Then he walked slowly to Kogoro Mouri, leaned lightly on Kogoro Mouri's lap, and Kogoro Moori reached out and touched Huiyuan's little head.

After a whole afternoon of rest, little Lolita has fully recovered, and her walking posture is completely normal.

Yuanzi opened his mouth and directed: "Everyone take a break, after taking a shower, we will go to dinner, and after dinner, we will go to the fireworks show, how about it?"

Everyone didn't have any opinions, so they just listened to Yuanzi's arrangement.

Chapter 0056 New Gold Medal

Because the hotel is close to the beach, there is no hot spring, so everyone took a bath in their own room and changed into bathrobes.

At six o'clock, a group of people gathered at the door.

At this time, Mori Kogoro also sensed an inexplicable peeping gaze. He looked around calmly, but he couldn't find the peeping person, and he was suddenly surprised.

Kogoro Mori couldn't even detect it with his powerful five senses, and it was probably only possible with a telescope at a very far distance. Thinking of this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help frowning.

Under Sonoko's leadership, everyone went to another Izu specialty restaurant.

The organizer of this trip is Yuanzi, and naturally they all follow Yuanzi's planning and arrangements.

Sure enough, the local specialty restaurants have unique flavors, and the dishes are very delicate and delicious.

After dinner, Yuanzi took everyone to the place where the fireworks were displayed, and Yuanzi picked up the camera and kept taking pictures.

It has to be said that the Japanese just like fireworks shows, and thousands of people gathered in the square to watch the fireworks show together.

Relying on his strong physical fitness, Mori Kogoro quickly led the crowd to seize the front row seat, spread out the tatami mats, and several people sat down.

Beautiful fireworks bloomed in the dark sky, causing everyone to cheer.

In the darkness, Xiaolan leaned slowly on Kogoro Mori's shoulder, and Kogoro Mori, who was holding Huiyuan, stretched out his arms to wrap around Xiaolan's soft waist, and pulled his daughter into his arms.

The three leaned together, quietly admiring the beautiful fireworks blooming in the sky.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around the two girls, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his heart was at peace.

Conan couldn't help being jealous when he saw the three people who were so close!

On the other hand, Sonoko kept taking pictures of the fireworks blooming in the sky, and from time to time shifted his gaze to Kogoro Mori, who was hugging left and right.

Sure enough, next time, I should ask Uncle Maori out alone. It was supposed to be a romantic trip, but now it was ruined by these guys.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the fireworks show ended, and Kogoro Mori and his party walked from the square to the hotel on the beach.

On the way back, a tram happened to pass by, bringing up lightning and bright lights, and Sonoko was fiddling with her camera.

Mori Kogoro frowned involuntarily. According to his memory, the murder case should have occurred near here.

But it's so dark, it's hard to explain why I found the body. Do you want to tell the police officer that I just searched casually and found a body.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and ignored it, but soon, he felt a peeping gaze again.

Mori Kogoro immediately turned his head away, only to find that that gaze had disappeared.

Because it was dark night, there were black lights on the left and right, and there was no way to detect where the peepers were hiding.

And the turning of his head just now made the voyeurs more cautious and hid more covertly, so Mori Kogoro couldn't find it at all.

It seems that he can only wait until tomorrow when he throws himself into the trap.

Soon, the group returned to the hotel, and returned to their respective rooms one by one.

Mori Kogoro remembered the scene he saw in the swimsuit shop in the afternoon, and Xiaolan was still wearing a dim gold medal for avoiding death on his chest, so he turned and went to Xiaolan's room.

Because the accident ten seconds ago had a huge impact on Mori Kogoro, so much so that he forgot to give the newly exchanged death-free gold medal to Xiaolan. Now that he remembered it, he naturally wanted to wear it for his daughter.

Mori Kogoro came to the door of Xiaolan's room and knocked on the door.

Xiaolan, who was wearing a bathrobe, quickly came to open the door. When she saw that it was Kogoro Mori, she immediately looked surprised, and said quickly, "Dad, why are you here? I just happened to be looking for you!"

Mori Kogoro walked in, and soon saw the changed underwear on the bed, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

But he didn't think too much, and said directly: "I'm here to give you a gift!"

"what gift?"

As soon as Kogoro Moori turned his hand, a gold medal appeared in the palm of his hand, with two Chinese characters for avoiding death written in seal script.

Seeing the familiar gold medal, Xiaolan's eyes lit up.

"Xiao Lan's gold medal has already played its role, and it will be useless in the future, so Dad found this gold medal for you again."

"Take off the previous one, and put this gold medal on!"

The last time the gold medal for avoiding death, Mori Kogoro explained to Xiaolan that it was hard-earned from the shrine, so it has a magical effect.

Xiao Lan, who believed in the existence of ghosts in this world, naturally accepted this statement easily.

Now seeing the gold medal Kogoro Mori won again, she was moved with emotion.

But knowing that the gold medal has magical effects, she quickly refused: "Father, you have encountered more dangers than me, so you should wear this gold medal yourself."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro yelled directly: "Hey, be obedient, put this gold medal on, Dad only has you as a daughter, I don't want you to have another accident."

Mori Kogoro went directly behind Xiaolan, grabbed the chain around his neck, and then lifted the dimmed death-prevention gold medal from the bathrobe, and personally brought the newly exchanged death-prevention gold medal for him.

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