Hearing this, Xiaolian smiled softly, walked out of the room with Huiyuan in her arms, and said, "Oh, Huiyuan, you are afraid of sleeping alone, so why don't you tell my sister, she can sleep with you Let's sleep together!"

Xiaolan walked to her room with Hui Yuan in her arms, completely ignoring the struggle of the little girl on her chest, and soon the door was closed.

Mori Kogoro watched the two slip away from him like this, and couldn't help being stunned.

What are you doing!

He fell on the bed weakly. Sure enough, the ancients did not deceive each other. One monk carried water to drink, two monks carried water to drink, and three monks had no water to drink.

There will be no water for the two of me!

Originally, I thought that I could have a shameful thing with the little loli Huiyuan tonight, but the bullets were already loaded, so it seemed that there was no chance.


Mori Kogoro tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep.

It has to be said that Mori Kogoro's demand for that aspect is extremely great after having practiced channeling.

Yes!Tomorrow, I will leave Tokyo and go to Izu for vacation. Both Eri and Yukiko are already protected by Ant-Man robots. The third robot is for Akemi Miyano, why not go find her now.

My sister is not here, my sister is here!

Thinking this way, Mori Kogoro put on his clothes quickly, and he opened the door gently, without letting Xiaolan and Haibara notice, he left the house and went to a house in the next block.

Because he was afraid of Miyano Akemi's accident, the house Kogoro Mori bought to house Miyano Akemi was not far from Mori's house at all.

In addition, her home also has black-tech monitoring system exchange, and Mori Kogoro's speed is completely explosive, and he can arrive from home in ten seconds, so the location is very safe!

Soon Mori Kogoro arrived at his destination. He took the key, opened the door of this three-story house, and entered inside with a flash.

It was pitch black inside the house, Minmei should have rested already.

Mori Kogoro sneaked into the room, and saw the raised traces of the quilt on the bed.

Miyano Akemi in the quilt was sleeping soundly, Mori Kogoro took off his clothes lightly, then quietly climbed onto the bed, stretched out his big hand, and lifted the quilt, an angel in pink pajamas was curling up!

Chapter 0044 Sister Play

Miyano Akemi, who was curled up on the bed, didn't change her face. In fact, she would remove her disguise every time before going to bed, and recover her cost to sleep with her face.

Mori Kogoro looked at Miyano Akemi who was sleeping soundly on the bed, with an angelic face, black hair hanging down, curled body, slender legs bent, showing a feminine figure.

His big hand gently stroked Miyano Akemi's beautiful leg, and pressed his body down.

Miyano Akemi sensed that there was someone on her body, and quickly opened her blue eyes. She was about to struggle to get the gun, but when she smelled a familiar scent, she couldn't help asking, "Mori-kun?"

"it's me!"

After hearing this familiar voice, Miyano Akemi relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief, then struggled to get up and turn on the bedside lamp.

When the light came on, Miyano Akemi couldn't help but blushed when she saw Mori Kogoro in front of her: "Mori-kun, why are you like this?"

Mori Kogoro patted Miyano Akemi's buttocks, and said, "What did you call me?"

Miyano Akemi blushed, and then said shyly, "Husband!"

Mori Kogoro patted Miyano Akemi's little head in satisfaction. He looked at Akemi's blushing cheeks. The shape of her face was indeed somewhat similar to that of Shiho. They were indeed two sisters, both of whom were beauties.

Without any further hesitation, he stepped forward and pressed on the soft delicate body, and kissed Miyano Akemi's small mouth, while his big hand reached into the skirt of the pink pajamas, grasping the small mountain.

The girl under her was very well-behaved and very cooperative, with her arms tightly around Kogoro Mori's neck, she responded enthusiastically.

The night is still very long, with countless beautiful scenery.

... [-] words are omitted here ...

At five o'clock the next morning, Kogoro Mori woke up before dawn.

He looked at Miyano Akemi who was sleeping soundly beside her under the quilt, her angelic and beautiful face was still stained with tears.

Mori Kogoro had an evil smile on his face, and the two sisters were already his own, so an evil thought came to his mind.

At this moment, he was refreshed and satisfied.

Last night's grand display finally allowed him to regain his confidence.

Sure enough, those were purely accidental, this is his true strength.

Mori Kogoro was about to get up, but suddenly woke up Miyano Akemi who was leaning against her arms. She opened her blue eyes and said softly, "Mori-kun, are you leaving?"

With a gentle smile on his face, Mori Kogoro gently kissed away the tears on Miyano Akemi's face, and said softly, "I'm going to Izu in the next few days, so I won't be able to see my little Akemi, so yesterday I came here to see you tonight, and I have something to give you."

"What is it?" Miyano Akemi's expression was dazed, she struggled to get up, but couldn't help frowning, the fierce battle last night still had an impact.

The quilt slipped down, revealing a beautiful figure.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Miyano Akemi and pointed to an open space.

Miyano Akemi still looked confused, looking at Kogoro Mori suspiciously.

"Look again!"

The two looked at the open space, Mori Kogoro had a smile on his face, while Miyano Akemi's mouth was wide open, and her blue eyes were full of disbelief.

On the open space beside the bed, two Ant-Man robots continued to grow in size, and finally stood in front of Akemi Miyano and Kogoro Mori.

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