After washing, Haibara stared at Kogoro Mori with light blue eyes.

Mori Kogoro couldn't guess this time, so he asked, "Xiao Ai, what's wrong?"


Chapter 0009 On the extensibility of human muscles! ! ! 3

Hearing this, Kogoro Mouri hugged Huiyuan off the stool, and then said, "I almost forgot, Xiao Ai didn't take a bath last night, so that's not okay, you little sloppy."

He reached out and tapped Huiyuan's little nose!

Haibara couldn't help but glared at Mouri Kogoro, if it wasn't for being dragged by him last night, how could he not take a bath.

Kogoro Moori looked at Huiyuan tenderly, and said, "In that case, let uncle come and help Xiao Ai take a bath today!"

Huiyuan's face blushed again, but he didn't refuse.

When this happened, Kogoro Mori had to take the initiative, and he reached out and took off the shirt that Haibara had just put on.

Huiyuan raised his arms obediently, and after taking off his shirt, he revealed a flat loli figure, but it was much rounder than before, which was skinny and bony.

Then Mori Kogoro took off her pants and cartoon panties.

Immediately, a little loli like suet white jade reappeared in front of Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro turned on the water switch, tested the water temperature, and found it was just right, then took the shower head and began to rinse Huiyuan's body.

The warm hot water was placed on Hui Yuan's body, and the water mist rose densely!

For fear of splashing his own clothes, Mori Kogoro also took off his shirt and rolled up his trouser legs, revealing his muscular upper body and neat eight-pack abs.

Huiyuan blushed even more when he saw it, and couldn't help muttering, "Big pervert! Exhibitionist!"

Mori Kogoro was extremely thick-skinned, so he didn't care, and stretched out his hand to help the little Baiyu take a bath.

The fiery big hands moved around Huiyuan's body, and those places that were stained with sticky things were treated with special attention.

Up and down up and down left and right BABA! ! !

The blush on Huiyuan's face spread from his face to his chest, and his upper body became like a piece of ruby.

And his body was shaking slightly.

Mori Kogoro smiled cheaply: "Xiao Ai, are you comfortable? Uncle's bathing skills are good, right?"

Haibara glared at Mori Kogoro, and said, "Big villain! Big pervert!"

Mori Kogoro immediately made a sad expression, and said, "Uncle is too sad to say that, and he will be scolded for helping Xiao Ai take a bath!"

When Huiyuan saw this appearance of Mori Kogoro, he blushed and said, "Okay, okay, you are the best, and you are very comfortable after washing!"

Mori Kogoro showed a satisfied expression.

He took the shower head and rinsed the whole little loli all over to wash away all the dirt, then turned off the switch, and took a towel to dry Huiyuan's body.

Finally, he wrapped Huiyuan in a large bath towel.

The cute little loli was tightly wrapped in a big bath towel, only her small head and brown hair were exposed, like a newborn kitten.

Mori Kogoro turned on the washing machine, and threw in the clothes that Haibara had just taken off, then put on his shirt, and walked out of the bathroom with Lori Ai in his arms!

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Xiaolan who was wearing her school uniform on the sofa and was about to go to school couldn't help being surprised and said, "Dad, are you helping Huiyuan take a bath again?"

Mori Kogoro explained: "Yes, Xiao Ai is not feeling well today. I will ask her and Mr. Xiao Lin to take a leave later. I have to take good care of her today!"

Xiaolan immediately showed a concerned expression: "Hui Yuan, what's wrong with you? Do you want me to ask Dr. Aso to look at it for you?"

Huiyuan immediately shook his head and didn't speak.

Seeing that Xiao Ai was fine, Xiaolan felt relieved.

Then she frowned again and said, "Dad, haven't you quit drinking? Why did you drink so much last night?"

Hearing this question, Haibara also stared at Kogoro Mori curiously.

Of course, Kogoro Moori didn't say the reason, and said casually: "It's nothing, I just want to drink suddenly, Xiaolan, don't worry, I won't drink again in the future."

"Really?" Xiaolan looked disbelieving.

Mori Kogoro touched Hui Yuan's little head, and said, "Of course it's true! I promised Xiao Ai!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan frowned slightly, but didn't pay much attention.

Seeing that it was almost time for school, she went into the room to take out her schoolbag, then sat in the entrance and changed into her shoes.

Mori Kogoro said: "Xiaolan, don't go to training this afternoon, go to a tea party with me!"

"Hi!" She put on her shoes, opened the door and went out.

Immediately, only Kogoro Moori and the little loli in his arms remained on the third floor.


In the prison room of the Metropolitan Police Department, on the only single bed, Conan was sleeping soundly in the arms of Hattori Heiji.

The quilt in the confinement room was very thin, so the two could only hug each other to keep warm and survive the long night!

Conan woke up from his sleep, in a daze, he felt something hard on his buttocks, and subconsciously pushed it away with his hands...

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