"What's the relationship? It's a good friend, because Conan is so naughty. Teacher Xiaolin has visited her home many times. I treated her to dinner once or twice. It's just a friend relationship! Haha! Haha!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's brows jumped.

Huiyuan continued, "But I asked Mr. Kobayashi, and the answer is completely different from yours?"

She recalled Mr. Kobayashi's answer in the afternoon.

When Xiaolin Chengzi heard the question of Huiyuan, a blush could not help appearing on his face, he smiled and said to Huiyuan: "Your Uncle Mao Li is a very good person, but he is a bit domineering, alas, let me tell you this What are you doing, children don't understand this!"


When Huiyuan heard this answer, he felt that there was something tricky between the two of them!

The glass in Xiaolan's hand at the side was cracked in ice by her, and it looked like it would burst at any moment!

Mori Kogoro laughed, looked at Xiaolan and Haibara whose faces were getting more and more wrong, and quickly said: "How could it be different, we are just good friends, Xiao Ai, you must have heard wrong, oops, my body is so ugly. It stinks, it's time to take a shower, so I won't accompany you guys."

After saying that, Mori Kogoro took his pajamas and went into the bathroom as if fleeing.

Chapter 0033 Ant-Man Robot

Kogoro Mori came out of the shower and saw Ran and Haibara sitting at the dining table eating, but Conan was nowhere to be seen.

He couldn't help asking: "Where's Conan, hasn't he come home yet? It's almost eight o'clock!"

Huiyuan raised his head and said, "He called back earlier and said that he would be staying at Dr. Ali's house today."

Mori Kogoro realized in an instant, this guy must have gone to investigate today's bombing case, but unfortunately the case is over, and Conan is doomed to do nothing.

He shook his head and went back to the dining table to start eating. Fan Xiaolan had already served him, and when he saw him on the table, he quickly put the boneless fish into his bowl.

Xiaolan said sweetly: "Father, you have worked hard today, you should eat more!"

Haibara shook his head as he watched the relationship between the father and daughter get better again inexplicably, he really didn't understand the father and daughter.


At this moment, Conan was disheveled. He crossed the cordon and entered the mansion of Teiji Moritani, constantly turning over the soil.

He found yellow powder in this dirt, which was caused by TNT bombs.

Very good, the next step is to go to the Kubado Building to determine the type of bomb.

Conan wandered around the previous Mihua City Hall for a long time, but did not find any more clues. Later, he heard from the news that there were explosions in Moritani Teiji's mansion and Kuwado Building.

He immediately rushed to Teiji Moritani's mansion, the fire on the scene had already been extinguished, because it was getting late, and he had already learned that there was only one person inside, so except for the guarding police officers, everyone rushed to Kubado Building to support So Conan easily sneaked in here.

Conan came a step late and did not knock down Police Officer Mu Mu, so he searched for clues at the scene of the explosion.

He also found that all the nearby surveillance cameras had been sabotaged, and he couldn't help being surprised.

Immediately afterwards, Conan took a taxi to the Cupido Building.

At the moment, Officer Megure, Officer Shiratori, and Police Officer Matsumoto are all at the scene directing.

The explosion in the Cupido Building was too tragic, because the fourth, fifth and sixth floors were all crushed, and the number of casualties cannot be counted clearly until now.

Fortunately, the Cupido Building did not fall down. Otherwise, it would be the same as 911/[-] in the United States, and the incident would be completely big. In such a situation, I don’t know how many people will take the blame and resign.

As soon as Conan came to the scene, he was shocked to see the scene like this, but he soon saw Police Officer Megure, and hurried forward.

Conan said, "Officer Mumu, Uncle Maori asked me to understand the situation!"

Police Officer Megure frowned immediately when he heard this. It is obvious that Kogoro Mori knows everything here, so how could he ask Conan to find out the situation.

He quickly realized that it was no wonder that Moli brother said that Conan should reflect on himself in the prison cell. It turned out that this child was so naughty.

Officer Shiratori looked at Conan and said, "This is the little boy who has been following Detective Maori and found evidence from time to time?"

Police Officer Meguro nodded, and turned to Gao Mushe and said: "Send this child back to the Maori detective's house."

Takagi She nodded quickly: "Hi!"

He walked towards Conan and hugged Conan.

Conan quickly shouted: "Officer Mumu, Uncle Maori asked me to come."

Officer Mumu frowned and said, "You still dare to lie. The one who knows the most about this incident is Brother Maoli. Conan, lying is not something a child should do. Well, this place is too dangerous, so you should go back first!"

Conan, who was exposed the lie, had a dry smile on his face, and could only obediently follow Takagi She into the car.


After eating, Mori Kogoro studied the newly obtained props in his room. He squatted on the ground and looked at the incubator the size of a Rubik's cube.

Ant-Man robot incubator: Produced in the Marvel world, the technology of arbitrary expansion and contraction is applied to the cultivated robot, and it can cultivate a combat robot that can expand and contract at will.

This incubator requires a full 120 million points to be redeemed in the system mall. Kogoro Mori was lucky to be able to get this incubator this time.

This robot incubator prop was produced in the later period of the Marvel world. All the cultivated robots are equipped with ant-man suits, which can freely expand and contract their bodies, and can become larger or smaller.

Although this incubator is only the size of a Rubik's cube, its body is covered with a layer of Pym particles, which are key particles that can expand and contract freely.

At this moment, the incubator has shrunk in size. If restored, the incubator should at least be the size of a room.

Listening to Xiao V's introduction, this incubator contains enough materials to grow a hundred Ant-Man robots. If the materials are exhausted, you can use the points to exchange them in the system mall, which is very convenient...

The speed of cultivation is to produce one Ant-Man robot in eight hours, and three in a day.

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