Mori Kogoro's brain was running fast, and all the terrain in Tokyo was instantly reshaped in his mind.

He immediately found a short-cut path through an alley that would quickly lead to a clearing on the river bank.

Mori Kogoro threw the cat into the back seat, then got up from the passenger seat, took a direct step, and sat on Miyamoto Yumi's body, the touch behind him was soft!

Miyamoto Yumi couldn't help exclaiming: "Mori-kun, what are you doing?"

"Stop talking, cooperate with me!"

"Oh!" Miyamoto Yumi easily accepted it!

Mori Kogoro took over the steering wheel, and his thighs spread Yumi Miyamoto's thighs with excellent elasticity.

Immediately using his driving skills, he stepped on the accelerator hard, turned the steering wheel, and rushed into a narrow alley next to him.

This alley is not a flat road, a large part of it is a downward staircase, Mori Kogoro drove down without hesitation.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

Bouncing, bouncing, bouncing! ! !

The screams continued, and the two lumps of softness behind him continued to hit Kogoro Mori's back with the bumps.

In the end, Yumi Miyamoto couldn't stand the bump anymore, she opened her arms and hugged Kogoro Mori tightly, which made her feel a lot better.

The last section of the alley is uphill, and the speed of the patrol car at this moment has not slowed down at all, roaring up like a roaring iron-clad giant.

what! ! !

The patrol police car flew up with Miyamoto Yumi's screams, crossed a road, flew over the head of a car, and rushed down to the open space by the river.

The owner of that car saw the police car flying by in the sky, his eyes widened, his vision shifted, and he finally rear-ended the car in front without noticing it.

The patrol police car landed heavily on the downhill lawn and kept rushing down the river.

The numbers on the bomb's timer kept jumping.


At this moment, Miyamoto Yumi was terrified, while Mori Kogoro was engrossed, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, the perfect-level stance skill quietly transformed, and finally advanced to the master-level driving skill.

Shifting gears, stepping on the foot brake, pressing tires, using the inertia of the body and the grip of the tires on the grass, the speed of the vehicle is slightly reduced.

Miyamoto Yumi saw that the car was about to rush into the river, and the bombs on the side were about to explode.

She couldn't help hugging Mori Kogoro tightly in horror, and screamed: "No, I'm going to die before I have a boyfriend, who will save me!"

5, 4, 3, 2...

Right now, Kogoro Mori turned the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator to the limit.

U-shaped roundabout drift! ! !

The patrol car had just reached the river bank when a large wave of water was blown up by the rear wheels, and a bomb flew out of the car window in the water wave.

Mori Kogoro slammed the steering wheel, using the weight and speed of the car after flicking the corner to accelerate the car body for the second time.

After the downhill drift, the speed of the car did not decrease at all, and it rushed uphill.

boom! ! !

The flung bomb exploded above the river, and its power was really impressive. A huge area of ​​black smoke appeared in mid-air, and the fragments of the bomb continued to fall on the river.

The patrol car driven by Mori Kogoro has already left the explosion area.

Only the wind wave swept in, which happened to help the patrol car accelerate, and the car quickly climbed up the hill and returned to a flat open field.

Mori Kogoro let out a breath, and blew the hair on his head, with a calm expression on his face, he was so handsome!

Miyamoto Yumi stared blankly at the profile of Mori Kogoro sitting on top of her.

Just now, she was going to rush into the river with her to die!

How come he narrowly escaped death in an instant, this is too amazing!

The big fat cat behind him also stared blankly at the two people in front of him, and could not help but let out a meow to clear his sense of existence.

This big fat cat just woke up when it hit the car window while drifting, and now it also knows that the person in front saved it!

Mori Kogoro turned his head, and gently asked Miyamoto Yumi behind him, "Yumi, are you not injured?"

Looking at the tough face so close at hand, Yumi Miyamoto's courage appeared out of nowhere, the small face approached all of a sudden, and a kiss was placed on Kogoro Mori's lips!

Was counterattacked!

Mouri Kogoro's pupils kept shrinking, this was the first time in history!

Sensing Yumi Miyamoto's continuous attack, Mori Kogoro couldn't hold it back, he turned around Yumi Miyamoto and pressed on her head-on.

He put the driver's seat down with one hand, and with the other hand, he grabbed the thing that hit him countless times, it really wasn't small!

It's a pity that through the generous traffic police uniform, I couldn't perceive it too clearly.

Let's just kiss and kiss, Miyamoto Yumi is no match for Mori Kogoro.

She didn't even know that she could breathe through her nose when kissing, and she almost suffocated due to lack of oxygen at the end of the kiss.

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