In Moriya Teiji's villa, Mori Kogoro lay on the sofa with a relaxed expression.

He looked at Teiji Moriya who came in from the gate, and said, "Hello! Fetish patient!"

"Is the great Maori detective just using his words in vain?" Teiji Moritani was not angry when he heard this address, he walked forward slowly and approached Kogoro Mori.

Seeing Teiji Moriya like this, Kogoro Mori shook his head silently, and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with some pity.

What a tough fellow!

Mori Kogoro then said: "I'm just surprised, since Mr. Moritani loves architecture so much that he even married the house he built, why would he want to blow up his previous works?"

Mori Kogoro asked knowingly, just trying to lure him into revealing the motive for installing the bomb.

After all, the nano camera at the moment is shooting and recording Moriya Teiji!

Hearing this question, Teiji Moritani couldn't help but sneered: "That kind of work is not considered a work, it is obviously inferior, it is rubbish."

"That kind of thing that has no sense of symmetry and no sense of beauty is worth staying in this world!"

"I have already achieved fame, everything I need, and I am respected! But those rubbish, they disgust me all the time."

"So I've been planning to blow them all up, and today just happened to be the right time!"

"It's just that I didn't expect to meet such a freak as you, who can see me through just by sound. However, you are at the end of your skills. You must not be able to guess where I installed the next bomb?"

Teiji Moritani stood in front of the sofa, speaking diversionary words.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, his muscles tensed instantly, he stepped on the coffee table, jumped up into the air, and kicked Kogoro Mori's waist with his right leg.

It is hard to see that this famous architect is also a master of fighting.

It is said that Moriya Teiji is a tough guy, but he doesn't know it yet.

Mori Kogoro had long noticed that his suit was ready to go, and he also discovered that his walking steps had changed into British fighting steps.

The fighting skills that Teiji Moritani learned while studying in the UK are really good. If it were an ordinary person, he might be able to succeed in this sneak attack.

It's a pity that what he met was Kogoro Mouri, who was completely inhuman.

Mori Kogoro got up from the sofa calmly, and pulled out his right leg with a stroke of the whip, and the hair came first, and directly hit the lower abdomen of Teiji Moritani who was hanging in the air.

A sonic boom sounded from a whip leg.

Moriya Teiji's body was like a top, and he spun 1800 degrees in the air before falling to the glass table next to him.

All the glass was broken and pierced his body, turning him into a bloody man.

Mori Kogoro put his legs on the coffee table, patted the dust that did not exist on his pants, and said with a smile, "The next bomb? You mean the bomb installed in the Mihua Building?"

"I've told the police, they're on their way to defuse the bomb you planted!"

Hearing this, Emperor Moriya struggled to get up, and he didn't care even if his palm was stuck on the glass. His bloody face was full of disbelief, and he said, "How is it possible? How is it possible? You shouldn't know!"

Mori Kogoro walked slowly: "Although you deliberately chose a special angle for the photos in the browsing room, and took the Mihua Building as if it were a symmetrical building, in order to get away with it."

"Unfortunately, I am very familiar with the Mihua Building, and of course I know its shortcomings. Your little trick is destined to fail!"

"Tell me, who is that gentleman who helped you and kept troubling me?"

Kogoro Mori stood in front of Teiji Moritani, looking down at Teiji Moritani who was covered in blood and couldn't get up.



Teiji Moritani, who was lying on the bottom, laughed wildly, laughing utterly maniacally.

Mori Kogoro thought he was insane, so he stepped on the back of his hand, and his palm was ruthlessly pierced into the shards of glass!

Moriya Teiji's laughter stopped instantly, and then turned into screams, but he still refused to say who instigated it!

As time passed, Teiji Moritani looked at Mori Kogoro with hatred in his eyes, and he finally spoke: "Detective Mori, do you think I will obediently be manipulated by you? Do you know why I came so late? ?”

Mori Kogoro frowned, and the strength under his feet weakened slightly.

Moriya Teiji looked at the clock, it was almost six o'clock.

He grinned, his mouth was full of blood, like a madman: "Very well, it's almost time, Mr. Maori, let me tell you another secret."

"You shouldn't have ruined my lover Roy. Since you have done this, then use your wife and children to pay off the debt. I will let you taste what it is like to lose the love in your heart!"

"What did you say?" Mouri Kogoro heard this, and immediately reached out to pick it up from the ground.

Moriya Teiji said: "Don't you know yet? Your daughter told me yesterday that she is going to meet her mother for dinner at Cupido Mansion today, which happens to be six o'clock."

"I happened to pass by the Cupido Building on the way back, so I planted a few bombs by the way!"

"Detective Maori, if you don't rush over, you will only see the corpses of your wife and children. No, I'm afraid you won't even see the corpses!" Teiji Moritani laughed wildly again.

Mori Kogoro directly punched him flying, this punch was extremely heavy.

Moriya Teiji landed hard on the sofa.


Damn it, it seems that there is no time to ask him who is helping him.

Kogoro Mori looked at Teiji Moritani whose face was covered in blood, and it was time to send him on his way!

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