Mori Kogoro quietly walked out of this room and walked to his own room.


Mori Kogoro lay on the bed in his room, unable to calm down for a long time.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

It can't be that girl again, it's not okay to be so blatant!

Kogoro Mori quickly opened the door, but standing outside the door was Sumi Tsukamoto in a bathrobe.

Kogoro Mori was a little disappointed to see that he was not the person he thought.

But he quickly came back to his senses and said, "Takamoto-san, what's the matter with coming to see me in the middle of the night?"

Tsukamoto Sumi walked into Mori Kogoro's room on his own, and said with a straight face: "Mr. Mori, even though I sneaked up on you in the car and you subdued me, I also know that you and I are in martial arts. The gap is huge, but I still want to ask you for advice."

"In fact, I haven't been able to find an opponent for a long time, and even, I don't know how to go further, so I ask Mr. Maori to teach me!"

Although Tsukamoto Sumi had a good impression of Mori Kogoro because of the incident on the train, but in fact she was more enthusiastic about practicing martial arts, so she wanted to come and ask Mori Kogoro for advice in the middle of the night.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help sighing when he saw this. He had nothing to teach Tsukamoto Suumi. He could win Tsukamoto Suumi mostly because of his strong physical fitness, unless Mori Kogoro also taught Tsukamoto Sumi the channeling technique.

In fact, Tsukamoto Sumi's karate has reached the level of perfection, and he is short of entering the master level with a single kick. However, this short kick requires the tempering of life-and-death crisis, and it cannot be broken through by practicing.

Moreover, Sumi Tsukamoto has excellent physical fitness, which can be called a gifted talent. She looks thin and weak, and her strength is far superior to ordinary people. She is only seventeen years old now, and she will definitely become stronger in time.

But it takes time to accumulate, and Mori Kogoro has no good way!

Chapter 0058

Mori Kogoro has nothing to teach Sumi Tsukamoto, unless he really taught her the channeling technique.

Mori Kogoro suddenly remembered that Sumi Tsukamoto's attitude towards him had changed drastically, and he was very enthusiastic about him along the way. Could it be that this girl wanted to worship him as a teacher.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro inspected Sumi Tsukamoto carefully.

I have to say that she is really a good embryo, even Xiaolan's talent is not as strong as this girl.

Sumi Tsukamoto met the strange eyes of Mori Kogoro patrolling, and suddenly felt a little surprised. She seemed to have thought of something, and a tinge of blush appeared on her heroic little face.

As a beautiful woman, Sumi Tsukamoto is naturally familiar with this kind of gaze, which is very similar to the gaze of those stinky men who secretly look at her.

Tsukamoto Sumi knew exactly what those stinky men were thinking, but he didn't expect Mr. Mori to be such a person!

He just wanted to ask for advice. Could it be that he wanted to use this as a threat to do those excessive things to himself.

But in the face of this man whom he was attracted to, plus he really wanted to improve in martial arts.

It seems that this is not a bad idea!

Mori Kogoro was still hesitating whether to accept Sumi Tsukamoto as his apprentice, so he fell silent.

How did he know that during the silence, Tsukamoto Sumi made up so much in his mind.

In the end, Tsukamoto Sumi pursed her lips, and seeing Kogoro Mori's handsome face, she still made a decision.

She reached for the strap of the bathrobe with both hands, and soon the black belt fell off.

Immediately afterwards, Sumi Tsukamoto took off her bathrobe, revealing her body in only underwear.

That proud and domineering figure instantly appeared in front of Mori Kogoro, and his fair skin blinded Mori Kogoro's eyes.

Kogoro Mori was stunned when he saw this scene: what happened today, what happened to all of them taking off like this in front of him?

This girl must have spent too much money in order to become a teacher, and she even thought of using herself as a teacher's ceremony.

The heart of martial arts is so pure! ! !

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being moved!

Seeing that Sumi Tsukamoto wanted to take off her underwear, Mori Kogoro hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, grabbed her little hand and said, "Don't take it off, I'll accept it, can't I accept you as a disciple?"

Accept me as an apprentice?

Sumi Tsukamoto's expression was a little puzzled at the moment, and she quickly realized: the look just now didn't mean that, but to see if I was qualified to be his apprentice?


Tsukamoto Sumi mistook it for that kind of meaning, her face turned red all of a sudden, and steam came out.

But she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, the person she liked for the first time was not that kind of vile man, it's really great!

"That's right, you bastard, haven't you been thinking about this all day long? You're still dressing like this to force me. It seems that I can only accept you as an apprentice."

Kogoro Mori stretched out his hand to pull Sumi Tsukamoto's bathrobe up, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not called master yet?"


Tsukamoto Sumi softly called out to Master, feeling very ashamed, she picked up the belt from the ground, and then rushed outside.

Looking at Sumi Tsukamoto's body running away in panic, Kogoro Mori shook his head: "Women, they are really difficult to understand creatures. Even Kogoro Mori's forty-nine intelligence can't understand it."

Without thinking about it any more, Mori Kogoro returned to the bed to rest.

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