After checking in, Yuanzi chatted with the boss for a while. She immediately felt better and said, "Xiaolan, senior sister, there just happens to be a bonfire party and a firework show nearby tonight. We can watch it together then."

Xiaolan and Sumei also looked surprised.

Just as Sonoko was chatting, a young man came out from the side. He was dark-skinned, had short hair, was wearing gray short-sleeved sleeves, blue trousers, and reflective white glasses. The small wound was covered with a hemostatic plaster.

He is the son of the hotel owner, who came back to help after the holiday.

I saw him take the luggage from the side, and said: "Guest, I have been waiting by the side for a long time, if you don't check in as soon as possible, then you have to carry the luggage yourself."

While talking, he took his luggage and walked up, Yuanzi couldn't help but glared at the man: This waiter is too rude, there is no reason to talk to himself and direct the guests.

Sumi Tsukamoto looked at the hotel owner's son and frowned slightly. She seemed to have seen him somewhere.

Mori Kogoro didn't care about this, he walked up to the second floor slowly with Hui Yuan in his arms, then told Xiao Lan to prepare the bed, and put Hui Yuan on the bed that had been made.

The others went into their respective rooms to recuperate, and soon, Yuanzi began to call everyone to have lunch.

Departure at nine o'clock, originally arrived at eleven o'clock, but was delayed by two hours because of the bomb case, now it's almost eleven o'clock, so it's time for lunch.

But Mori Kogoro wanted to take care of Haibara, so he declined Sonoko's invitation.

Sonoko immediately looked disappointed, but soon regained his vitality, and took the rest of the people to eat the famous seafood feast in Izu.

The three women walked in front and huddled together and kept talking, while Conan walked behind with his hands in his pants with dead fish eyes.

However, he was soon attracted by the beauties in bikinis who passed by, and he couldn't help but stare at the passing women with a gleam in his eyes, completely oblivious to the turned gazes of Sonoko and Sumi-senpai.

Xiaolan said softly: "I'm right!"

Yuanzi couldn't help but look cold: "Xiaolan, this little devil is so lecherous, he likes to watch that kind of movie at home, it's disgusting!"

Tsukamoto Sumi couldn't help frowning: "It's the first time I saw this kind of child, it's too precocious at such a young age, Xiaolan, then why did you bring him here?"

"I can't help it. After all, he is a child who lives in our house. I really feel sorry to throw him at home." Xiaolan chuckled lightly.

Chapter 0053 Xiaolan invited to buy a swimsuit

Conan greedily looked at those scantily clad bikini beauties along the way, but he didn't know that the three women in front had a panoramic view of their demeanor, and each of them felt disgusted with Conan.

Soon, the four of them came to a famous seafood restaurant in Izu. The group ordered a sumptuous seafood feast and happily tasted the food.


In the hotel room, Mori Kogoro quietly guarded the exhausted little loli, his warm hands gently stroked the little brown short hair of the little loli, looking at this delicate cute face, I really liked it more and more .

Perhaps he didn't smell the familiar smell, and Huiyuan woke up not long after leaving Kogoro Mori's arms.

All the way to sleep soundly in the arms of Mori Kogoro, her state and physical strength have recovered a lot.

Haibara opened his big light blue eyes, still a little dazed, when he saw Mori Kogoro beside him, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

Moli Kogoro picked him up and said, "Little lazy pig, why are you so good at sleeping?"

The cute Loli voice said with a coquettish tone: "It's not your fault! Big villain, big pervert!"

Kogoro Maoli kissed Huiyuan's small face: "Mua! Uncle is a pervert, uncle is only perverted to Xiao Ai!"

"Xiao Ai, how did you feel just now? Are you comfortable?"

Haibara blushed upon hearing this, patted Kogoro Mouri on the chest, and said, "I won't talk to you anymore!" She buried her head in Kogoro Mouri's arms.

Comfortable, of course it was very comfortable just now, but how could a girl say that.

Mori Kogoro laughed heartily: "Okay, Xiao Ai has slept for so long and exhausted so much energy, she didn't even have lunch yet, let's go have lunch with uncle."

He put down little Lolita, took Hui Yuan's little hand with his big hand, and the two walked downstairs together.

Huiyuan was barely able to walk at this moment, but his walking posture was slightly different from usual.

Kogoro Mori looked at the picture of this little loli walking, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face, it was really interesting!

Haibara didn't take a few steps, then stopped, staring at Kogoro Mori with wide eyes.

Kogoro Moori could only hug her, and her pink arms immediately wrapped around Kogoro Moori's neck, and then she showed a satisfied smile.

Mori Kogoro walked downstairs with Haibara in his arms, and he came to the front desk of the hotel.

The hotel owner in his fifties was looking at the photo album, and when he saw Kogoro Mori appearing, he quickly covered the photo album.

The hotel owner looked at Kogoro Mori with a complicated expression, but Kogoro Mori didn't care, and asked, "Boss, is there any lunch here?"

The hotel owner said: "Yes, Zhen, take this guest to the restaurant!"

This young man named Ah Zhen appeared out of nowhere. This guy was even darker than Hattori Heiji.

He led the two of them to the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, because it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon, and after lunch time, there were fewer people in the restaurant.

The dark-skinned young man led Mori Kogoro to a dining table, and then turned around to help serve the dishes.

Soon, he came up with a plate of food.

There are salmon sashimi, sushi, rice balls, seafood soup, lobster, grilled fish, and special drinks. The food is very rich and looks very delicious.

The young man then helped in the restaurant, clearing the table, greeting the guests, and serving the dishes.

Although his expression was cold and expressionless, his hands and feet were quick and he worked very hard.

Mori Kogoro and Haibara began to enjoy the feast.

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