Everyone was eating in the restaurant of the hotel. When it rained heavily, all plans fell through.

After eating, everyone returned to their rooms to rest one by one.

Kogoro Mori, who returned to the room, remembered what Haibara had promised him today, and quickly couldn't hold back himself, turned around and walked to Haibara's room.

Seeing the pretty little loli standing open the door, Mori Kogoro picked her up, pushed the door shut, locked it from the inside, and carried the little loli to the bed.

Mori Kogoro sat on the bed, letting Haibara sit on his lap.

"Xiao Ai, do you remember what you promised uncle today?" Mori Kogoro's eyes were burning.

Huiyuan's cold face gradually turned red, and he said softly, "You pervert!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around obediently, and entered the bathroom with the dark blue swimsuit that she had just changed for a long time.

Not long after, Huiyuan came out wearing his swimsuit again, his pink legs moved lightly, and he stood in front of Kogoro Mori, his little face was blushing.

Mori Kogoro became furious, and pulled the little Loli with one hand, and kissed her small mouth, while his hands moved up and down the little Loli's soft and soft body.

The atmosphere in the room is getting hotter and hotter!

Chapter 0064 Experiment Again

The rain outside fell on the leaves, making a crackling sound.

But the room was filled with a warm scene, Mori Kogoro gently stroking Haibara's small ears.

Because of Rou pinching many times, both small ears became red.

Kogoro Mori looked at Huiyuan, a snack foodie, holding an ice cream in both hands and carefully licking it, his little tongue faltering, very flexible.

Kogoro Mori couldn't bear it every time he saw such a picture.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said: "Xiao Ai, don't be picky eaters, you have to eat the strawberries on top too!"

Haibara couldn't help but give Moori Kogoro a blank look when he heard this, but he still obediently obeyed.

Huiyuan ate enough to drool all over his face, he ate enough for today.

Mao Li Xiaowu pulled out the ice cream in his mouth, and said, "Xiao Ai, it's almost done, let's start the experiment!"

Mori Kogoro wiped the greedy Huihara's face with a paper towel, then picked him up.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Xiaolan asked loudly at the door: "Hui Yuan, is Dad here?"

Hearing his daughter's words, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but panic.

Hui Yuan quickly said, "Uncle isn't here, I'm about to fall asleep."

"Oh, that's fine!" Xiaolan turned and went in another direction when she heard Huiyuan say this.

Mori Kogoro heaved a sigh of relief, but saw that there seemed to be a sneer on Huiyuan's face.

He picked up Hui Yuan and scratched the itch around her waist with both hands.

Haibara, who was wearing a swimsuit, immediately let out a giggle.


There were no customers in the restaurant on the first floor. Tsukamoto Sumi leaned against the door, looking at the young man wiping the table with a rag, she couldn't help frowning. She felt that this man was very familiar very early on.

But under the cover of those reflective glasses, Sumi Tsukamoto couldn't remember who this person was!

If you can't remember it, just don't think about it!

Tsukamoto Sumi stepped forward and said directly: "You guy, why have you been looking at us all day today?"

This man named Ah Zhen really didn't hide his gaze. He peeked at others but was discovered by everyone.

The man didn't get up, and continued to wipe the table: "Nothing?"

Tsukamoto Sumi frowned more and more: This guy is not a criminal, he has some plans for the master.

Thinking of this, Sumi Tsukamoto's face immediately became serious, and she put her big hand on the man's shoulder.

Unexpectedly, the man's speed was extremely fast, and he dodged Tsukamoto Sumi's palm with one bend.

Lian Jiazi, Sumi Tsukamoto looked at this bending action, and quickly recognized the identity of this person: "It's you, the champion of the last national karate competition, Kyogoku Ma!"

"I didn't expect to meet you here. I wanted to compete with you in the last competition, but you didn't show up. Today, I ran into you in this hotel. What a fate!"

While speaking, Tsukamoto Sumi's whole body was burning with fighting spirit, and the aura of a female martial artist was fully revealed. She put on a stance and opened her mouth to invite a fight: "If that's the case, let's fight!"

As soon as the words fell, Tsukamoto Suumi's body bullied her, and Kyogoku frowned, but she didn't dare to be careless, and started to fight.

The two clashed in this restaurant full of low tables, and the rabbits were up and down.

Every blow has strength and beauty, and it has a strong control. The seats in the restaurant were not damaged by it at all.

However, with Sumi Tsukamoto's power far beyond ordinary people, he was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Makoto Kyogoku, and was firmly suppressed by him.

Every blow was blocked by Kyogoku Shinge, the woman's physical strength was already weaker than the man's, and after a long attack failed, Tsukamoto Sumi's face was dripping with sweat.

And Xiaolan, who was looking for Mori Kogoro all the way, heard the strange movement in the restaurant, and walked in.

Seeing Sumi Tsukamoto fighting with the innkeeper's son, she couldn't help but ask, "Sister, what's going on? Do you want me to do it?"

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