They were amazed. They thought that Mori Kogoro on the rocky slope would surely die, but unexpectedly he smashed the wall to pieces with one punch.

How can there be such a powerful person in the world! ! !

It's not human at all! ! !

Seeing that the road ahead was unobstructed, Kogoro Mori stood on the three-story stone slope, looking in the direction of the fifth floor.

The legs are vigorous at the same time, and the leap is extremely high, and they are about to jump up.

However, at this moment, the timing of the bombs on the fifth floor reset to zero, a roar sounded, and the bombs exploded.

Xiaolan touched the already faded gold medal on her chest, and murmured: "Farewell, Dad!"


Air waves and flames swept out from all the windows on the fifth floor.

He pushed the leaping Kogoro Mori violently, and Kogoro Mori fell heavily to the ground, his body still burning with flames.

He was seriously injured in an instant, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

His pupils kept shrinking, and he shouted: "Xiao Lan!"

Mori Kogoro ignored his seriously injured body that was still burning with flames, his whole body exploded in speed again, and charged towards the dusty stone slope again.

This time, no falling rocks could stop Mori Kogoro, no matter how big or small it was, it was a smashing punch.

Soon all the bones of his fists were cracked, and the fists were stained with blood and dust, but the fists were still clenched, tightly, and did not let go!

Mori Kogoro soon reached the highest point of the rock slope, and he jumped up without hesitation.

In mid-air, the shattered hand bones opened fiercely, and the staggered bones collided with each other, and the pain swept over him, but he didn't care about it at all.

His hands fell on the five layers of scorched window sills, and only shards of glass remained on the windows.

Grabbing it with both hands, the glass plunged into the palm, and the flesh was immediately bloody.

Regardless of the pain, Mori Kogoro turned over with his arms and entered the fifth floor.

At this moment, the hall was scorched black, flames were raging, and countless corpses were scattered in all directions.

In an instant, Kogoro Mouri saw Xiaolan's location among the countless fallen bodies. She was lying on the corner of the corner, her back was pitch black.

The speed exploded again, and Mori Kogoro rushed to Xiaolan in an instant and hugged her.

At this moment, Kogoro Mori was not as calm as before, his face was full of panic.

The moment he turned over Xiaolan, his tears fell instantly.

"Xiao Lan, it's okay, Dad is here to save you!"

Healing techniques were deployed desperately, but they could only get a reminder every now and then.

[The target is in a dying state and cannot perform healing! 】

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but beat the ground with his bloody fists, screaming in pain.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he said hoarsely: "Xiao V, tell me, tell me, there is any way to save Xiaolan!"

"Yes! Yes! The lottery draw, I have one more lottery draw, Xiao Lan, hold on, Dad will definitely save you back!"

Mori Kogoro is like a madman, even he told about the system lottery, he finally knows what it feels like to lose his love at any time...

It was an incomparable torture, and he immediately called Xiao V to draw a lottery.

Little V also knew that there was a great urgency at the moment, and without any other words, the lottery turntable started spinning in an instant.

A silver light fell into the system space.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Ant-Man robot incubator.

Ant-Man robot incubator: Produced in the Marvel world, the technology of arbitrary expansion and contraction is applied to the cultivated robot, and it can cultivate a combat robot that can expand and contract at will. 】

Undoubtedly, this is an extremely powerful prop, but it is not what Mori Kogoro wants.

At this moment, Xiaolan is already on the verge of death, what he wants is a prop that can save Xiaolan.

"Little V, tell me, if there are any items in the exchange mall that can save Xiaolan, tell me!"

Little V's female voice spoke again: "Sorry, sir, after searching, your points are not enough to exchange for props that can save the dying state!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't believe it. He held Xiaolan in his arms and shouted angrily in the charred and burning hall: "Are you lying to me?"

"You must be lying to me! Little V, you are a system, you should be omnipotent!"

Little V stopped talking.

Mouri Kogoro had tears in his eyes, dripping on Xiaolan's face, he hugged the unconscious Xiaolan tightly, crying like a child.

"Xiao Lan, don't fall asleep, Dad is here!"

"Xiao Lan, don't die, Dad heard what you said, just like Xiao Lan, you love Dad, Dad also loves Xiao Lan!"

Holding his dying daughter in his arms, Kogoro Mori finally sees his heart clearly at this moment, and no longer dodges.

"Xiao Lan, Daddy loves you!"

When Xiaolan, who was lying in Kogoro Mouri's arms, heard this, her little finger moved slightly, and she seemed to be still conscious.

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