Huiyuan didn't sit across from her even when she came to the restaurant, she insisted on sitting in Kogoro Mouri's arms, she didn't do it herself, she insisted on being fed.

Mori Kogoro can only feed his own little loli.

But this girl can't sit still, she has to twist her waist and hips when she has nothing to do, which makes Mouri Kogoro almost rise up.

She knew that Mori Kogoro wouldn't do anything to her at this time, so she had no scruples.

Haibara couldn't help but smile smugly when he saw Uncle Maoli's deflated expression behind him.

What a naughty little fairy!

Mori Kogoro was also helpless, restrained himself, and obediently fed Hui Yuan.


After lunch, Huiyuan watched Mori Kogoro gulp down the last seafood soup, and said softly, "Uncle Maoli, that's so strange, that guy has been watching us all the time!"

Haibara was referring to the guy named Ah Zhen, of course, when he was busy with work, he would turn his eyes to Kogoro Mori from time to time.

Although it was covered by reflective glasses, he saw it so blatantly that even Huiyuan noticed it.

Maori Kogoro naturally knew it too, and smiled: "It's okay, maybe because my Xiao Ai is so cute, I just took a few more glances! Alright, let's go for a walk on the beach with uncle after dinner!"

Mori Kogoro walked out of the hotel with Haibara in his arms...

Haibara, who was in Kogoro Mori's arms, saw the hotel owner when he walked out of the hotel gate.

The dark and thin innkeeper was also staring closely at Kogoro Mori.

Huiyuan couldn't help squinting his eyes: what a strange pair of father and son!

The afternoon sun is very strong, but this kind of sunshine is the most suitable for the seaside.

I have to say that there are so many beauties in this world!

Kogoro Mori's eyes lit up as he watched the beauties passing by.

Although Mori Kogoro was only wearing shorts and short sleeves, and did not show his muscular figure, his face was full of masculine beauty, his deep eyes carried the unique vicissitudes of an uncle, and his sexy mustache was even more touching. The hearts of countless girls.

Along the way, from time to time, beautiful girls waved and greeted Mori Kogoro.

The little loli turned into a jealous jar in an instant, and said all the way: "Don't look at it! Don't respond! Smelly uncle! Bad uncle!"

And as soon as a bold girl came up to strike up a conversation, little Lolita immediately said, "Dad, Mom will be here soon, let's go quickly!"

Before he reached the beach, Huiyuan clamored to go back.

In desperation, Mori Kogoro had no choice but to return to the hotel with Haibara in his arms.

The two came to the second floor, and as soon as they opened the door, they saw Xiaolan waiting inside.

Seeing the two people appear, Xiao Lan couldn't help but ask, "Father, where have you been?"

"Just after Xiao Ai woke up, we went to eat something, and went for a walk after eating, what's the matter, Xiao Lan?"

Xiaolan's face was a little red, and she couldn't help but said: "I was going to go swimming with Yuanzi just now, but I suddenly found that the swimsuit I bought before was a bit too small and I couldn't fit it, so I wanted my father to go buy a swimsuit with me !"

Huiyuan couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard this, she looked up, and saw the two desperate breasts, she looked down at herself again, she was so poor, her face twitched.

It was already a big cow, but why did it get bigger again, and let no one live!

Huiyuan had the urge to flip the table at this moment.

Mori Kogoro coughed twice and agreed.

Chapter 0054 The Three Women in the Swimsuit Shop

He naturally knew what was going on, and he had his own credit for it.

I make your dreams come true with my hands, not just words.

Hui originally had a swimsuit, and the swimsuit he bought last time could still be worn, so naturally he didn't want to take a hit.

Therefore, Huiyuan obediently returned to the room to lie down and rest, without any intention of going out at all.

Xiaolan soon went out with her arms around Kogoro Mori's arms, and two soft balls wrapped Kogoro Mori's arms again.

As soon as the two walked out of the room, they heard Yuanzi calling: "Xiaolan, are you going to buy a swimsuit? Great, I'm going too."

Xiaolan couldn't help frowning: "Yuanzi, don't you have a swimsuit?"

"I just went back to my room and tried it on. Those few pieces are a bit outdated and don't look good on them. I want to buy new ones."

"Okay!" Xiaolan was a little unhappy when she heard that Yuanzi was going too.

At this moment, Tsukamoto Sumi came out, she smiled and said, "It's nerve-wracking, I forgot to bring my swimsuit, it seems that I can only go with you."

Sumi Tsukamoto smiled and looked at Mori Kogoro: "Mr. Mori will go too? Then will you help me to give advice?"

As soon as Tsukamoto Sumi decided to attack Kogoro Mori, he stopped calling Kogoro Mori his uncle, and became Mr. Mori all the time.

Mori Kogoro replied with a smile: "No problem!"

On the side, Yuanzi and Xiaolan both had cold eyes in their eyes.

But Tsukamoto Sumi has already talked to this extent, so naturally she can only let her go with her.

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