine, poured in the washing powder, and then started the washing machine, so he was relieved!

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro put Haibara in front of the washbasin stool, and the two began to take toothbrushes and wash with towels.

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