"Oh, it's really distressing!" Fei Yingli's face was full of smiles when she said this, there was no trace of distress!

These days, she and You Xizi feel a bit reluctant to leave home. The two girls go out together, visit high-end shopping malls, buy young and trendy clothes, do hair with their girlfriends, and receive a lot of envious looks.

When the female shopping guides saw them both, they praised their skin for being so young, so supple, and so shiny!

Needless to say, this feeling is simply great!

Xiaolan nodded when she heard this, and easily accepted it: "Indeed, Dad has a lot of strange things!"

Xiaolan put her arms around Feiyingli's arm with a smile on her face: "Mom, you're getting younger now, we don't look like mother and daughter anymore, but we look like sisters."

She reached out and touched Fei Yingli's face, it was very smooth, like silk!

Feiyingli patted Xiaolan's little hand away, and the two sat on the chairs, then asked the waiter to start ordering, and after ordering, the two began to talk.

The main reason is that Feiyingli talked a lot, and Xiaolan was listening.

Fei Yingli said that she changed after she became younger. After her energy improved, she was even more energetic in court debates, and she was victorious in all battles.

On the way, there were even scouts who wanted to invite her to be a star.

When Fei Yingli talked about these happy people, and when he talked about Mori Kogoro, although the words in his mouth were full of complaints, the happy look on his brows could not hide from the careful Xiaolan.

Xiaolan looked at her mother's constantly smiling face, as well as the anticipation under her eyes, that demeanor like passionate love.

The smile on her face became even more bitter!

But Fei Yingli didn't notice anything unusual about her daughter.

Exquisite dishes were slowly and continuously presented, and the two chatted while eating.

Hieiri was asking what Mori Kogoro was up to these days.

Xiaolan tilted her head and thought for a while: "Didn't do anything? I don't have any entrustment these days? Apart from accompanying me to the martial arts field for training, I just play with Huiyuan at home."

"Speaking of which, the relationship between Dad and Huiyuan is really super good, they have been sleeping together for the past few days!"

"Also, yesterday we went to the famous architect Teiji Moritani's mansion to attend the banquet. The environment there is very beautiful, and Dad behaved very well. Two beauties struck up a conversation, and he acted very cold!"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli had a satisfied smile on his face.

She said, "Xiaolan, when mom is away, you have to take good care of dad and don't let those dubious women get close to him, you understand?"

At this time, Xiaolan put on a happy expression on her face: "So, Mom, are you going to get back together with Dad?"

A touching blush immediately appeared on Feiyingli's face, and she snorted coquettishly, "Hmph, it depends on your father's performance!"

Xiaolan didn't know what her mother meant. After she understood, her eyes were full of sadness!

Fei Yingli continued: "Oh, why do children care so much about adults!"

"I'm not a child anymore!" Xiaolan couldn't help but burst out when she heard this.

You've grown so big, and you're dressed so maturely today, why do you still think you're a child?

Fei Yingli didn't notice her daughter's outburst, and said with a smile: "Mom knows, Xiaolan is not young, she has grown up, and she can fall in love!"

Fei Yingli touched Xiaolan's beautiful hair, and whispered: "Xiaolan, you must keep your eyes open when looking for a boyfriend in the future, you know?"

Xiaolan's eyes lit up, and she said, "Mom, can I find a boyfriend like Dad in the future?"

Fei Yingli couldn't help pondering for a moment, and said, "That's fine, then he can protect you and you will be safe!"

"But you have to learn to be tough, and you can't open your mouth to a man's flirtatious heart, otherwise, you don't even know that he can blow up the sky for you!" Fei Yingli still couldn't help gnashing her teeth when she talked about it.

And Xiaolan didn't hear anything else, her eyes lit up when she said "Ye Hao", but they soon dimmed again.

Fei Yingli looked at the time, it was almost six o'clock, she got up and said, "Xiao Lan, mom has eaten here, you can continue to eat."

"I still have an appointment with you, Aunt Xizi. If we want to do hair together, let's go first!"

Xiaolan nodded, watching Fei Yingli leave quietly, she opened her mouth slightly, and lightly bit the sushi.

It's just that the sushi that tasted delicious before now tastes like chewing wax.

Looking at the water in the glass, she couldn't help but say, "Dad!"

Chapter 0026 send someone on the road

Xiaolan was the only one left in the box, she quietly looked at the exquisite dishes in front of her without moving.

Xiaolan already understands that the marriage reunion between her father and mother is only a layer of thin film, which can be pierced by anyone who pokes it lightly!

However, this is obviously a happy event, but Xiaolan can't be happy no matter what.

She pursed her lips, lowered her small head, and her big eyes were covered by her hair, escaping into the shadows.

Xiaolan started a daze in this box!

"It's a good ending, isn't it?"

"Everything should go back to square one, shouldn't it?"

There was a poignant smile on the corner of Xiaolan's mouth, and a crystal clear thing fell from the shadow, it was tears!


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