But the answer can't be answered like this!

"The last time I was helping Meihezi arrest the prisoner, I accidentally lost the mobile phone number you gave me when I was fighting, so I couldn't contact you!"

"Later, I went to your traffic department a few times, but I never met you. Later, you also know that my daughter and wife had an accident, so I have been busy with those!"

Hearing this, Yumi Miyamoto's face immediately became happy. She quickly took out the ticket book and re-written her mobile phone number on it.

Then she folded the fine carefully, reached out and stuffed it into the inner pocket of Mori Kogoro's suit jacket, and said, "This way you won't lose it!"

Suddenly, Miyamoto Yumi realized that she was touching the idol's firm chest muscles, and her little face turned red all of a sudden.

She quickly withdrew her hand, and said in a pretentious manner: "Mr. Maori, don't think too much about it. I just think that people like Detective Maori have encountered so many cases. Maybe one day I can help you." !"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro chuckled, looked at Yumi, who was wearing a traffic police uniform, and said slowly, "I didn't think much about it!"

This obviously ambiguous words made Miyamoto Yumi's face blush a little more.

But soon, the patrol car drove to the vicinity of Mihua Station.

This patrol car is convenient and can be parked anywhere. The two quickly got out of the car and entered the small square in front of Mihua Station. Yumi Miyamoto immediately started looking for the bomb.

There are only five minutes left, and both of them are racing against time.

And Mori Kogoro rushed under the bench next to the big tree according to his memory.

However, there was nothing under the white bench, nothing!

He hurriedly ran to look under the other benches, but there was nothing there. At this moment, Kogoro Mori frowned.

Could it be that they came too late, and the bomb was accidentally taken away?

It is indeed possible, but the crowd is so vast, I can't even see the shadow, and I can't use the tracking symbol. How can I find it?

Miyamoto Yumi also ran over from the side, and as she ran, her chest under the uniform trembled, which was very touching.

Panting heavily, she said, "Detective Maori, it's less than three minutes until one o'clock. If the news is reliable, I suggest that everyone in the station be evacuated now!"

Mori Kogoro was about to agree, but at this moment he heard a slight meow, he raised his head and looked up.

The meowing came from a big tree nearby.

Mori Kogoro's speed exploded, using both hands and feet, he climbed up the five-meter-high tree in an instant.

He pushed aside the branches, and saw a big fat orange cat lying weakly at the fork of the branch, with blood oozing from the abdomen, and through the white cat belly, he could still see the green light flashing. !

Cat Bomb! ! !

It's brutal enough!

The big fat orange cat looked panic-stricken when it saw Mori Kogoro. It kept raising its paws and wanted to retreat, but because of its serious injuries, it was too weak to move and fell down again.

Mouri Kogoro reached out with his big hand, and instantly grabbed the orange cat's neck, and the orange cat immediately became motionless.

He carried the big fat orange cat and jumped from the five-meter-high tree.

Miyamoto Yumi was bewildered, but was dragged away by Mori Kogoro again.

"Detective Maori, didn't you say there was a bomb? Why are you catching the cat?"

Mori Kogoro pulled Miyamoto Yumi to the stance seat, sat in the co-pilot seat himself, and shouted: "Yumi, drive me to the open space next to the river under the viaduct."

Yumi Miyamoto stepped on the accelerator subconsciously and rushed towards the river.

Kogoro Mori looked left and right, and his eyes lit up when he saw Yumi Miyamoto's chest.

He held the orange cat's back with his left hand, and reached for Miyamoto Yumi's chest with his right hand. When he touched it, even through the uniform, he felt very soft!

Miyamoto Yumi couldn't help but panic: "Dah! Mori-kun, don't do this!"

Mori Kogoro didn't stop with his right hand, he pulled out the ticket book on his chest, took out the clip that was clamped on it, and clamped it around the neck of the big orange cat. The orange cat was stiff and stopped moving!

"What are you thinking? I want to perform surgery on it. The bomb is in its belly. Drive to the open space by the river, hurry up!"

Chapter 0021

Only then did Miyamoto Yumi see that there was a knife cut in the belly of the big fat orange cat, and the green fluorescent light flashed through the belly.

Fortunately, Miyamoto Yumi's patrol car was full of miscellaneous things. Kogoro Mori found a replacement T-shirt and a pair of scissors, and put the fat cat on the T-shirt.

He felt that this was not safe enough. Although the orange cat was clamped by the neck and could not move, after all, it was going to be operated on to remove the bomb.

So Mori Kogoro controlled the strength and directly knocked the fat cat unconscious.

Then he picked up the scissors, cut the mess quickly, cut open the fat cat's abdomen in an instant, and took out the blood-stained bomb.

The weight of the bomb is not small, and only this fat orange cat can hold it. Mori Kogoro wrapped up the surgical orange cat with a T-shirt.

There is only one minute left for the plastic bomb.

Seeing the constantly beating time, Miyamoto Yumi stepped on the accelerator of the patrol car and went on a rampage.

Because it was a police car, the other vehicles all gave way to such a ferocious approach.

Soon, the viaduct appeared in front of the two of them.

However, the distance is still very far away. According to the speed, the bomb will explode on the road and in this residential area before it reaches the open space over there.

With the size of this plastic bomb, the range of the explosion may not be small, and there may be casualties in the explosion in this place!

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