Soon, the four of them walked out of the hotel.

None of them told Conan at all. After a while, Conan came out of the room and knocked all the rooms but couldn't find anyone else.

Izu Beach has a huge flow of people every year, so there are extraordinarily many shops.

Mori Kogoro walked the three girls across the beach, and soon came to a high-end swimsuit shop.

A variety of new, uniquely designed swimsuits are on sale.

Sonoko couldn't help smiling when she saw the name of the swimsuit shop, Harunokaku. This brand is under the door of Suzuki's house.

After the four entered the swimsuit shop, Yuanzi ran to the female boss at the front desk and said something. The female boss quickly directed the shopping guide lady in the shop to invite other customers who were choosing swimsuits out.

The female boss stood at the door very embarrassed and apologized: "I'm really sorry, there are some emergencies in the store, so we can't open, please come back next time when you have time!"

The guests who left couldn't help complaining.

Sonoko walked over, staring at Tsukamoto Sumi with big eyes, with a contented look on his face.

Although she doesn't use money to oppress people, she should occasionally show her privileges, influence, and strength.

This senior should know what kind of existence her opponent is!

Xiaolan couldn't help but said: "Yuanzi, don't do this, we're just here to buy swimsuits, why delay other people's business!"

Yuanzi waved his hand: "It's okay, Xiaolan, besides, you don't want to show your sexy body to outsiders, do you?"

Xiaolan couldn't help being taken aback when she heard this, she turned her head to look at Kogoro Mouri, and quickly looked away.

She didn't say anything more, and Sumi Tsukamoto began to choose swimsuits.

Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa beside him, he didn't need to buy it, a pair of swimming trunks was enough for a man.

The three women kept discussing, and soon they each chose their swimsuits and entered the fitting room to change.

Sonoko was the first to change into her swimsuit.

I saw the door in the middle pushed: "Deng Deng!" Yuanzi also automatically dubbed.

A young and beautiful girl is posing in the changing room. She is wearing a red swimsuit, swimming trunks, and a three-point bikini, covering her small breasts with a maximum B cup size.

Sonoko looked at Kogoro Mori with a cheerful smile on his face.

Kogoro Mori saw this garden, and seemed to see her mother, Tomoko Suzuki, in a trance. It really looks a bit like it as it grows!

"How is it? Uncle Mouri!" Sonoko walked out of the fitting room and walked around in front of Moori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro said with a smile: "It's very good, it's especially suitable for you, red looks very energetic!"

At this moment, the door on the far left opened, and Sumi Tsukamoto, who was wearing a three-point yellow swimsuit, walked out of it.

As she walked, she adjusted the straps of her swimsuit, causing her right breast to tremble.

"Oh, it's a little tight, and the size is still a little small!"

Sonoko looked at Sister Sumei's big E-cup breasts tightly held up by her swimsuit, the hopeless gully in the middle, her fair skin, her even and lined body, no matter how small her belly was. The outline of wiping the abdominal muscles, or the two mermaid lines, all killed him in seconds.

Sonoko looked down at her small breasts and her body again.

lost!lost!Totally lost!

She turned her head to look at Mori Kogoro again, and as expected, Mori Kogoro looked at Tsukamoto Sumi with glowing eyes.

When he came out just now, he was still crossing his legs, but now he has put them down.

Sonoko couldn't help lowering his head, sinking into annoyance.

I am so silly!Why should I come here with her!Am I not humiliating myself?

Tsukamoto Sumi walked to Mori Kogoro's side, and the girl had a confident smile on her face, which exuded femininity.

She said, "Mr. Maori, how are you? Although this swimsuit is a bit tight, the style is not bad. I should change to a bigger size later."

Mori Kogoro was really shocked. Although he had sensed Sumi Tsukamoto a few times before and knew that Sumi Tsukamoto was a big brother and sister, he hadn't seen it with his own eyes after all, so naturally he didn't know how old she was.

Seeing it with my own eyes this time, I was naturally extremely surprised.

At her age, it is really rare to have breasts comparable to that of Fei Yingli!

Hearing Sumi Tsukamoto's question, Kogoro Mori said solemnly: "Although it looks pretty good, it still feels a little too revealing. After all, Sumi is still a high school student, so you should dress conservatively."

Tsukamoto Sumi couldn't help being stunned when she heard such an answer, and soon she realized it, with a smile on her face: "Yes, it's a bit too revealing, then I'll look for a one-piece swimsuit!"

When Yuanzi heard this, he couldn't help his head twitching: What are you doing!She's so revealing in a bikini!Will I not be exposed if I wear it?Small breasts have no human rights?

Sonoko couldn't help looking at Kogoro Mori with resentment.

At this moment, the door to the far right of the changing room was pushed open, and Xiaolan's voice came out: "I'll change it!"

I saw Xiaolan walking out of the changing room wearing a blue three-point bikini.

Sonoko turned around after hearing this, and saw Xiaolan, who was all white and glowing, coming out. She had a proud E-cup chest and a smile on her face. She was standing beside Senior Sister Shumei. , overwhelmed faintly.

Yuanzi quickly lowered her head, she was like Mrs. Xianglin silently chanting in her heart:

I am so silly!I am so silly!Why did I come with these two women, why didn't I think of it before, so what, what can I do!

Mori Kogoro's guess was right. Xiaolan's cup size has been upgraded again, and now she has been upgraded to an E cup.

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