Huiyuan said softly, "Uncle Maori, I want to sleep with you tonight!"

Mori Kogoro lowered his head, saw Hui Yuan's slightly red face, instantly understood what she meant, and nodded naturally: "Of course it's no problem!"

It was only then that Mori Kogoro realized that the little loli in his arms did not have a blood loss buff attached to it. He was open all year round and had extraordinary talents. He was really an extremely tyrannical opponent and should not be underestimated easily.

Mori Kogoro's eyes also showed a fiery fighting spirit, it seems that the experiment should be carried out again.


At seven o'clock in the evening, when it was time for dinner, Conan and Haibara at the dining table looked surprised.

“Casual trip to Izu Beach!”

"Yuanzi planned it!"

"Sounds pretty good!" Haibara looked at Kogoro Mori with big light blue eyes after listening to Xiaolan's description, also showing anticipation.

When Conan heard that this event was planned by Sonoko Suzuki, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Why does he feel that this trip will be a bit tricky!

Xiaolan then said: "Because I'm going to participate in the karate competition next time, Yuanzi plans to let me relax before the competition. Also, the Shumei-senpai who helped me train will also go together!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, it was that extremely handsome, very confident martial idiot girl.

If she goes with her, I'm afraid the trip will not be so pleasant.

Seeing Kogoro Moori stop, Xiaolan picked up shredded kelp and put it in Kogoro Moori's bowl. She smiled sweetly: "Dad, eat more of this, it's good for your health!"

Mori Kogoro could only reply with an embarrassed yet polite smile.

"Okay, I'll ask Mr. Xiao Lin to ask for leave later!" Hui Yuan quickly agreed.

Chapter 0043

Conan also said, "Okay then, I'll ask Mr. Xiaolin for leave too."

Mori Kogoro glanced at Conan, and said earnestly: "Don't go, Conan, the studies are so heavy, did you finish the Olympiad questions that uncle asked you to do last night, and you still want to go out to play, this week you just be honest Really stay at home and study hard, uncle is still counting on training you to be a mathematician!"

When Conan heard this, he couldn't help feeling anxious, and he would abandon me whenever something good happened. It was the same with the last Hawaiian vacation and the hot spring hotel. He still wants to abandon me this time.

He hurriedly fought hard: "Uncle Mao Li, you can't leave me behind. My Olympiad problem is almost finished, and I can show it to you later."

Hearing that Conan's writing speed has become so fast, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but pick his eyes. This little devil has really been opened up by himself in mathematics!

Xiaolan said from the side: "Father, it's not good to leave Conan alone. Huiyuan is going with me, so let's take Conan with me!"

Hearing what his daughter said, Mori Kogoro had no objection.He looked at Conan who was still pretending to be pitiful, and couldn't help but throw a chestnut on it with a burst of chestnuts: "I didn't see the topic booklet was written tonight, so you don't want to go together tomorrow."

Holding the big red envelope on his head, Conan was so anxious that he didn't even eat, and rushed down to the second floor: "Uncle Maori, I'm going to write right now, and I must take me with me tomorrow."

Throughout the night, Conan worked hard on the second floor, constantly calculating the terrifying mathematics books from China, racking his brains!

On the third floor, Kogoro Mouri watched TV with beauties, big and small, hugging left and right, so happy!

At ten o'clock in the evening, Conan, who was extremely pale, finished writing the topic, and he took the topic to the third floor.

Looking at the intimate three people sitting on the same sofa, they were eating fruit, watching TV, and playing and playing from time to time, Conan's eyes were full of resentment.

Mori Kogoro took the math book and sent Conan to sleep.

At eleven o'clock, the three of them were ready to rest after washing.

Mori Kogoro entered his room, lay on the bed and began to wait, Haibara had already promised to sleep together tonight, so the door of his room was not closed.

Not long after, a little girl in pajamas, barefoot, as delicate as a doll hugged a pillow, opened the door and walked in.

There seemed to be a touch of shyness on Hui Yuan's face, and the expressions of a little girl and a woman appeared on his face, it was simply heaven defying.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help showing a smile, his heart was burning, and he was about to get out of bed to hug little Lori.

But someone is one step ahead of him!

A pair of pure white hands appeared from behind Huiyuan, hugged Huiyuan, and then hugged him to his chest.

Huiyuan immediately felt two soft mountains pressing against his back.

Xiao Lan said gently: "No, Xiao Ai, you are no longer a little girl of three or four years old, you are already seven years old, you can no longer pester others to sleep together! Dad is very tired today, let me He should rest well!"

Huiyuan glanced at Xiaolan behind him, and said in a cold voice: "I'm afraid it's Xiaolan, you want to sleep with Uncle Mao Li, are you ashamed, you've grown up so much, you're almost an adult, and you still want Dad accompany."

Xiaolan's face turned red when her mind was exposed, and she quickly said: "That's not the case! I just, I just, by the way, I just want to ask Dad about martial arts, so I came to Dad's room of."

Huiyuan narrowed his eyes and shot a cold light: "Shouldn't you ask for advice on martial arts matters in the martial arts field? Why do you have to go into the room to ask for advice?"

"Isn't it possible that you are actually a father-controller?" Hui Yuan was very keenly aware of the strangeness.

[Father control! ! ! 】

Hearing these words, Xiaolan's face turned red and purple in an instant, hot air kept coming out of her forehead, her big eyes were terrified, and she retorted: "I, I am not a parent!"

Seeing Xiaolan's expression, Huiyuan felt something was wrong.

At this moment, Xiaolan became angry from embarrassment, her hands became more and more vigorous, and she hugged Huiyuan tighter and tighter. She pointed to Mori Kogoro on the bed and said, "Huiyuan, this is my father, not your father. Why do you occupy my father every day?"

As Xiaolan said this, she quickly found her rhythm, and counterattacked: "Besides, it's normal for a daughter to sleep with her father. I just have a good relationship with my father! But Huiyuan, you want to sleep with my father every day, is it right?" Isn't there some ulterior secret?"

Huiyuan also blushed when he heard this Xiaomeng, Mouri Kogoro who was sitting on the bed couldn't help coughing twice in embarrassment.

Huiyuan quickly said: "There is no secret, I am just afraid of sleeping alone..."

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