Kogoro Mori looked at the inconvenient palm and sensed the misplaced internal organs. He was about to perform a healing technique on himself.

It's a pity that the healing technique failed!

When he was treating the dying Xiaolan just now, all the energy in Mori Kogoro's body was drained.

At this moment, his body was empty, so naturally he couldn't use the healing technique.

Although Mori Kogoro is seriously injured, his physique has already reached the perfect state.

The accompanying toughness attribute is extremely strong, and even serious injuries have not hindered his ability to move.

He stretched out his arms around Xiaolan's waist, hugged her tightly into his arms, broke away his bloody hands, pulled up Xiaolan's round thighs, and said, "Clamp me! Hold me tight!"

Although Xiaolan was a little strange, she obeyed obediently.

The powerful thighs tightly clamped Kogoro Mori's waist, the white hands tightly wrapped around Kogoro Mori's neck, and the soft chest was tightly pressed against Kogoro Mori's solid chest.

Her tiny head was facing Kogoro Mori.

Kogoro Mouri looked at Xiaolan's bewildered expression, and lightly pecked her face with a smile on her face.

"Let's go, we're going out!"

Immediately afterwards, Xiaolan saw a miraculous scene, her big eyes widened.

In front of him, Kogoro Mori radiated a golden light all over his body, which was extremely dazzling, like a god!

[Superior Body] was casted, Mori Kogoro was covered in golden light, and was immune to any damage during this period.

The time is maintained for one minute, and the cooling time is twenty-four hours.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro felt that his condition had returned to its peak, and all the pain of the serious injury disappeared.


The largest load-bearing pillar on the sixth floor was blown off, the entire ceiling was crushed, and countless rubble fell down.

But Xiaolan wasn't afraid at all, she looked at the god-like Mori Kogoro in front of her, with a look of fascination in her eyes, she was willing to die here together!

Mori Kogoro waved his hands like water, and the bones in his hands that had already been shattered seemed to be made of steel, emitting a golden light.

A count of Beng Fist strikes out, smashing the stone falling towards Xiaolan to pieces.

His speed exploded completely, and he rushed towards the wall on the east side that was not piled up with rocks.

There was no way out, so he hammered out a way out by himself.

With a half-step Bengquan blasted out, the wall shattered like a spider's web.

Beng Quan blasted out in two and a half steps, and a hole was directly opened in the center of the spider web.

Three strategies and a half-step Bengquan blasted out, and a hole big enough for people to pass appeared in front of the two of them.

At this time, the entire ceiling, no, the entire sixth floor fell down, crushing the fifth floor into powder.

The crowd watching from a distance saw that the [-]-storey Kubedo building was shortened out of thin air, and the fifth floor was crushed.

And just at this moment, a golden light slid down from the smoke and dust.

It's Kogoro Mori and Ran!

Chapter 0030

Mori Kogoro jumped down from the fifth floor holding Xiaolan.

His legs stepped heavily on the concrete floor, directly leaving two footprints on the concrete floor, and the leather shoes under his feet were broken.

When he landed on the ground, he straightened his horse, controlled the counterforce of the ground under his body, and offset it with his hegemony, preventing this force from hurting Xiaolan.

Xiaolan's expression is still a little confused at the moment, the two of them jumped off the building just now!Let's jump five floors!

He looked at the glittering golden Kogoro Mori, and couldn't help asking: "Father, are you okay?"

"Fool, of course it's okay, let's go quickly!"


The bombs on the fourth floor also started to explode. Mori Kogoro still didn't let Xiaolan go, he supported Xiaolan's body with both hands, and rushed towards the direction of the black car he was driving.

The crowd watching around only saw a golden slick out of the smoke, rushing into the car, and then the car started up, and rushed out in an instant.

Mori Kogoro didn't even dare to let go of Xiaolan. He almost lost his daughter just now, and now he can't wait to rub Xiaolan into his body, so as to protect him, how can he let go!

Coupled with the extreme danger at this moment, the rocks of the Kuwato building kept falling, and the whole building was about to collapse, how could Kogoro Mori let go of his daughter!

He exploded in speed and rushed to the car with his daughter in his arms.

The two sat in the driver's seat together, with Mori Kogoro sitting below, and Xiaolan's legs curled up outside of Mori Kogoro's legs, she sat on Mori Kogoro's body, and the two faced each other.

Fortunately, Xiaolan's body is extremely flexible, so she didn't feel too uncomfortable.

The car whizzed out like a roaring tiger, and drove four to five hundred meters straight, before stopping after a drift and rotation.

The car window was rolled down, and the two of them looked at the Kubado Building that was pressing down again.

The fourth and fifth floors were all crushed to pieces, this time it was destined to suffer heavy casualties.

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