Chapter 0063 Edible Swimsuit Lolita

Xiaolan soon lay down on the recliner, because the swimsuit she was wearing was very conservative, and to help her apply sunscreen, she only needed to wipe her neck, the skin on her arms, and the two beautiful legs underneath.

Mori Kogoro finished wiping it off quickly, and he withdrew his hand reluctantly, and immediately heard Tsukamoto Sumi who was beside him said: "Master, I also want to bask in the sun, I can't reach my back, please wipe it for me." !"

Mori Kogoro turned around and sat next to Sumi Tsukamoto, smeared sunscreen on the palm of his hand, and gently wiped it on the fair and beautiful back.

At this moment, Yuanzi was holding sunscreen in his hand, and when he heard this, he couldn't help but grow a little face: Damn, it's a step too late!

She couldn't help looking at Tsukamoto Sumi with resentment.

At this time, Conan raised his head from the side: "Do you want me to help you?" Conan just wanted to help others this time.

Unexpectedly, Yuanzi glared immediately: "I don't need your help, a lecherous little devil!"

She clenched her fists in a similar manner, imitating what Mori Kogoro did, and punched Conan on the forehead.

But her punch was extremely heavy, and she was facing one of the big red envelopes.

The red envelope was instantly smashed by Yuanzi, and the blood soared out.

Conan immediately covered his head in panic and ran away, his head bleeding all the way, it was extremely funny to watch!

Yuanzi was also taken aback, and murmured: "Is this little devil all right?"

Seeing that other people didn't notice her atrocities, Yuanzi quickly kept quiet and stopped talking.

Mori Kogoro walked around Sumi Tsukamoto's exposed skin with his big hand, and finally he took his big hand back from Sumi Tsukamoto's buttocks.

There was a blush on Sumi Tsukamoto's face, which could not fade for a long time.

At this time, Yuanzi also brought out the beach lounge chair, sat on it and said, "Uncle Maori, I can't even wipe off the sunscreen on my back, so come help me!"

She was dangling sunscreen in her hand, but Hui Yuan snatched it away.

Huiyuan understood at this moment that the two women were playing tricks on her uncle Maori, her big light blue eyes stared at Sonoko with a strong aura.

Huiyuan said, "Let me help you!"

Sonoko was about to refuse, but seeing Huiyuan's expression, he couldn't help feeling flustered for a while. In the end, he didn't even dare to say the word of refusal, so he could only obediently lie on his stomach and let Huiyuan apply sunscreen for him.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but chuckled when he saw this.

Soon, Mori Kogoro saw the reappearance of Conan with five big red envelopes on his head, the middle one had collapsed, and a sticker was used to stop the bleeding, which looked quite joyful.

As soon as Conan appeared, he came to Sonoko, staring at Sonoko with dead fish eyes.

Yuanzi couldn't help laughing and said: "Conan, my sister didn't do it on purpose just now, I didn't know it was so easy to break, I'm sorry!"

Kogoro Mori saw that the atmosphere between the two became more and more strange, so he couldn't help but lightly reprimanded: "Conan!"

Only then did Conan turn around resentfully, and sat on the beach in the distance, facing the sea, sulking alone.

Mori Kogoro lay under the sun umbrella, wiped off the sunscreen in his hands with a cloth, then held his head with his hands, and quietly admired the bikini babes on the beach with his eyes under the sunglasses. What a relaxing and leisurely day!

Not long after, Huiyuan, who helped Sonoko put on sunscreen, rushed over and threw himself into Kogoro Mouri's arms.

Her little oily hand wanted to hit Kogoro Mori's face, but Kogoro Mori's big hand took it away.

He picked up the white cloth on the side, wiped off the oil on Xiao Ai's hands, then pulled up the little loli, and greeted Hui Yuan's small buttocks with his big hands.

There were three crisp sounds immediately: "Xiao Ai, don't be so naughty, otherwise next time there will be more than three times!"


Little Lolita was not affected at all, she lay on Kogoro Mori's chest, tilted her head sideways, and gently stroked the contours of Kogoro Mori's pectoral muscles with her small hands, which were about the size of her small face.

Mori Kogoro hugged little Lolita, then closed his eyes, and began to rest.


The lazy and comfortable time always passes extremely quickly, and it is evening in a blink of an eye.

Dark clouds diffused from the sea, covering the setting sun.

The sea breeze gradually became a bit colder, the waves became bigger and bigger, and the number of guests on the Izu beach gradually decreased. Mori Kogoro hurriedly beckoned others to go back.

They are going to eat the famous stone plate cuisine in Izu tonight, so they have to go quickly, otherwise there may be a long queue.

Mori Kogoro and others returned to the hotel, and the guy named Ah Zhen has been watching these people silently.

His eyes sometimes wandered over Mori Kogoro, and sometimes wandered over Sonoko...

Although Sonoko was a little displeased with this look, she didn't say much.

Everyone quickly returned to their respective rooms and began to take a bath. They planned to gather downstairs after taking a bath, and then set off to taste the slate dishes together.

Mori Kogoro was the first to take a shower and came to the hall. He looked at the countless karate competition certificates hanging behind the front desk.

The hotel owner at the front desk glanced at Kogoro Mori, then quickly pretended to settle accounts, and lowered his head.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and didn't pay any more attention.

Unfortunately, when everyone gathered downstairs after taking a shower, the weather was not good, the clouds were thick outside, and finally it started to rain.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, Kogoro Mori said: "Look at this posture, the heavy rain will not stop for a while, I'm afraid I can't eat stone dishes, I can only eat in the hotel!"

"Actually, the food in this hotel is not bad, let's eat here tonight!" A group of people followed Mori Kogoro to the lobby on the first floor.

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