Moriya Teiji was so angry that his beard stood on end, and he continued to shout: "What do you want? Mori Kogoro!"

"As long as you spare my other buildings, I promise you to recover all the bombs I installed, how about that? Fair!"

Mori Kogoro then said: "Mr. Moritani, you seem to have forgotten something. Now is not the time for you to ask, but now is the time for me to talk. I am here with your Alice now!"

Hearing this, Emperor Moriya's face changed drastically, and he immediately shouted: "What do you want to do to my family?"

Mori Kogoro flipped through the photo album in his hand and laughed: "Mr. Moritani, I didn't expect you to have such a strong taste. Alice, Roy, Christine, Moses, you named all your buildings!"

"Wow, you even held a wedding with your family, Alice is your wife, amazing!"

Kogoro Mori looked at Teiji Moritani's marriage certificate. The wedding photo was a photo of himself and his family. His home was also decorated with a layer of white gauze, just like wearing a wedding!

"A fetish to your level can be considered against the sky. Having a wife is not enough, and you have opened a harem, admiration!"

It was as if the deepest privacy in my heart had been uncovered and exposed to the sun, Moriya Teiji felt the burning pain on his face, and he was so angry...

Mori Kogoro continued: "I'm right here with your wife, if you don't arrive before six o'clock, then your wife will blow up!"

"Enjoy yourself, Mr. Moritani!"

Hearing this, Moriya Teiji's face turned green and white, he squeezed the phone, and his heart was burning with anger.

He looked at the Mihua City Hall, and there was a flash of distress in his eyes, but he quickly turned around, got in the car he came in, and drove towards his home!


Mori Kogoro covered the photo album and marriage certificate he had found, then got up from the soft chair, and browsed in the study.

There was no one in the villa, and the surveillance had already been destroyed.

All the guards and servants were stunned and dragged away by Mori Kogoro's men, and the monitoring was also destroyed by his men!

Just now Kogoro Mori walked into Teiji Moritani's mansion through the main entrance openly and aboveboard, and no one knew about it!

Kogoro Mori looked at the architectural drawings on the wall, and he had to say that Teiji Moriya was an artist, and the architecture was indeed like a work of art, but it was a pity that he was a sick artist!

Suddenly, Mori Kogoro still thought of Xiaolan, this girl wouldn't sneak to the Rice Flower Building where Moriya Teiji planted a bomb!

He called Xiao V and asked him to play Xiaolan's monitoring in his mind. As soon as the video came out, Mouri Kogoro's nosebleed almost sprayed out. At this moment Xiaolan had just finished karate training and was taking a shower!

Chapter 0024 Aphrodite in the Water

The skin is better than snow, the waves are turbulent, and the water flows through it, leaping up a perfect arc. The waist is slender, and the slightly twisting abdomen has looming abdominal muscles.

She has a graceful figure, her white and slender legs swing gently, her toes are crystal clear like pearls, her buttocks are full like two full moons!

Her face is as pure as an angel, and she seems to have a smile all the time!

Slender and fit, slim and plump, graceful and dignified!

The wet hair is in stark contrast to the smooth and soft limbs, highlighting the elasticity of the muscles and the pleasing body!

Kogoro Mori looked at the sculpture in front of him - Aphrodite in the water, and couldn't help but be amazed.

As expected of the goddess of love and beauty, even the imitations are amazing. If the sculpture wasn't too big, Mori Kogoro would have planned to take this artwork home!

I didn't expect Teiji Moritani to have such a collection of artworks. Although this guy is a sick architect, his artistic attainments are genuine!

In Moriya Teiji's mansion, Mori Kogoro has no scruples and completely regards himself as the master.

He took a glass of water casually and poured it into his parched mouth, feeling extremely comfortable.

He walked to the sofa beside the study and sat down, and the image of Xiaolan walking out of the martial arts field and getting into a taxi appeared in his mind, and then he ordered Xiao V to turn off the image in his mind!

Although Mori Kogoro installed nano-monitors on Haibara, Conan, Ran, Yukiko and Feiyingri.

But usually, out of respect for their privacy, Mori Kogoro would not turn on the nano-monitor to watch!

Unless there is a case, and this time the serial bomb case of Teiji Moriya.

Mori Kogoro was afraid of getting Xiaolan involved, so he paid close attention to Xiaolan's surveillance, watching her walk out of the martial arts field before stopping!

Seeing that the direction she went after getting in the car was completely different from the Mihua Building, Kogoro Mori felt relieved!

In this case, when Moriya Teiji is resolved, then this incident will be successfully concluded!


Time passed slowly, and it was about half past five. In the empty study, Kogoro Mori's cell phone rang again, and the excited voice of Police Officer Megure came over.

"Brother Maori, as you reasoned, we found five bombs on the railway tracks on the Dongdu Ring Road, and all of them have been recovered now."

Cheers came from around Police Officer Mu, the leader on the phone. The members of the Ministry of Railways and the police cheered and threw the documents into the sky, and the white paper kept fluttering!

Miwako Sato had a proud look on her face!

The Minister of Operations of the Ministry of Transportation on the side clenched Officer Meguro's arm even more excitedly, and thanked: "Officer Megure, thank you very much, you prevented a serious terrorist attack!"

Officer Meguro also said: "Minister Sakaguchi, this is only possible because of your proper command!"

Officer Megure broke away from Minister Sakaguchi, walked aside, and his face became serious: "I just got the news again that there was also an explosion in the Mihua City Hall. Fortunately, no one was injured or injured. Brother Maori, is this also done by that bomb maniac?" ?”

Dirty water had to be poured on Teiji Moritani, Kogoro Mouri said, "Of course, that crazy guy did it too."

Police officer Mumu quickly asked: "Then Maoli brother, do you know who the murderer is?"

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