Chapter 0055 Sonoko's Fear

Seeing Xiaolan in a blue bikini, her milky white skin can almost pinch water, her slender and well-proportioned legs are particularly beautiful, and the lines of her body are not inferior to Tsukamoto Sumi's at all.

Mori Kogoro raised Erlang's legs again, and his eyes lit up.

I have to say that this blue swimsuit is especially suitable for Xiaolan, but Kogoro Mouri frowned soon.

As long as he thinks of his daughter walking on the beach dressed like this, he will feel uneasy in his heart. This is a feeling he has never felt before!

Mori Kogoro quickly said: "Xiaolan, this swimsuit is not suitable for you. You should learn from your mother when choosing a swimsuit, so that you can choose the right one. Go, go over there and choose a more conservative one."

Hearing what Kogoro Mouri said, Xiaolan couldn't help turning her head with a puzzled expression.

Soon she came to her senses, and a smile appeared on her little face.

Sumi Tsukamoto on the side took Xiaolan to the one-piece swimsuit sales area next to her.

Sonoko regained her vitality. She mistakenly thought that Mori Kogoro liked girls to dress conservatively, so she quickly followed: "I want to buy that kind of swimsuit too."

The three women kept choosing very conservative one-piece swimsuits, comparing various styles and colors.

It took them a long time, and Kogoro Mori who was waiting on the side couldn't help but yawn.

When Mori Kogoro didn't notice at all, Xiaolan picked up a special swimsuit, her eyes sparkled.

Tsukamoto Sumi who was on the side couldn't help being surprised when she saw it: "Xiaolan, how can you wear this kind of clothes to meet people?"

Yuanzi's eyes were burning with gossip, and he said, "Senior sister, you don't understand! This must be worn for someone to see, where can't you wear it, you can wear it in a private pool, on a yacht, or at home. !"

Hearing what Yuanzi said, Xiaolan blushed slightly, quickly put down the white swimsuit, and said, "What are you thinking, I just think that style is very beautiful, I just picked it up to have a look, how can I buy it!"

"Cut, it's boring." Yuanzi curled her lips when she heard that it wasn't what she thought, and then went to the fitting room with her swimsuit.

Out of Kogoro Mori's opinion, the last three girls all chose a conservative one-piece swimsuit, which was the same color as before, but the patterns and prints on the swimsuits were different.

Among them, Tsukamoto Sumi's swimsuit is the most unique, with a large white and greasy snow back exposed.

After choosing the clothes, the three girls went to the front desk to pay the bill. Although Yuanzi kept saying that there was no need to pay, Kogoro Mori still swiped the card.

A group of people came out of the swimsuit shop, and soon Xiaolan stopped, patted her head and said, "Oh, I forgot my backpack inside, wait a minute, I'll go in and get it, and I'll be out soon."

After that, she ran into the swimsuit shop, and came out with her bag after a while.

Everyone chatted all the way back to the hotel. The delay in buying swimsuits this time was too long.

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun slanted to the west, and it became very warm, and the number of tourists on the beach decreased a lot.


Yuanzi spoke from the front: "The boss we ate with today is so annoying. He keeps talking about dead people and ghosts. He keeps scaring people. I will never eat there again!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but wondered: "Dead, scary, what's going on?"

Sonoko heard Kogoro Mori's question, and hurried to Kogoro Mori, and said, "That's right, the hotel owner has been saying that there was a serial murder near Izu Beach, and the murderer hasn't been found yet. !"

"Serial murder?"

"Yes, every once in a while, a woman's body will be found around here. They are all single women who came to Izu for tourism, and they all have brown hair. They all died in exactly the same way. They were all stabbed to death with a knife. of."

"According to what the boss said, five women have died in the hands of the serial killer in the past three years, and the killer has not been found yet!"

"The boss also said that a body was recently found in the grass behind his restaurant, so that when the hot pot smoke in the restaurant rises, the soul of the dead woman can often be seen in the smoke."

Xiaolan showed a frightened expression, put her arms around Mori Kogoro's right arm, and said, "Sonoko, stop talking!"

Sonoko on the side also made a panic expression, put his arms around Mori Kogoro's left arm, and said coquettishly, "Uncle Mori, you must protect me. I happen to have brown hair too. I should have known that something so terrible happened here in Izu." I will not organize a trip to this place!"

"Besides, right after I finished eating there, I kept feeling that someone was staring at me. Could it be that the killer has already taken a fancy to me, Uncle Maori, what should I do?"

Sumi Tsukamoto rolled her eyes, and said sarcastically, "You are purely self-indulgent. Besides, there are so many people coming and going in Izu, and you are not the only one with brown hair. What are you afraid of?"

"Even if a killer is after you, we have three karate masters here, whoever dares to come, I guarantee that he will never come back!"

"Don't worry, if you're really scared, come with me when the time comes, I'll protect you!" Tsukamoto Suumi's face was full of confidence when she said this, and she looked particularly attractive.

Mori Kogoro showed appreciation in his eyes.


The four of them returned to the hotel soon. The dark-skinned young man named Ah Zhen was sitting at the front desk. When he saw the four of them walking in, he kept staring at them.

But this time his eyes were not on Mori Kogoro, but on Suzuki Sonoko, so Sonoko felt a little hairy at the bottom of his heart.

A group of people came to the second floor, and Conan quickly appeared, looked at the crowd with a sad face, and said, "You didn't call me when you went out to play, and let me stay in this hotel for a whole afternoon. "

Sonoko said: "Little ghost, you are lucky to have brought you to Izu this time. Besides, we went to buy swimsuits. What are you doing with me?"

"Then why can Uncle Maori go?"

"Nonsense, Uncle Mao Li is so smart, I must ask him to help with reference!"

At this time, Xiao Lan said gently: "Isn't Hui Yuan staying with you at the hotel?"

"That guy, he slept all afternoon and didn't respond to knocking on the door!"

Conan still looks unhappy, why does he feel isolated when he comes out to play?

While talking about Huiyuan, Huiyuan's room opened, and little Lolita appeared in front of everyone sleepily, and said, "You guys are back!"

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