Tsukamoto Sumi took the time to reply: "I am competing with him, no help!"

Xiaolan was relieved after hearing this, and she couldn't help being very surprised when she saw the strength of the two.

From Xiaolan's point of view, Tsukamoto Sumi, who has won the national karate champion, is powerful, second only to his father Mori Kogoro.

And at this moment, it is really rare to have a fight with a strange man.

Both of them are masters, but Kyogoku is really stronger than Tsukamoto Sumi, so he suppresses Tsukamoto Sumi.

In the end, Sumi Tsukamoto, who was standing on the low table, showed her special skill, turned around and kicked the whirlwind, but was blocked by Makoto Kyogoku.

After the blow was blocked, Tsukamoto Sumi stopped, shook his head and said, "No more, no more. I didn't expect you to have two brushes. I'm really not your opponent."

"Worthy of being the unique successor of Kyogoku Martial Arts, your strength is really good, but don't be complacent. After a while, I will fight you again, and I will definitely defeat you!"

Tsukamoto Sumi is very confident, Mori Kogoro is the most powerful man she has ever met, and now she has worshiped Mori Kogoro as her teacher.

As long as Mori Kogoro is willing to teach, Tsukamoto Sumi is confident that he can soon surpass Kyogoku Makoto.

Kyogoku didn't respond either. Seeing Sumi Tsukamoto stopped attacking, he picked up the rag and continued to wipe the table in silence.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan and Sumi Tsukamoto couldn't help feeling that this guy was a bit weird, but they didn't say anything, and they left the kitchen quickly.


In Huihara's room, Mori Kogoro has prepared the relevant supplies and materials for the experiment.

Haibara was lying on the bed, her petite body in a one-piece swimsuit looked very cute.

Little Lolita felt ashamed at the moment, she turned her face sideways and dared not look at Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro had an evil smile on his face, and said, "Xiao Ai, don't worry, you won't feel uncomfortable this time!"

After saying that, Mori Kogoro also gently climbed onto the bed.


Under the rain, behind the hotel, among the woods, a man in a black raincoat is standing in the dense forest, holding a telescope in his hand, watching every move in a room of the hotel .

This man was burly and majestic, with a lot of body hair and fine hair on his arms.

He stared closely at a room with a telescope, which was Sonoko's room.

Sonoko didn't close the sliding door of the balcony, she was lying on the bed watching TV.

The man saw Yuanzi's brown hair, and a cruel smile appeared on his fleshy face: "Damn them all, these women should die!"

A cold light flashed in his hand.

It's a dagger!

Under the cover of the rain curtain, the man in a raincoat slowly approached the hotel from the woods, without disturbing anyone!

Chapter 0065 The Crisis of the Garden

The heavy rain was pouring down, and the rain hit the leaves, making a crackling sound.

There were crackling sounds in the room, and the little crimson loli knelt on the bed.

The sweat from her body gradually evaporated and turned into mist.

Little Lolita's face was flushed, her eyes were full of fascination, and her mouth was constantly singing softly.

The experiment went smoothly from the very beginning.

Because of the use of auxiliary experimental materials, when the energy was poured into the little Lolita's body, it didn't cause her too much pain anymore.

It's just that under the continuous erosion of that energy, little loli's consciousness collapsed again.

There is no way to do this, the experiment was originally carried out in the process of continuous collapse and re-cohesion of consciousness.

The sound of heavy rain covered up little Lolita's cries.


Xiaolan and Tsukamoto Sumi outside the corridor passed Haibara's room and found nothing unusual.

Xiaolan said: "Senior sister, do you think the guy who just sparred with you is weird, he is so strong, but he just works as a small waiter in this hotel?"

"Who knows? Maybe this is his hobby. Hey, no, he is the son of the hotel owner, and he is also the only heir of Kyogoku Martial Arts. If you put it this way, this is the Kyogoku Martial Arts Center!"

Tsukamoto Sumi's face became a little excited.

"Kyogoku Martial Arts?" Xiao Lan had never heard of the words Kyogoku Martial Arts.

Tsukamoto Sumi said: "The Kyogoku Budokan was originally the leading Budokan in Tokyo. It was very famous in the past, but about ten years ago, for unknown reasons, this Budokan withdrew from Tokyo. trace."

"If Kyogoku hadn't really participated in the last karate competition, the world would have thought that Kyogoku Martial Arts would have been lost!"

"If my predictions are correct, this should be where the inheritance of Kyogoku Martial Arts lies, so that guy will work here."

"Maybe the owner of the hotel is also a master!"

Sumi Tsukamoto walked towards her room while reasoning in her mouth.

Xiaolan quickly asked: "Senior Shumei, have you met my father?"

"Master, I haven't seen you after dinner. It's raining so hard, Master, he probably won't go out!"

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