Kogoro Mouri couldn't help getting excited when he saw this movement, and continued to speak: "As long as you wake up, Dad will promise you everything, and I will take care of your mother's affairs!"

Suddenly, Kogoro Mori remembered a very familiar scene, and it was the same twenty years ago.


Yes, channeling!If the channeling technique is in full swing, other enhanced attributes of the body can be accumulated on one point.

And he happened to teach Xiaolan this channeling technique yesterday.

Chapter 0029 Save Xiaolan

When Mori Kogoro thought of this, his eyes lit up, he put Xiaolan on the ground, put his hands on her shoulders, and poured the energy in his body into it.

Mori Kogoro said with trembling lips, "Xiao Lan, can you hear me?"

"When you hear the words, activate the energy in your body, learn the way my energy operates, and operate the astrology chart in your body, you know?"

The energy poured into Xiaolan's body, and it began to run continuously. Sure enough, although Xiaolan couldn't open her eyes, she was still conscious.

She tried her best to circulate the pure energy in her body, and the energy began to wrap around the star nodes that were very close to her internal organs.

The star nodes suddenly filled up, emitting blue light, and countless energy escaped, nourishing Xiaolan's internal organs.

Xiaolan's pale face regained a little bit of weak energy and blood, the originally inaudible breathing sound gradually became louder, and her heart, which was about to stop at any time, started beating, and the frequency became faster and faster.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

Mori Kogoro ignored the flames on the back of his suit, the blood oozing from his hand bones, and the dislocation of internal organs.

He didn't use his three healing techniques on himself, but kept using them on Xiaolan.

As long as the channeling technique is working, the physique is piled up, and he can escape from the dying state and return to the seriously injured state, he will be able to rescue Xiaolan.

Mori Kogoro's eyes were bright, staring closely at Xiaolan below him.

[The target is in a dying state and cannot perform healing! 】

[The target is in a dying state and cannot perform healing! 】


Finally, Xiaolan activated the channeling technique to dissipate all the energy into her internal organs, and her physique also strengthened accordingly. Xiaolan also returned from a near-death state to a seriously injured state.

The prompt sound in my mind finally changed!

[The target is seriously injured, and the healing technique was successfully cast! 】

This time, the energy was extracted so rapidly that Mori Kogoro only felt that all the energy in his body surged out like a tide, and all of it was drawn out, and his legs went limp.

But there was a grin on his face, with a happy expression on his face.

Even if the extraction force is ten times stronger, he is still willing.

I saw with my own eyes that Xiaolan's body continued to recover, all the injuries on her back healed, the blood on her face recovered, her heartbeat became stronger and stronger, and her pulse became more and more surging.

Mori Kogoro smiled like an idiot.

Until he saw Xiaolan opened his eyes, Mori Kogoro couldn't bear it anymore.

He hugged Xiaolan tightly and kissed her on the lips.

Xiaolan's big eyes widened, her pupils kept shrinking, and her heartbeat, which had just recovered, soared to more than [-] in an instant.

It's unbelievable, that is to say, what I just heard in a daze is true!

For a moment, ecstasy swept Xiaolan's heart.

She couldn't help but reached out and hugged Kogoro Mori tightly, and responded enthusiastically.

This kiss seemed to stop time, the two of them got carried away and forgot everything!


It wasn't until the roar of an explosion was heard upstairs that the two of them came to their senses and separated.

It was only then that Xiaolan realized that the suit behind Mori Kogoro was still burning with flames.

The bones of the hands also showed distorted fractures, and the palms were bloody.

Her big eyes immediately shed tears, full of distressed look: "How could this happen?"

She quickly reached out to pat the flames on Kogoro Mori's suit at the back, and patted off all the flames that had just exploded.

Then he raised Kogoro Mori's arm, looked at the palm, and crystal clear tears fell down again.

"It's okay, Xiaolan, let's escape first!"



Moriya Teiji was afraid that Xiaolan and Fei Yingli would not be killed by the bombing, so he not only blew up the entrance and exit, but also installed a large number of bombs on the fifth floor, and also installed a large number of bombs on the fourth and sixth floors.

Now the sound of explosions keeps ringing, and those load-bearing pillars are blown up one by one by bombs.

The window where Mori Kogoro came in was also blocked by piles of rocks, and there was no exit from the entire hall.

The ceiling felt shaky, as if it was about to fall down at any moment.

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