Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Tsukamoto Sumi, but saw him looking longingly at the sea.

Tsukamoto Sumi said eagerly: "I really want to have a good swim in the sea!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being surprised: "It's already at the beach, why don't you go for a swim?"

"Master, you don't know. When I was a child, I fell into the water and almost drowned. Since then, I have been a little scared when I saw water, so I can't swim at all!"

Sumi Tsukamoto looked disappointed when she said this, her purple eyes looked at the sea with longing and fear, and her short light blue hair fluttered with the sea breeze, which seemed to add a touch of melancholy.

Is this guy still the confident female martial artist I met before?

For the shadow of childhood, this female martial artist is also helpless.

Mori Kogoro pulled Sumi Tsukamoto up: "Since you have already worshiped me as your teacher, today the master will teach you the first lesson, which is to teach you how to swim!"

Mori Kogoro took Tsukamoto Sumi and rushed towards the blue sea. Running all the way, the two splashed countless sand grains.

However, the closer to the sea, Tsukamoto Sumi's face became paler.

Mori Kogoro felt the resistance of the small hand in his hand was getting stronger and stronger, but he forcefully pulled it into the sea water, and the sea water covered their knees.

Kogoro Mori looked at Tsukamoto Sumi's obviously terrified expression, and immediately shouted loudly: "Practice martial arts, then there will be no fear in your heart. The first step is to face the fear in your heart. Standing here, even though the sea water keeps coming , but it's safe, isn't it?"

"Actually, it's not a big deal. If you face the feeling of being afraid of water, you have to believe that you will not be in any danger, and naturally you will not be afraid!"

Mori Kogoro's words seemed to have a special charm, Tsukamoto Sumi's face gradually returned to normal.

But this is not enough!

One emotion is best replaced by another emotion!

Mori Kogoro received [-]% to [-]% of his strength, and punched out.

Tsukamoto Sumi's eyes immediately became firm, and his momentum changed. He blocked Mori Kogoro's fist, and then threw it out with a whip kick, setting off a large swath of sea water.

The two of them came and went in this sea, constantly practicing against each other.

Seeing this, the passengers on the side hurriedly moved away, and a circle of no one appeared in the sea, and someone on the shore watched the two from afar.

Mori Kogoro's movements were extremely relaxed and comfortable, leading Sumi Tsukamoto slowly into the depths of the sea.

Sumi Tsukamoto, who was getting more and more fighting, didn't even notice that the surrounding water was getting deeper and deeper, and it soon reached her waist.

At this moment, her heroic little face is full of confidence, and there is no expression of fear just now.

Mori Kogoro saw that the position was almost there. Seeing that Sumi Tsukamoto was attacking again, he locked her shoulder with one hand and her thigh with the other, and then lifted it up. The speed exploded and he ran deeper go.

He then threw Sumi Tsukamoto out, creating a puddle.

Sumi Tsukamoto was completely submerged in the water, but she struggled to get up quickly. At this time, the sea water had submerged her head, and she could only float up to the surface, shouting: "Come again!"

Mori Kogoro said with a smile: "Okay, the warm-up is over, it's time to learn to swim, where are you now?"

Sumi Tsukamoto was stunned when he heard this, and then realized that he was about to be submerged in the sea.

The childhood fear broke out again, driving her to rush towards Mori Kogoro.

As soon as he got close to Kogoro Mori, Sumi Tsukamoto hugged Kogoro Mori tightly like an octopus, using both hands and feet.

She used Mori Kogoro as a pillar and climbed up.

A pair of big breasts covered Kogoro Mori's head!

A dull voice came from Tsukamoto Sumi's chest: "What are you afraid of? I just hit all the way here and it's fine. Why did you become like this when I said stop?"

"You have to face the fear in your heart, you have to believe that you will not be in danger, you will naturally not be afraid, don't worry, I am here to guard you, the sea will not drown you!"

Hearing Mori Kogoro say this, Tsukamoto Sumi's face gradually recovered, and after that burst of fear passed, it seemed that she was really no longer afraid.

Immediately afterwards, Tsukamoto Sumi saw the disdainful eyes of the swimmers beside her, and her face turned red.

Mori Kogoro supported Suzumi Tsukamoto's plump buttocks, he sank in shock, and immediately heard a cry of surprise.

Tsukamoto Sumi's arm was swinging wildly, Mori Kogoro pressed it down, and then he got away from the big chest. He panted heavily, and said, "It almost suffocated me!"

Chapter 0060 test root bone

Relying on the advantage of height, the sea water that can reach Sumi Tsukamoto's head only reaches Kogoro Mori's chest.

Mori Kogoro held Tsukamoto Sumi's slender waist, watched her face gradually return to normal, and couldn't help but chuckled, "You know now? Is it not as scary as I imagined? In fact, I just scared myself. One step, don't you think it's no big deal!"

The fear that has been lingering in Tsukamoto Sumi's heart gradually receded like a tide, and the sea water that was frightening when approaching it seemed nothing more than that now.

Looking at Kogoro Mori's face with purple eyes, Tsukamoto Sumi breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Thank you, teacher."

Mori Kogoro smiled: "Thanks, I don't need it, just don't suffocate me with your chest next time!"

Hearing this, Sumi Tsukamoto's face immediately blushed, and she didn't feel anything under the tension just now, but now she heard Kogoro Mouri say this, and she felt itchy on her chest.

Immediately afterwards, Sumi Tsukamoto exclaimed again.

Her body was controlled by Mori Kogoro, and soon she was turned over and lying on the water.

She couldn't help being a little panicked, and her limbs slapped the water in a panic.

Kogoro Mori held Sumi Tsukamoto's belly under the water with his big hands, and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm going to learn to swim."

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