Mori Kogoro checked the time, even if he told Officer Megure now, it would not be enough time to rush over from the Traffic Command Office.

He then said, "Well, I found out that there is one thing in common among the places where the bombs were planted today."

"Whether it's Greenland Park, Mihua Station, Dongdu Surrounding Line, or Mihua City Hall, the designers of these places all have one person's name, and that is the famous architect Teiji Moriya!"

"I suspect that he did it. It's easy for the architect to get the explosive bomb. I'm rushing to his house now to see if I can find the key evidence!"

Officer Mumu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly said, "Brother Maoli, wait, I'll send someone to reinforce you right away!"

After Officer Megure hung up the phone, he immediately called Miwako Sato and Tsutomu Takagi and other officers, and rushed to Teiji Moritani's villa!


At this moment, Conan is outside the Mihua City Hall, which has been blocked by the police officer Shiratori.

Conan looked intently at the blasted mud beside him, and there was fine yellow powder in it!

At this time, the TNT bomb, he remembered the small bomb he saw in the park before, with a cyan and slightly orange flash, it was a plastic bomb.

The types of these two bombs are different, and Conan frowned at the thought of this.

Could it be that the explosion this time was not the same person, but that someone fished in troubled waters and wanted to blame others!

Conan questioned all the people around him, and after a lot of hard work, he finally found the witness who witnessed Teiji Moritani, who was the owner of the nearby convenience store.

The fat boss said, "Ask someone weird! There was indeed a bearded man in a brown windbreaker and sunglasses. He seemed to be crazy, and he called people on the phone, and finally drove away!"

Trench coat!Beard!sunglasses!

Conan's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face.

Finally found!That guy Yuantai and the others were talking about!Finally found!

"Then where did he go?" Conan asked hastily.

The convenience store owner smiled, his face was unpredictable, and Conan's face was full of anticipation.

"Oh, I didn't notice that!"

Hearing this, Conan fell to the ground in an instant, staring at the convenience store owner with dead fish eyes.

The boss leaned out with concern: "Son, are you okay?"

Conan, who had worked so hard to find the clue, was cut off again because of the carelessness of the convenience store owner!


In the villa, the door opened, and a man in a green suit walked in. It was Teiji Moritani who was driving back desperately.

At this moment, he took off all the disguise and restored his original appearance. He was relieved to see that his villa and his wife had not been damaged in any way.

When Teiji Moritani walked into the villa, he saw Mori Kogoro lying on the sofa.

Mori Kogoro saw Teiji Moritani and grinned, "Hi, fetish patient!"

Chapter 0025 Mother Daughter Sister Flower

On the fifth floor of the Cupido Building, Xiaolan was wearing a white pleated dress that she changed into in the shower room. The folds on her chest highlighted her infinite plumpness.

She was stepping on transparent high-heeled shoes, revealing only a section of crystal clear calf and toes like a work of art. Her white arms were resting on the dining table in boredom, flipping through the menu with her bright hands.

From time to time, someone in the restaurant looked sideways at Xiao Lan who was alone. Fortunately, this is a high-end restaurant, and there was no strike-on phenomenon!

At this moment, Xiaolan is a mature woman, she is quietly waiting for Feiyingli's arrival.

Strange to say, when Xiaolan was taking a shower in the shower room, she somehow felt that there were two eyes watching her all the time, and this feeling didn't disappear until she got a ride.

She searched left and right for a long time, but still couldn't find anyone's peeping, and finally thought it was an illusion!

Xiaolan closed the menu, at this moment, a gust of fragrant wind passed by her side, and a peerless beauty appeared in front of Xiaolan.

Fei Yingli got off work early and came to the restaurant of the Cupido Building.

She was wearing trendy OL style clothing, a blue knee-length dress under a white tunic, and blue high-heeled shoes, echoing the dress.

The brown hair was let down, swaying with the wind, showing a myriad of amorous feelings, and the delicate and young face was extremely imposing, and the aura could be described as overwhelming.

After Fei Yingli became younger, even her dress and hairstyle have changed!

As soon as she appeared on the stage, she attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant. Everyone couldn't help being surprised to see such a young woman with such a strong aura.

Even Xiaolan was stunned, her mouth was wide open, with a dull expression!

Although we have talked on the phone for a while, today is the first time we have met since the kidnapping.

"Xiaolan, have you been waiting for a long time?" Fei Yingli showed a smile on her face, and seeing countless concerned eyes from left and right, she dragged Xiaolan into the private room of the restaurant.

After the two left, countless people in the restaurant whispered to each other, talking about the pair of young sisters.

Xiaolan was being pulled by Feiyingli, her big eyes were still patrolling her mother.

I have known my mother for more than ten years, and today I suddenly feel that I don’t know each other.

After the two entered the box, Xiaolan immediately asked, "Mom, how did you become so young? What's going on here?"

Fei Yingli felt amused when she saw her daughter's expression of not knowing her.

There was a slight smile on her face: "This is all your father's fault. He doesn't know which biological company he got the medicine from, and gave it to me and your Aunt Xizi, which made us both younger by more than ten years." !"

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