"Okay, Brother Maori, I really want to thank you this time."

Chapter 0032 Good friends!

Mori Kogoro hung up the phone, and Xiaolan said: "Dad, this explosion was the banquet we attended yesterday. Was Mr. Moritani planning it? It's terrible, why did he kill so many people!"

"It's the artist's paranoia. He wants to blow up his dissatisfied works, so he makes so many troubles."

Mori Kogoro shook his head, looked at Xiaolan, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and his hands reached for the soft flesh around her waist.

"You girl, why didn't you talk just now, and you were still laughing beside me when I helped you? It seems that I have to teach you a lesson today!"

Xiaolan immediately twisted her body, smiled coquettishly and said, "I'm afraid!"

The itch hit her, and she quickly said, "Daba, Dad, itch!"

As she kept twisting her body, Kogoro Mori gasped.

Xiaolan's face turned red from laughing, she pressed Moori Kogoro's big hand with both hands, her big eyes were shining brightly, as if there was light, she stared at Mouri Kogoro, and asked, "Dad, how can you imitate my speech?" ? That voice is exactly like mine!"

Mori Kogoro said with a proud face: "I can not only speak with your voice,"

Xiaolan's pretty face was dull again, and she opened her mouth slightly. She couldn't believe that it was Sonoko's voice that Mori Kogoro made this time.

"I'll still speak in other people's voices," said Hattori Heiji.

"Who do you want to hear, Xiaolan?" This was Yuan Shanhe Ye's voice.

"Father can use whoever's voice to say." This is Xiaohuiyuan's loli voice.

Xiaolan's goosebumps came out when she heard this, every voice was almost exactly the same as her own, and she couldn't hear the difference at all.

Seeing the sluggish expression on the baby girl's face, Kogoro Mori leaned forward and kissed Xiaolan.

It was only then that Xiaolan seemed to wake up, and exclaimed, "Father, you are so amazing! How could you be so similar!"

Xiaolan poked her head over, wanting to see how Kogoro Mori's throat grew, Kogoro Mori patted her on the back, and said, "Okay, your dress has become a backless dress, and your whole body Dirty, sit down, we're going home!"

The explosion just now burned the back of Xiaolan's dress. Although her back has recovered from the injury, it is covered with black charcoal.

Xiaolan sat up straight, opened the front of her clothes with her big hands, reached in, and took out a white bra.

Mori Kogoro saw the peak light in the front of his clothes in an instant, turned his face sideways, and said, "Xiao Lan, what are you doing?"

"The explosion just now burned all the clothes I was wearing behind, and also burned the straps of the bra. I couldn't put it on, so I just took it out!"

Xiaolan kept the bra aside, then put her arms around Mori Kogoro, the two lumps of softness collided instantly, Xiaolan smiled and said, "Dad, let's go, let's go home!"

Mori Kogoro really can't do anything with this daughter!

The car started quickly and drove towards home.

The Kubado Building behind is billowing with smoke, and the firefighters are still spraying water jets to fight the fire, while Mori Kogoro and Xiao Ran are far away from this scene.


Soon, the car drove back to the Maoli Office, and Xiaolan who got out of the car was still a little reluctant to part with her. She waited for Mouri Kogoro for a while, and Mouri Kogoro got out of the car.

Ran put her arm around Kogoro Mori.

It's a familiar feeling again, and it's so precious when it's lost and found again!

The two came to the door on the third floor, and just as Xiaolan was about to take out the key, the door inside opened.

Haibara, who was sitting at the door waiting, heard the sound and immediately opened the door, and saw the disheveled Mori Kogoro and Xiao Lan.

The suit on one body was torn, and the leather shoes under his feet were all cracked, like a beggar.

The other white dress was filthy, its back was as black as coal, and there was only one transparent shoe left under its feet, almost like a Cinderella.

Huiyuan's anxious little face relaxed when he saw Kogoro Mouri, as if ignoring Kogoro Moori's dusty body, he rushed forward.

"Uncle Mao Li, you're finally back, I'm so worried about you!"

Mori Kogoro smiled and walked into the living room with little Lori in his arms.

Xiaolan saw that the two had such a good relationship, she couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, but when she remembered what she had heard before, she didn't mind anymore, and a smile appeared on her face.

She went in, closed the door, went to the room to get the pajamas, and went to the bathroom. Xiaolan couldn't bear the charcoal on her back.

Mori Kogoro carried Hui Yuan to the sofa to comfort the crying Xiao Ai.

Haibara was really worried about Kogoro Mori, especially after seeing a series of explosions on TV, and she couldn't get through to Kogoro Mori.

Little Loli came back home after school, and saw that there was no sign of Kogoro Mori, so she sat at the entrance and waited. Fortunately, Kogoro Mori was finally there, so she was relieved.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little surprised, Xiao Ai who was originally very strong in his impression is now crying like a tearful person, it is really puzzling!

It wasn't until Xiaolan took a bath that Mori Kogoro managed to tease little Lolita into tears.

Haibara's mood improved, and he felt relieved when he saw that Mori Kogoro was in good health.

However, she suddenly remembered the matter of testing Teacher Xiao Lin at school in the afternoon, so she immediately asked, "Uncle Mao Li, what is your relationship with Teacher Xiao Lin?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lan, who was going to cook in her pajamas, also stopped, and walked towards the coffee table, pretending to drink from the water cup on the coffee table, her ears pricked up.

Mori Kogoro saw that Huiyuan's eyes were full of scrutiny when he cried just now, and he couldn't help feeling a little flustered. He touched his head and said, "Mr. Xiaolin, oh, isn't he the head teacher in your class? Going to school with Conan is also thanks to Mr. Kobayashi's help."

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