His big arms wrapped around Xiaolan's soft waist and hugged her into his arms.

Xiaolan's head rested on Kogoro Mouri's arm, her big eyes blinked, looking at Kogoro Mouri's tough face.

Her little hand touched Mori Kogoro's chest muscles, as if she thought it was fun.

Mori Kogoro reached out and grabbed Xiaolan's little hand, and said, "Sleep, Xiaolan!"

He knew that this night was destined to be difficult!

...no omission here...

When he woke up the next morning, Mori Kogoro woke up, the room was empty, and Xiaolan had already gotten up and went outside to prepare breakfast.

Xiaolan in the kitchen is in a very good mood. She experienced a near-death crisis yesterday, and she recovered very well after a night of sound sleep. She looked very good, with a bright smile on her face.

The door of Huiyuan's room opened, and Little Lolita came out.

Xiao Lan immediately said, "Morning, Hui Yuan, why did you get up so early today?"

Huiyuan glanced at Xiaolan, and said, "No matter how early I get up, I can't get up earlier than a sixteen-year-old big sister who still clings to daddy's bed."

Xiaolan's face turned red: "How do you know?"

"Nonsense, I passed your room when I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and saw that your door was open and there was no one in it, of course I knew it!"

In fact, Haibara got up in the middle of the night and wanted to attack Kogoro Mori at night, but found that Kogoro Mori's room was locked, so he knew that the two slept together.

However, Huiyuan didn't find anything unusual. After all, seeing the two of them came back in disgrace yesterday, she naturally thought that Xiaolan was frightened, but she was still a little upset.

She didn't say anything more, and went into the bathroom to wash up.


In the morning, in class B of the second year of Didan High School, Yuanzi exclaimed loudly after hearing what Xiaolan said: "What, Xiaolan, you have confessed your love to the person you like, and he accepts you too!"

The sound was so loud that everyone in the class couldn't help but look sideways.

This is big news. The most beautiful girl in the class is actually in a relationship. Countless boys couldn't help crying when they heard the news, heartbroken.

Xiaolan's face was full of embarrassment, she pulled Yuanzi down fiercely, and whispered: "Yuanzi, why are you so loud!"

The flames of gossip ignited in Yuanzi's eyes, and he asked excitedly, "Who is that man? Do I know him?"

Hearing this question, Xiaolan couldn't help but look at Yuanzi pitifully. Not only do you know that man, but you also like him very much, but you have no chance.

A smile appeared on Xiaolan's face, and she said, "You don't know that person, and he's not in Tokyo, so I can't introduce you to him."

Yuanzi didn't believe it at all when he heard this, and said, "Stingy, I don't believe it, you have kept it from me for so long, you just don't want me to know."

She sat back in her original seat, looked at the vacant seat beside her, and said, holding her cheek, "Poor Shinichi, I haven't shown up for so long, my childhood sweethearts already have boyfriends."

"Sonoko, what are you talking about? What does it have to do with Shinichi if I have someone I like?"

Sonoko laughed: "Just kidding!"

Yuanzi then said: "Xiao Lan, you are going to participate in the karate competition next week, but you must learn to combine work and rest before the competition. The training is almost done now, and there are only a few days left. It will be useless to continue practicing. How about we ask for leave together and go to the beach to relax?"

"When the time comes, you call your father, and Shumei-senior who will help you train, and let's go to the beach for a romantic leisure trip. How about it?" Sonoko said, with his hands on his chest, obviously already in fantasy up.

When Xiaolan saw Yuanzi like this, the corners of her eyes couldn't help twitching, she knew exactly what her best friend was thinking.

She imitated Mori Kogoro and gave Yuanzi a plan to burst chestnuts. Yuanzi immediately hugged his head and cried out in pain, tears streaming out.

Chapter 0037

Yuanzi couldn't help crying out in pain: "Xiao Lan, why did you hit me?"

She rubbed the big red envelope on her head with an aggrieved look on her face.

Xiaolan said: "Don't think I don't know what's on your mind, I advise you to get rid of unnecessary thoughts as soon as possible, otherwise you will feel better in the future!"

Xiaolan's head is getting bigger, and it's really bad luck to have such a best friend who is always playing tricks on her father.

Yuanzi laughed dryly when he heard this: "Xiaolan, anyway, your mother won't get back together, and the position is still vacant, why don't you let me try, I promise I will treat you very well in the future!"

Xiaolan stared again when she heard this, Yuanzi shrank her head immediately.

"Who said my mother doesn't want to get back together! Didn't you see the kidnapping last time? My mother kissed my father during the live broadcast. It seems that the two of them will be together soon."


When Yuanzi heard this, his expression seemed to be struck by thunder, and he couldn't believe it at all.

Her little head dropped instantly, and she said, "This must not be true, my uncle Maori, my first love, are you going to leave me?"

"What first love, that's my father!"

Yuanzi's dry crying became louder and louder, and Xiaolan couldn't stand it anymore, so she dragged her out of the classroom and ran out to the corridor where there was no one, and the two sat down.

Xiao Lan said: "Okay, don't cry, even if my parents don't get back together, it's not your part, you should give up as soon as possible."

Yuanzi stopped crying, and said, "Xiao Lan, you are getting worse and worse, people are broken in love, you don't allow me to be sad for a while."

"What kind of love is lost, you have never been in love at all."

"Okay, okay, Sonoko, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Sonoko kept pretending to be crying.

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