But Mori Kogoro's big hand was very honest, he just gently stroked the back of the girl in front of him, and didn't do anything else.

The two kissed for an extremely long time until Kogoro Mori's backup phone rang.

The two of them separated as if awakened from a start.

Kogoro Mori looked at the blush on the face of the person in his arms, and seeing her shy expression, he couldn't help but blush himself.

He could only feel a sense of jealousy stirring in his body.

The ringtone of the mobile phone finally shattered the distracting thoughts in Mori Kogoro's mind. He picked up the spare mobile phone on the passenger seat. After the mobile phone was connected, he heard Fei Yingli's crying immediately.

"Kogoro, I just heard the news that the Kubado Building was attacked by terrorists and a bomb exploded on the fifth floor of the building."

"I just had dinner with Xiaolan, I'll take a step first, Xiaolan is still there, but, but, I haven't been able to get through to her phone!"

"Xiao Wulang, what should we do? Will something happen to Xiao Lan?"

At this moment, Fei Yingli panicked, and the sound of crying came over.

Mori Kogoro immediately comforted him: "Eri, don't worry, Xiaolan left a long time ago, there was no explosion, nothing happened!"

"Really? Then where is she, let her talk to me!" Fei Yingli, who was driving over, put her foot on the brake, with a look of surprise on her face!

Mori Kogoro glanced at the little angel in his arms, her face was still flushed, and she looked panic-stricken.

Mori Kogoro shook his head involuntarily, facing the phone, he performed a master voice change technique.

He pretended to be Xiaolan's voice: "Mom, I'm fine. Dad came to pick me up just now. As soon as we left, the building exploded. It's terrible! Many people died!"

Of course, I said this to avoid worrying Eri!

The little angel in her arms could not help but widen her eyes when she heard Kogoro Mori utter such a female voice, and even imitated the coquettishness in it perfectly.

When Fei Yingli on the other end of the phone heard this, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "So that's the case, you also took a step first, that's great, I really scared my mother to death just now!"

Kogoro Mori rolled his eyes when he heard this, feeling that he was being taken advantage of.

The little angel in her arms laughed when she saw this, and then she quickly covered her mouth.

"You're still laughing, you heartless, you don't know how much mom worried about you just now!"

"Fortunately, there was no danger this time. Your father arrived in time, otherwise you will be in trouble! But, where is your mobile phone?"

Mori Kogoro then replied: "My phone just ran out of battery, so I turned it off!"

Xiaolan's voice appeared again, and the little angel couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing when she heard the voice, she just thought this scene was super funny!

After Feiyingli heard that Xiaolan was fine, her tears stopped.

She regained her composure, turned the steering wheel, and turned the car around.

Since Xiaolan is fine and is going home, there is no need for her to go to Cuphu Mansion to join in the fun.

The blue Mini Cooper started and headed towards Fujimine Residence.

Mori Kogoro and Hieiri were talking on the phone, rolling their eyes from time to time, and calling their wife Mama, it felt so sour.

He quickly used an excuse to shirk and hung up the phone, and the little angel in his arms couldn't help laughing anymore.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and patted her plump buttocks fiercely, just about to make a move to teach this complacent little guy a lesson.

However, as soon as the phone was hung up, it rang again.

It was Police Officer Megure's call, Mori Kogoro's expression became serious, and the call was connected.

"Brother Maoli, I finally got through to your phone. If I didn't have your spare phone number, I really couldn't find you!"

"Brother Mori, from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], there were terrible explosions at the Moritani Mansion and the Cupato Building."

"Preliminary statistics show that at least [-] people were killed in the explosion of the Cupido Building. This incident is a big one!"

Mori Kogoro replied: "Yes, I know it all, I have already found out all of this, and it was all done by Emperor Moritani."

"Brother Maori, are you sure? This incident is no small matter, after all, it is a big murder of more than [-] people!" At this moment, the police officer Mumu standing outside Moriya's mansion looked serious.

"I'm sure, I still have the video of Teiji Moritani's confession."

"It's just that I made a mistake this time. That guy is extremely cunning. He not only installed bombs in the Mihua Building, but also in the Cupato Building. I only found one of them, and I didn't notice the one in the Cupato Building!"

Police officer Mu Mu hurriedly comforted: "Brother Maoli, you have done a good job. Just now the bomb disposal team reported that all the bombs at the Mihua Building were safely dismantled. You have saved many lives!"

Kogoro Mori then said: "Teiji Moriya is a paranoid criminal. After he was approached by me, he knew that he could not escape legal sanctions, so he wanted to drag me to hell together, so he blew up his own house. bomb."

"But I managed to escape with my life, but he died in the flames. I think, when the firefighters clean up the Moriya family's mansion, they should be able to see his body."

"Officer Mumu, let me send you the video I secretly recorded before!"

Mori Kogoro pretended to be operating with his mobile phone, but actually ordered V to send the edited video to Police Officer Megure.

With Xiao V's editing technology, no one in this world can see through it.

Of course, the part about Kogoro Mori blowing up Mihua City Hall in the middle was also removed.

The whole video is smooth and smooth, and it is done in one go, so no one else will see through it.

Police officer Mu Mu was overjoyed after receiving the video. Although an extremely bad explosion was caused this time, the murderer has been found, and the case can be considered closed. At least there is an explanation to the public.

Mori Kogoro said: "Officer Megure, tomorrow I will go to the Metropolitan Police Department to explain all this in person."

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