But even if the fourth and fifth floors were crushed, the whole building was still as stable as Mount Tai, and there was no sign of it falling down.

Moritani Teiji is indeed a genius architect, and even an explosion maniac, and the fixed-point blasting is perfect.

However, he still had a trace of humanity left, he just wanted to blow up the fourth, fifth and sixth floors, and as for the people on the other floors, he let them go.

Although such a guy is a complete pervert, he is also a powerful opponent.

However, if such a person dares to hurt Xiaolan and Huiyuan, even if he dies ten thousand times, it will not be a pity!

The explosion stopped, and Mori Kogoro stopped looking at the Kubado Building, which was gradually returning to calm, and turned to look at his daughter.

His big hands rested on Xiaolan's back. The back of the pleated skirt had already been completely burned, and the back was covered with coke.

Xiaolan looked at Moli Kogoro, who was covered in golden light, and couldn't help asking: "Father, what's going on, your body is shining!"

After one minute, the effect of dominance disappears, the golden light fades, and the pain strikes again. This time the pain is really unbearable!

Mori Kogoro twitched his face, and grinned: "This is a more advanced martial art, but it's a pity that Xiaolan you can't learn it for the time being."

Mori Kogoro inspected Xiaolan's body. Although he had just used his domineering body and tried his best to protect her head and upper body, the legs sandwiched by the waist were still injured.

The legs were covered with bloodstains and bruises. The most serious thing was a ten-centimeter bleeding scar on the calf, which was caused by a sharp stone slice. Distressed.

Just this minute, Mouri Kogoro recovered a little bit of energy, and his big hands rested on Xiaolan's curled up legs.

The healing technique was launched again, and Susu's numbing energy poured into Xiaolan's calf, and granulation sprouted from the wound, and soon Xiaolan's calf returned to its original state, extremely smooth.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan's eyes shed tears again, looking at Mouri Kogoro's palm which could no longer be seen at all, she said, "Father, you should heal yourself first, you are hurt so badly!"

Mori Kogoro lay on the seat and let out a long sigh of relief.

He stroked Xiaolan's head with his arm, and said, "It's okay, this little injury, Dad will recover soon, the most important thing is that Xiaolan is fine!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan couldn't help but hugged Mouri Kogoro tightly, and leaned her head on Mouri Kogoro's chest, tears streaming down her eyes.


Mori Kogoro only felt that his body was being pressed down, and the injury was a little worse, but his chest felt very soft, really painful and happy.

The two of them didn't speak, they hugged each other tightly in the driver's seat, watching the police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances approaching one after another.

The injured wailed in pain; the relatives of the people on the fourth, fifth and sixth floors rushed to the ground after hearing the news, one by one screaming for the sky; the policemen pulled up the cordon; .

The outside world was disturbing, but the two people in the car hugged each other tightly, not separating at all.

After about a quarter of an hour, Mori Kogoro felt that the energy in his body had almost recovered, so he performed a healing technique on himself.

Susu Mama's healing energy was constantly tormenting in his body, and his body trembled slightly.

This strange healing energy moves the misplaced internal organs in the body back to their original place;

Repair all the bloodstains on the body that were scratched by the stone;

Repair all the scorched skin behind;

Restore the two hideously large hands to their original shape.

All the broken hand bones returned to their original positions, and all the glass wounds in the palm were completely repaired, and the hands returned to their previous appearance.

Except for the energy in his body disappearing again, Mori Kogoro is in extremely good condition.

Xiaolan raised her body and watched the trembling Mori Kogoro gradually recover from her injuries and her hands returned to normal, the tears in her eyes stopped.

"Great, Dad, you finally recovered!"

His hands recovered, and he could finally hold his daughter. Mori Kogoro put his arms around Xiaolan's charred back, looking at his daughter's angelic face.

He put his forehead against Xiaolan's forehead, rubbed his nose lightly against Xiaolan's nose, and said in fear: "Xiaolan, you really scared me to death today, didn't I tell you to be careful these few days?" ? Didn’t I tell you not to go out at night?”

"Why are you so disobedient!"

Mori Kogoro slapped Xiaolan's butt with his big hand.

Xiaolan didn't feel much pain, she stuck out her tongue and made an innocent expression: "I haven't seen my mother for a long time, I just want to have dinner with her!"

"It's okay to meet, but next time I ask you, you are not allowed to hide it from me, do you understand?"

Mori Kogoro slapped him again!

Xiaolan put her arms around Maoli Kogoro's neck, and said coquettishly: "I see, next time I will definitely not hide it from Dad, and tell you everything!"

Only then did Kogoro Moori let Xiaolan go, and the two embraced tightly.

Chapter 0031 Little Angel and Eri's Phone Call

Looking at the angel in front of him, he looked at himself with big watery eyes, and put his white hands on his shoulders.

Mori Kogoro, who had already realized his inner self, didn't hesitate any longer. Looking at those pink lips, he felt extremely attractive. He had no scruples and kissed her lips again.

This feeling is stronger than in Kubado Building.

For Mori Kogoro, it was like kissing for the first time, he didn't know what to do, for fear of biting the girl in front of him.

And the girl's heartbeat soared again in an instant, and two blushes floated on her face: This time it's real, I'm not dreaming, I'm still awake, he really kissed me!

Her eyes were full of mist and love, and at this moment she felt so happy that she was about to faint.

Sensing Kogoro Mori's constant attack, she began to respond clumsily!

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