Hearing that Sumi Tsukamoto had never met Kogoro Mori, Xiaolan couldn't help feeling a little distressed. She had searched for all the places Kogoro Mori might have gone, but she still couldn't find it, and she didn't know where he went.

In desperation, Xiaolan had no choice but to go back to her room and send a text message to Mouri Kogoro on her mobile phone, asking where he was.


In Huiyuan's room, Mori Kogoro gently stroked the red and cute Lolita.

As soon as the experiment was over, Hui Yuan collapsed on the bed, her mouth was full of breath, her brown hair was wet with sweat, and it was pressed tightly against her forehead.

Mori Kogoro's big hand lightly stroked Haibara's back, with a gentle smile on his face.

Huiyuan's violently beating heart gradually calmed down, and his heavy breathing gradually calmed down.

She opened her light blue eyes that looked like stars, and smiled sweetly at Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro embraced the little Lolita in his arms, took off the swimsuit that was broken on his body due to this experiment, and then carried the naked little Lolita into the bathroom.

He was going to help Huiyuan take a bath, help him wash off the sweat from his body, and then use the hair dryer to dry his hair.

Mori Kogoro put little Lori on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

Originally Kogoro Mori planned to stay with her in Huiyuan's room, but just now Xiaolan knocked on Huiyuan's door again and sent a text message.

So you can't stay here for too long.

He kissed Hui Yuan's forehead, then stood up and said, "I'll go find Xiao Lan, Xiao Ai, you should rest here, uncle will come to you later!"

"En!" Huiyuan replied sweetly, but his face was full of tiredness.

This experiment exhausted her a lot. After Mori Kogoro left, little Loli couldn't help but close her eyes and fell asleep.


Sonoko just came out of the bathroom, she was wearing a mask, but was shocked to find that all the lights in the room were turned off.

"What's the matter! Will this hotel still have a power outage? This is too bad!"

She groped the wall towards the light switch in the room, and soon, Sonoko touched a wet object with a little warmth, which seemed to be a muscle.

Soon Sonoko realized what it was, and the scream stopped abruptly.

Yuanzi's mouth was instantly covered by a big hand, and her neck was locked. She was held hostage by the burly man and dragged towards the balcony.

At this moment, Yuanzi's eyes were full of fear, tears were hanging from his eyelids, he was struggling desperately, his mouth was trying to bite the palm of this burly man, but it was of no avail.

She is like a little chicken, being pinched and walked away.

Her legs kept struggling, hitting the floor with a "dong dong" sound.

What are you doing?Why am I encountering such a thing?Is there anyone to rescue me?

Uncle Maori, Uncle Maori, I haven't been with you yet, how could I just die like this!

At this moment, the door of Sonoko's room was kicked and fell down, and the majestic Mori Kogoro appeared at the door.

Kogoro Mori rushed in immediately when he saw the scene inside.

Just passing by Sonoko's room, Mori Kogoro just heard Sonoko's half-scream, and suddenly became suspicious.

Then he put his ear on the door to eavesdrop, and soon heard the sound of legs knocking on the floor from inside, he reacted immediately, and broke into the door directly.

Then I saw the scene of Yuanzi being dragged away.

When the gangster saw someone rushing in, a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

He let go of his right hand covering Yuanzi, and reached for the dagger at his waist.

With a flash of cold light, the dagger instantly drew an arc and stabbed at the coughing Yuanzi's atrium.

Mori Kogoro's eyes flickered coldly, his whole body exploded with speed, and the floor under his feet cracked piece by piece due to the reaction force.

Yuanzi only saw that Uncle Mao Li, who had descended from the sky, rushed to him like a bolt of lightning, and grabbed something tightly.

Only then did Yuanzi realize what that thing was, it was a dagger.

Mori Kogoro's left hand tightly grasped the blade, and blood oozes from the palm.

The burly man kept exerting his strength, trying to cut out Kogoro Mori's palm with the dagger, but the dagger didn't budge.

He quickly let go of the dagger, trying to escape towards the balcony.

But in front of Maori Kogoro, running away is a complete joke.

Mori Kogoro, whose speed exploded again, rushed to the side of the big man.

A half-step Bengquan punched out from his right hand.

Under the huge bombardment, the whole body of the big man flew towards the wall.

Hit people like a painting!

Boom together!Twelve Bending Forces tormented the big man's body, finally whistling out, the wall instantly sank into a human figure, and countless cracks appeared.

The body of the big man was embedded on the wall, spitting blood, and he looked seriously injured.

Chapter 0066 The Garden of Violence

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