But soon he remembered the little angel in the swimsuit before.

The incomparably round and full body, and the up and down arcs, have been reappearing in my mind, unforgettable for a long time!

That snow-white skin, those slender legs, my God, I want to be a good person, why is it so difficult!

Tonight is bound to be a sleepless night for Mori Kogoro.


The next day, there was a call from Little Lolita outside the door, and Mori Kogoro got up in a state of desperation.

He suffered from insomnia last night, and he didn't fall asleep until two or three o'clock, so he woke up late in the morning, and it was already past ten o'clock in the morning.

As soon as Mori Kogoro opened the door, he saw Haibara in a blue swimsuit standing at the door, with his hands clasped behind his back, and only two short fair legs were exposed under the one-piece swimsuit.

Seeing such a gray field, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Huiyuan complained, "Uncle Mao Li, did you go to do something bad last night? Why can't I wake you up in the morning!"

Mori Kogoro picked up the little loli and patted her small buttocks, which were extremely elastic.

"Nonsense, how could uncle do something bad, uncle's bad things are only done to Xiao Ai!"

Hearing this, Hui Yuan couldn't help but blush.

Moori Kogoro opened his mouth softly into Haibara's little ear, and Haibara's face turned a little redder, and he couldn't help staring at Moori Kogoro in embarrassment...

Mori Kogoro never backed down, and finally Haibara gave in.

After getting a satisfactory reply, Mori Kogoro showed a smile on his face.

He changed into swimming trunks, thick sunglasses, and a hat on his head, and walked out of the hotel with Hai Yuan in his arms.

Haibara sensed Kogoro Mori's muscular chest, and a blush flashed across his face.

The two came to the beach, but this time the disturbance was bigger.

The women passing by saw Mori Kogoro's almost perfect body, his sharply proportioned figure, his tough and masculine face, and the obviously huge thing wrapped under the swimming trunks. more enthusiastic.

The women would glance at Kogoro Mori's swimming trunks as they passed, and blush.

There are also many bold girls who directly come forward to ask for contact information with Mori Kogoro.

Along the way, Hui Yuan's face was cold.

However, Kogoro Mouri didn't respond to so many strike-ups at all, he accelerated his speed, and quickly got rid of those women.

Following Haibara's guidance, Mori Kogoro reunited with the others.

I saw three youthful beautiful girls sitting on the deck chairs under the sun umbrella, one red, one yellow, and one blue.

All three wore conservative one-piece swimsuits, showing off their fair legs.

Seeing Kogoro Mori appear, Sonoko in the red swimsuit sitting on the recliner couldn't help but sit up straight. Under the brown sunglasses, her eyes were looking at Kogoro Mori's figure brightly at this moment.

Sumi Tsukamoto couldn't help but blush when she saw this appearance of Mori Kogoro.

Xiaolan couldn't help complaining: "Father, why are you up so late?"

Mori Kogoro waved his hands and explained: "Last night, I didn't know what happened and I suffered from insomnia, and then I went to bed late. Hey, where did Conan go?"

Mori Kogoro didn't see where Conan was, so he couldn't help being a little puzzled.

Yuanzi quickly raised his hand and said, "Uncle Mao Li, I know, just now the little devil ran out when he heard a passer-by say that he found a dead body by the nearby tram track. He must have gone to see the dead body."

"Tsk tsk tsk, this little devil is perverted enough. He is also lustful and likes to look at corpses. He must be mentally unhealthy!"

If Conan heard Sonoko's comments like this, he would definitely vomit blood with anger.

Chapter 0059

As soon as Mori Kogoro came over, Tsukamoto Sumi stood up respectfully, gave up his seat, and said, "Master, please sit down."

Yuanzi at the side couldn't help being stunned when he heard this title, and quickly asked, "What's your name, Uncle Mao Li?"

"Master, I already worshiped Mr. Mori as my master last night, and he will be my teacher from now on, teaching me the knowledge of martial arts!"

Sumi Tsukamoto talked about this with a shy face, as if recalling her bold behavior after misunderstanding last night.

Sonoko immediately figured out Tsukamoto Sumi's sinister intentions. This guy must be thinking of using the name of apprenticeship to get close to his Uncle Mori, and then the two of them will teach and teach hand in hand in the martial arts field, and then have physical contact, and finally fight firewood.

Thinking of this, Sonoko immediately jumped up from the reclining chair, took Mori Kogoro's hand and shouted: "Absolutely not, Uncle Mori, you can't accept Sumei-senpai as an apprentice!"

Sumi Tsukamoto's face darkened immediately, and Sonoko continued to speak, "Uncle Mori, don't you have Ran? You can teach Xiao Ran all your karate, why do you want to accept Miss Sumi?"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said: "Ahem, Sonoko, Sumei has a very strong heart for martial arts, and she is indeed very talented. Besides, the matter of apprenticeship has been decided last night, and of course there will be no changes!"

Sumi Tsukamoto couldn't help but smile on his face when he heard this, Sonoko's small face immediately pulled down, looking a little frustrated.

Xiaolan and Haibara looked normal. From their point of view, Mori Kogoro's karate is indeed close to the Tao, completely at the level of a master. It is abnormal if no one wants to learn from him.

Xiaolan was quite happy, and there will be an extra free training partner in the future.

Sonoko watched Tsukamoto Sumi surrounded Mori Kogoro, and the two were fighting fiercely, so she couldn't help getting angry, she pulled Xiaolan and Haibara and said, "Xiaolan, Haibara, the weather is so hot, let's go buy drinks Come on, don't disturb Uncle Maori teaching students."

Haibara didn't want to go, she wanted to stay here with Mori Kogoro.

But little Lolita was small and weak, so she was dragged away by Yuanzi at once, and she had no choice but to leave with the two of them.

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