There are also various types of combat robots to choose from. Each type of robot has different combat power and functions, but it is very easy to deal with ordinary enemies.

Mori Kogoro didn't choose anything else, and immediately let the incubator start cultivating bodyguard robots.

Having experienced so many kidnapping and hostage incidents, he is most worried about the safety of his women. After all, he is too famous and can be regarded as the target of public criticism.

If he had obtained this incubator earlier, Kogoro Mori would not have had to spend a lot of trouble and allocate funds to build his own power.

But now that the forces have been established, Mori Kogoro will naturally not disband. After all, it is also very happy to use another identity to find fun with those criminals.

He planned to equip all his women with an ant-man robot. Anyway, this robot doesn't need to drink water and eat, so it makes them the size of an ant-man. It's perfect for secretly protecting his women.

Mori Kogoro studied the incubator well enough, and took it back into the system space.

When he walked out of the room, he saw Huiyuan on the sofa holding a biology book and reading it. The little loli was wearing shorts and a white shirt, sitting sideways on the sofa, revealing a small section of pink calf, which made Maori look so small. Goro couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

The little loli seems to be in good condition, it seems it's time for another wave of experiments!

Recalling the previous two experiments, Kogoro Mori didn't last more than two hours each time, which is really a shame!

But this can't be blamed on Mori Kogoro, it's just that little Lolita is so talented, it's too heaven-defying.

Kogoro Mori was thinking like this, looking at Haibara with both eyes, the little Lolita noticed Kogoro Mori's gaze, and couldn't help shrinking her legs back.

A timid look appeared on the innocent Xiaomeng's face, and his allure suddenly increased, and Kogoro Mori's breathing became a little rough.

Sure enough, creatures like legal loli shouldn't appear in this world!

Chapter 0034 Xiaolan's questioning

Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa, put his big hands on the little loli's pink calf, and really couldn't get tired of touching it, and said, "Xiao Ai, you work so hard, what kind of books are you reading?"

Huiyuan's big light blue eyes flashed an inexplicable color.

Her face was slightly red, she turned around, her big eyes were looking at the heavy book, but her heart was already in a mess.

Mouri Kogoro pulled Huiyuan into his arms, smiled and said, "Uncle and Xiao Ai watch it together!"

The pink and tender little loli was pulled into her arms, and Haibara, who had just taken a bath, emanated a little girl's unique fragrance, which continuously penetrated into Kogoro Mori's nose.

Mori Kogoro rubbed Haibara's head with his chin.

Haibara moved his buttocks and found a comfortable position in Mori Kogoro's arms. The two of them put their heads together and read the book. At this moment, even the obscure reference books were very interesting for the two of them.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Takagi came back with Conan.

Xiaolan ran to open the door, and Takagi took Conan into the living room.

"Detective Maori, this kid just ran to the scene of the explosion, and I brought it back to you."

Conan on the side still showed an embarrassed dry smile, Mori Kogoro hugged Haibara and didn't let it go, nodded to Officer Takagi and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Officer Takagi smiled and said, "Detective Maori, Conan has been sent back, so I'll go back. Too many people died today, so I have to go back and help."

Xiaolan sent Gao Muwa out of the door.

Conan immediately approached Mori Kogoro, and said curiously, "Uncle Mori, what's going on? Officer Takagi said that the case is over and the murderer has been found. Please tell me!"

Conan actually spoke in a coquettish tone.

Looking at Conan who pretended to be a child and acted maliciously in front of him, Mouri Kogoro's eyes twitched, and he hit his forehead with an exploding chestnut: "Speak well! A boy must act like a boy!"

Conan squatted down holding the big red envelope on his head, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes, a really familiar feeling.

Obviously he had already made a dodge move, but he still couldn't dodge.

Mori Kogoro said: "Conan, you are really getting more and more skinny, and you said to stay at Dr. Ali's house for one night, have you forgotten that you just came out of the confinement room yesterday? Besides, such a dangerous place, Where should you, a child, go!"

Conan raised his head and said with tears in his eyes: "But, Uncle Maori, I found that there were two types of bombs in today's explosion, one is a plastic bomb and the other is a TNT bomb. I suspect there may be another bomb." The gangsters haven't been found yet, and the surveillance near the second house of Emperor Moriya has also been destroyed, Uncle Maori, don't you think there is something strange about it?"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyes slightly, but he didn't expect that the TNT he was using allowed Conan to find a flaw.

He said: "The murderer of this series of bombings is Moriya Teiji. He destroyed the nearby surveillance, just because he didn't want to leave any flaws when he went in and out."

"As for the types of bombs, it should be that there are too many buildings to blow up, and if one is not enough, then others will be used as substitutes."

"Okay, these are not things you should care about. Seeing how dirty you are, eat quickly and then go take a shower. Seeing that you are so energetic, you can still go out and make trouble. It seems that the questions are not enough."

"Tomorrow, finish all the questions in the fourth volume of the Mathematical Olympiad and leave it to me."

"You child, if I don't discipline you well, I will feel sorry for your mother, Wen Dai."

Hearing this, Conan's face immediately turned bitter. He didn't expect to write the damn Mathematical Olympiad question after he failed to ask anything.

He didn't dare to say anything more, as long as he said a few more words in this situation, Kogoro Mori would increase the amount of questions.

If you don’t tell me, don’t tell me. When I use the identity of Kudo Shinichi to ask Police Officer Megure, I can still ask.

Conan went back to the dining table to eat, and immediately ran downstairs after eating. He was like this when there was a case, he didn't care about anything, and he just got into the case.

Seeing that the third floor returned to calm, Kogoro Mori showed a satisfied smile.

Xiao Lan, who was wearing pink pajamas, was sitting on the sofa, a faint fragrance came from her body.

Xiaolan's little feet rested on Kogoro Mori's legs, and she nodded lightly and then heavily. She was lying on the sofa watching TV, while Kogoro Mori was flipping through the biology book with Huiyuan in his arms.

Xiaolan saw the live broadcast on the TV, one after another charred corpses were carried away from the Beihu Building, her little face showed a look of unbearable.

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