Mori Kogoro gasped, even though he had seen it many times, but seeing it this time, the feeling was so different.

He shook his head hastily, threw out all the distracting thoughts in his mind, and then climbed onto the bed, his palm circulated the energy in his body, slowly stretched out, and gently caressed the girl's forehead. The palm slowly entered the girl's body.

In an instant, Mori Kogoro seemed to be able to see the bright star pattern in the girl's body.

Mori Kogoro's big hand began to swim along with the energy, along the veins of the star map, all the way down, snow neck, shoulders, arms, chest, Hattori, legs, and then back to the atrium.


The two people in the room on the third floor were testing the channeling technique, but Conan in the room on the second floor didn't know about it.

He was holding a voice changer, and in the identity of Kudo Shinichi, he called Police Officer Megure.

"Officer Megure, I'm Kudo Shinichi, I want to know about today's serial bombing case."

Officer Mu Mu on the other end of the phone walked aside and said, "Xinyi, this case has been closed, why, you are also interested in this case."

Conan said: "So many people died in this incident, I believe no one will turn a blind eye to it. Officer Mu Mu, I have also investigated it myself, and found that there are very likely two groups of murderers in this serial bombing."

Officer Mumu laughed: "It's impossible, the murderer is Teiji Moritani, he has been found a long time ago, and he has committed suicide."

Conan couldn't help being anxious: "I found two types of bombs, one is a plastic bomb and the other is a TNT bomb. The bomb at Emperor Moritani's second office was a TNT bomb, but it was a plastic bomb that blew up the Kubato Building. It is possible that Moriya Emperor Er was silenced."

Officer Megure shook his head, and said, "Xinichi, since you don't believe me, I'll send you the video that Detective Mori gave me. You will see for yourself the process of pleading guilty later!"

"Remember, delete this video after you finish watching it, and don't let others see it."

A video compression package was sent to Kudo Shinichi's mobile phone. He hurriedly ran outside the room, connected the mobile phone to the computer, and played it.

The screen begins with Mouri Kogoro satirizing Moriya Teiji as a fetish and marrying his own villa, and then Moritani Teiji begins to speak nonsense.

"I have already achieved fame, everything I need, and I am respected! But those rubbish, they disgust me all the time."

"So I've been planning to blow them all up, and today just happened to be the right time!"

He was telling the motives for planning the explosion.

In the middle part, Teiji Moritani attacked Mori Kogoro but was kicked by Mori Kogoro and fell to the ground.

Afterwards, Mori Kogoro said that the bomb in the Rice Flower Building had already been dismantled by the police, and Moritani Teiji told about the installation of the bomb in the Cupato Building.

The clips about Moori Kogoro blowing up the city hall and Moritani Teiji's revenge and wanting to blow up Mori's wife and children were all deleted by Xiao V.

The last picture is that he is under the influence of the psychedelic, sitting on the sofa with a face full of blood, shouting: "Alice, let us be together forever!"

An explosion followed.

No matter how you look at this scene, you feel that Emperor Moritani knew the bomb would explode a long time ago, and wanted to commit suicide.

After watching this video, Conan no longer wants to admit it, and can only admit that the bombs in the Moritani family and the bombs in the Kubado Building were all made by this sick architect.

In other words, he looked in the wrong direction again!

Chapter 0036 Xiaolan is in love

Conan froze the screen on the computer at the last moment when Emperor Moriya roared to the sky, and said fiercely: "As expected, abnormality cannot be deduced by common sense. In this way, he did all these bombings."

Conan sighed. He ran outside all day today, thinking that he had found some key clues, but he didn't expect that they were all wrong.

He deleted the videos on his computer and mobile phone, and returned to his room quite disappointed.


In Kogoro Mori's room on the third floor, Kogoro Mori took his hands back from Ran's heart.

Xiaolan said softly, "Father, how are you doing?"

Mori Kogoro looked at Xiaolan under his eyes with a rather strange expression. He had already used the channeling technique to explore Xiaolan's whole body just now, and the astrology map reshaped for the second time did not have any omissions at all, and it was running smoothly.

Looking at Xiaolan's slightly red face, Mouri Kogoro, who understood the meaning, would naturally not tell the real result.

Mori Kogoro coughed twice, and said, "Xiaolan, the star map circuit in your body is indeed a bit biased, but the channeling technique can still work, so there is no need to smash and reshape it like last time."

"Ahem! In the future, as long as Dad helps you warm up a few more times, the route of the star map in your body will soon return to its original position."

Hearing this, Xiao Lan smiled sweetly, and said, "Okay, I will trouble Dad from now on."

Kogoro Mouri looked at Xiao Lan who was still motionless on the bed after the quilt was lifted, he sniffed, and couldn't help but said, "Xiao Lan, don't you want to go back to sleep?"

Xiaolan, who was lying on the bed, was propping up her hands at the moment, stretched her waist, and said "Hmm! Mmm!".

Hearing this question, Xiaolan turned around, turned from the front to lie on the bed, highlighting the plumpness of her buttocks, her eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori, with a weak expression on her face, she said: " Dad, I'm afraid that so many people were killed in the explosion of the Cupido building today."

"The hall is full of charred corpses. If Dad hadn't come to save me, I would have become one of them. I almost never see Dad. I don't want to go back to sleep. I want to be with you."

Seeing Xiaolan's expression, Mori Kogoro knew that although Xiaolan was strong, she was only a sixteen-year-old girl, how could she not be afraid when she encountered such a life-and-death crisis.

He immediately stepped forward to hug Xiaolan, stroked her back gently with his big hand, and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, Xiaolan, daddy is here, you will sleep with daddy tonight."

Xiaolan immediately got up from the bed, and threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms like a swallow falling into a forest, just like when she was a child, but this time it was completely different, very soft!

Mori Kogoro hugged Xiaolan tightly, stroking his back with his big hand, but there was no other movement.

Seeing that Xiaolan had calmed down, Kogoro Mori got up and turned off the lights in the room.

There was only a sliver of moonlight left in the room, Kogoro Mori also lay down on the bed, and lifted the quilt to cover the two of them.

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